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  1. FishAreFriendsNotFood10

    Nitrate Test Kit

    Salifert rules!
  2. FishAreFriendsNotFood10

    My Puddle

    i like the scape dude :)
  3. FishAreFriendsNotFood10

    Aquamarine 900 Journal - My First Marine Tank

    lets hope so ! think im moving out soon so i won't be stocking until the tanks in the new house and rebuilt. More challenges ahead it seems. Gobies fine now and seems he's made a full recovery :)
  4. FishAreFriendsNotFood10

    Tmc V Skim 400 Protein Skimmer, Rio 2100 Pump.

    does it make massive waves? :P .... its always handy to have though if your upgrading
  5. FishAreFriendsNotFood10

    Aquamarine 900 Journal - My First Marine Tank

    Nope as I loaded the nutra plus in and left the syringe in the fridge as I normally do.
  6. FishAreFriendsNotFood10

    Aquamarine 900 Journal - My First Marine Tank

    Plans fish wise are the same... I thought my setup through thoroughly before and picked my fav fish :P Could be anything tbh I've exhausted all viable options and there no 1 definite answer it seems just speculation. You'll see me around soon :)
  7. FishAreFriendsNotFood10

    Aquamarine 900 Journal - My First Marine Tank

    Small update: still no wiser on my nuke, but my goby is out and about today eating which is a strong sign. Thanks again to everyone for the support :)
  8. FishAreFriendsNotFood10

    Aquamarine 900 Journal - My First Marine Tank

    Thanks to all who have sent me their support I'm still about and still tryin hard to find the cause. I'm unconvinced its caulepra now as there was no "Soup of cloud". This basically happened in a two hour period from 11pm when my lights went off too 1am when my mum found them dead.... I've...
  9. FishAreFriendsNotFood10

    Aquamarine 900 Journal - My First Marine Tank

    Seems you could be correct here my LFS thinks you are anyways. I've pretty much ripped it off the rock it was on... Seems likely as the right hand side of the tank where my fish swim (apart from my goby who has a cave on the left) is where ur caulepra is based.
  10. FishAreFriendsNotFood10

    Aquamarine 900 Journal - My First Marine Tank

    Water test results are as follows Salinity- 1.025 Ammonia-0 Nitrite-0 Nitrate-trace... Nothing near even 2ppm I'm probably over critical on this Phosphate-0 Calcium- 455 Alkalinity- 12.0 Magnesium-1325 Ph-8.0 My 2 LFS are Suprised by this also they wouldn't think a jammed powerhead could kill...
  11. FishAreFriendsNotFood10

    Aquamarine 900 Journal - My First Marine Tank

    Unknown to how it jammed but the noise was horrific, I can only gauge that the vibrations disrupted the lateral line of fish causing stress and death? As none of my corals have been affected whatsoever. I'm goin down to my LFS in 2 hours for a full test.. However it's unlikely they have any more...
  12. FishAreFriendsNotFood10


    Please read my journal for more info.... Couldnt be more devastated right now feel sick!
  13. FishAreFriendsNotFood10

    Aquamarine 900 Journal - My First Marine Tank

    Well a devastating night for me and possibly my last ever post for a while, many of you will probably think I'm a #105### fish keeper and flame me for this... But I don't really care tbh no feeling comes even close to how i feel now. Story: I spent the night at my girlfriends as I regularly do...
  14. FishAreFriendsNotFood10

    Aquamarine 900 Journal - My First Marine Tank

    I can remove if it really is pest like... It's 180 litres I've been assured that conch will be fine though.
  15. FishAreFriendsNotFood10

    Aquamarine 900 Journal - My First Marine Tank

    Like with scissors? I shud get my google on bt I'll leave it to the experts :P Nothing else to say on my new goodies? Hmm...
  16. FishAreFriendsNotFood10

    He Has Dropped A Bombshell

    Im getting my mrs a lil 30litre tank for our new house so I know all about the wrapped around the finger thing :P It's always good to have a skimmer tbh I wouldn't do without mine, may help keep things stable in your lil tank too :) how much live rock did you want to add?
  17. FishAreFriendsNotFood10

    Welcome Back Lljdma06!

    welcome back i guessss jk llj!
  18. FishAreFriendsNotFood10

    Aquamarine 900 Journal - My First Marine Tank

    soo i got some spare time and got my crappy phone camera out ... really want a compact! grrr money why do i never have enough :P this was my caulerpa racemora on the 16th and heres it 14 days later... holy poo poo! :P erm advice? lol new additions "tiger sand conch" or strombus sp...
  19. FishAreFriendsNotFood10

