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  1. Cary14

    Sick Eel?

    Sorry i was wrong my tank is 22 gallons, worked it out wrong! Still ive just bought a 350 litre tank so ill be changing it soon. I found out what the problem was, my eel started laying eggs shortly after and hasnt really stopped since! So panic over! But cheers for the help all much...
  2. Cary14

    Help! Third Cory Death!

    I had this problem when i first started my current tank! two thirds of my fish died. My levels tested fine as well. When i went to the shop however they said my ph was around 9 which is lethal over long periods. It was down to the gravel i was using, it was a limestone base and was raising the...
  3. Cary14

    My Pleco Changed Colour?

    Ahhh sounds like good news to me then!!! Cheers for the help as well!!
  4. Cary14

    My Pleco Changed Colour?

    Ive had my pleco about 3 months now, and when i first bought it the colour was a light brown colour. He now spends a lot of the time feeding of te piece of bogwood i put in the tank, and now he seems to be camoflauged to match it?? Is this usual?
  5. Cary14

    Sick Eel?

    I took some pics of the eel, see if it helps with identifying the problem!! When i bought the eels and the knife fish i was told by the shop owner that my tank would be sufficient it didnt take me long to find out using various web forums that it definately wasn't!! Im trying to buy a tank...
  6. Cary14

    New Fish For Tropical Community

    What about some rams?? dutch or electric blue?? Colourful and good community fish??
  7. Cary14

    Heater Making A Loud Buzzing Noise?

    Yea id change the heater! It could be a thermostat problem constantly goin in and out, but that would be more of a chatter than a buzz!!
  8. Cary14

    Sick Eel?

    Tank has been set up for about 4 months The eels about 6 weeks roughly tank is 11 gallon but the eels are still juveniles and im hoping to upgrade to a bigger tank over the festive period. I have in there currently 2 ghost knife fish 3 platys 1 molly 1 electric blue ram 1 plec and the two...
  9. Cary14

    Sick Eel?

    Firstly hi everyone!! Right this week has been a nightmare for my tank! firstly here are my tank stats ph. 7.0 nitrite 0 ppm amonia 0 ppm nitrate 30ppm - cant seem to get this down tho!!!! (feeding less, bought plants, more frequent water changes) Right monday one of my dalmation mollies...
  10. Cary14

    Worried About My Eel!

    Firstly hi everyone!! Right this week has been a nightmare for my tank! firstly here are my tank stats ph. 7.0 nitrite 0 ppm amonia 0 ppm nitrate 30ppm - cant seem to get this down tho!!!! (feeding less, bought plants, more frequent water changes) Right monday one of my dalmation mollies...