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  1. H

    Laminate Floors And Fish Tanks

    Laminate is less expensive than hard wood and it is less expensive than cork, but it looks very nice and it is a good choice. I am going to do the same thing in the room that I have my two tanks this 2011 summer, but of course I'll put a rubber mat in front of the aquariums in case there is a...
  2. H

    Water Changes And Sterilizer

    I'll have to wait for a month or so as I am currently setting up a tank which has a sterilizer and a canister. I'll start planting soon, but so far the water has stayed very clear, yet as was said, the water contains nutrients that need to be replenished.
  3. H

    Canister Use In A Salt Environment

    So it does help to have both? I see that my freshwater tank is nice and clean with the canister and I'll try to hook up the other tank the same way, but than I'll add some live rock, and what else, a protein skimmer. Than I should be set. I will also have a UV Sterilizer. That is what I might go...
  4. H

    Canister Use In A Salt Environment

    I am aware that live rock is used as a filter source, even a primary filter source in a salt tank, but is it possible to use a canister, or even a canister in addition to some live rock. I have two aquariums, and I am willing to try out a salt tank for the very first time. Can or should I use a...
  5. H

    Water Changes And Sterilizer

    Do you find that a UV Sterilizer leads to less frequent water changes? I have a sterilizer set up. I've done it in the past in order to reduce an algae bloom (and it worked), but this time I'm leaving it on all of the time. Is anyone aware if a sterilizer makes a difference somehow related to...
  6. H

    My Bedroom Setup

    That is a professional looking tank. You could have a job doing that I would imagine if you are that good. I started a couple of years ago with a fresh water 120 gallon tank. I have grown a couple basic plants with only two florescent bulbs, but what you have there is one well organized tank. It...
  7. H

    Completely New Tank

    There is one thing that I would use a small tank for. I'd take a 3 or 4 gallon tank and fill it with water from a main tank, and I'd take one of the gold fish or whatever type that is able to handle cooler temperature, and I'd put one in that tank and transport it to where I wanted a fish to be...
  8. H

    Completely New Tank

    That tanks is so small that it would be difficult to do much with it. You could keep two small fish.
  9. H

    Slowing Filter Flow Rate

    I am just setting up a 120 gallon, and this is what I meant about a piece of wood being used to break up a current. The filter creates a fairly substantial current but this piece of wood breaks it up. You can also throw on more attachment pieces to the end of the output that reduces the pressure...
  10. ph5.jpg


  11. H

    Brown Algae

    I have had green algae blooming in the past, but after I added a UV Sterilizer it cleared up. Than I went to less lighting, and that was an even better solution because the fresh water plants still grew perfectly well with less light. I simply had too much light, but the algae was green, rather...
  12. H

    Slowing Filter Flow Rate

    A large piece of drift wood placed underneath the output would disrupt any current. I have a similar situation. I'd rather have the larger filter as well and that way I don't have to clean it as frequently. With my setup, there are frogs that hide underneath the drift wood because it provides a...
  13. H

    Eheim 2080

    I now have both inputs running. I had to shorten one of them but I added that piece onto the output end. Google did not help. I tried google first but as soon as the wording: two outputs was seen, it made sense. I wasn't sure because there are some setups that use an overflow and maybe one of...
  14. H

    Eheim 2080

    That is the diagram that I wanted to find in the instruction manual (a huge book written in many different langauges) but that diagram is not there in the booklet that came with the filter. Well the filter is working but like I said, I only have one inflow functioning unless I mess around and...
  15. H

    Eheim 2080

    That is what I needed to know. The instruction manual is not clear on that. It is running, although it only uses one of the inputs. I had two going at the same time, but you need to run the unit at full speed or else it will stop flowing, so now I have one input working and the unit turned on...
  16. H

    Eheim 2080

    On my other eheim there is an input and an output hose, but on the eheim 2080 these is also a middle hose. What do I do with the middle hose? Do I run it into the tank?