    Just So You Know

    on the cute invert front i love "sexy shrimps" they are totally wicked :P
  20. FishAreFriendsNotFood10

    60L Nano Reef Journal

    oh dear! hope helen sorts it for you... a few days in a dark van with no heat :/
  21. FishAreFriendsNotFood10

    He Has Dropped A Bombshell

    love the cheeky pun :P and so happy you can make a start on your marine journey i know how enthusiastic you are :) im sure when u get it going the urge to go bigger will happen its inevitable
  22. FishAreFriendsNotFood10

    Aquamarine 900 Journal - My First Marine Tank

    Got some new goodies today :) may post pics later! 1 slight thing though my green macro algae (caulerpa racemosa) is growing like wildfire, now I'm sure this is brilliant for nutriet exports however it's abit erm unsightly :P and I was wondering about trimming it? Mite have to serious...
  23. FishAreFriendsNotFood10

    Aquamarine 900 Journal - My First Marine Tank

    Mines opening as we speak after 5 hours In my tank looks brilliant !!! :)
  24. FishAreFriendsNotFood10

    Pearls Of The Antilles... Llj's Planted Marine

    Mine do that all the time -_- got 4 shroom heads scattered around the tank because they outgrew the rock they were on and decided to hike it out around my tank :P
  25. FishAreFriendsNotFood10

    Aquamarine 900 Journal - My First Marine Tank

    Lookin at a chili coral hmmm :P And lol old man Neil is back on form !
  26. FishAreFriendsNotFood10

    Reccomend Me Some Nps

    Oh I read it wrong lol didn't see the point thought it said 15 gallons lol umm my carnation tree coral is pretty big too tbh, although mines a colony... I don't know much about frags :/
  27. FishAreFriendsNotFood10

    16L Pico Reef

    Love this little tank :P inspiring!
  28. FishAreFriendsNotFood10

    Reccomend Me Some Nps

    I'm willing to recommend some but I'll also pre warn you they need loads of direct feeds for survival :P I have a carnation tree coral (dendronephyta sp) there are various varieties of these of which my favourite has to be the red sea.. Mine however looks like its from the Maldives. I also...
  29. FishAreFriendsNotFood10

    Aquamarine 900 Journal - My First Marine Tank

    Nah ainsy :P check post above the 1 you replied too ;)
  30. FishAreFriendsNotFood10

    Aquamarine 900 Journal - My First Marine Tank

    Actually had to google "a man in his dotage" how old are you :P
  31. FishAreFriendsNotFood10

    Aquamarine 900 Journal - My First Marine Tank

    Have you updated your journal with pics? :) 1 vote for frogspawn noted :P
  32. FishAreFriendsNotFood10

    Aquamarine 900 Journal - My First Marine Tank

    Suggestion noted :) as you are aware I am very chemically aware hehe my external handles it all!
  33. FishAreFriendsNotFood10

    Aquamarine 900 Journal - My First Marine Tank

    Hmm what kinda of lps? Yeh on the fish front he's on a small lil dude won't impact my bioload or disrupt stuff :)
  34. FishAreFriendsNotFood10

    Surprised What I Heard At My Main Aquatic Shop...

    get a deltec MCE and be done with it :P
  35. FishAreFriendsNotFood10

    Aquamarine 900 Journal - My First Marine Tank

    they host my powerhead at night... sit in the cup -_- lol. Any ideas you wana throw in at the middle of my tank? just incase anyone has forgot i have 4x compact t5s and aquabeam 600s.
  36. FishAreFriendsNotFood10

    Beginner! Completely!

    i just did a quick fleebay search on hydor koralias and there really are some bargains to be had especially on the evolution 1400 pumps... that skimmer you linked is a Sump skimmer though? Search for something like Hang on Back skimmer, i like the reviews i read on the aquamedic turbofloater...
  37. FishAreFriendsNotFood10

    Aquamarine 900 Journal - My First Marine Tank

    Fineeee here you go... New addition (going back to basics now for abit) Green Star Polyps if im not mistaken, abit undercoloured and battered hence why i got them so cheap :P but ill bring their colour out. me being diverse i thought i'd suprise you all with a picture of my own basic...
  38. FishAreFriendsNotFood10

    Beginner! Completely!

    Dont mind that old timer MOD above meg hes abit slow ;)