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  1. S

    Oldest fish you ever had?

    :) How do you live without this forum? lol It's not possible is it?
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    Oldest fish you ever had?

    What's the oldest fish you have ever had?
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    Are these fish compatible?

    Okay. So the others are compatible? What about the rainbow fish, with the bala sharks? Since they can grow up to 12 to 16 inches.
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    Stocking Density Calculator

    The url: Does it look like it's accurate?
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    Are these fish compatible?

    This is research . . . kind of a dream tank. As big as it needs to be. I just wondered if the fish were compatible.
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    Are these fish compatible?

    I'm going to write a list of fish if someone could tell me which ones are compatible with the majority, specifically the bala. Bala Shark Opaline Gourami Angels Pearl Gourami Rainbow Shark Tiger Pleco Giant Danio Green Zebra Barbs Boesemani Rainbow Celebes Rainbow The rainbows (at three...
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    Random Questions

    :) Yeah, the platies and bettas in the store don't seem to get along, so I just wondered. Thanks.
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    Random Questions

    Oh I am so sorry. I intended on posting this in the other thread, but I had this one open. :( I don't know how to move threads. cutechic thank you for the reply. I appreciate it. Koda, does your betta and platy get along? No fin nipping?
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    Random Questions

    These are just questions I can't find the answer for. 1. Is fish tuberculosis common? And is it easily transmitted to humans? This really makes me worried when my fish are sick and I can't enjoy them when I'm paranoid. A personality flaw of mine, lol. 2. Also, I have almost two inches of...
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    Help Diagnosing Fish

    Thanks for replying Michelle. EDIT: Just in case anyone is interested, a treatment for parastes eliminated most behaviors.
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    Help Diagnosing Fish

    I have three platys in a ten gallon tank. I have not check any parameters other than nitrites/nitrates. According to these tests strips, there are no nitrites or nitrates. I don't know how accurate the tests are. Anyway, my one platy has something pretty much transparent on his eye, but you...
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    Help with Diagnosis and Treatment

    I should give the product at least a week before I try another though, shouldn't I? lol I'll keep doing water changes and see if that helps.
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    Is "Ick Away" a good product?

    Hmm, I hope this works. I admit, I've only given it three days but my fish are fying. I believe from bad water quality. Supposedly medications kill the beneficial bacteria, but the ich kills the fish, so it's an impossible cycle.
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    Is "Ick Away" a good product?

    Is "Ick Away" a good product? It doesn't seem to be helping.
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    Help with Diagnosis and Treatment

    Down to four. I didn't try any cycling. I hadn't intended on getting ten fish at once. I'm doing the water changes now but no change.
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    Help with Diagnosis and Treatment

    Well, a couple more have died. I'm wondering if it's the meds. I'm using Ick Away. Anyway I forgot to mention a symptom. They are doing an exaggerated swimming motion, kind of swimming in place. Does this have anything to do with Ick?
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    can't get cured

    Can you use a carbon filter if it's older than a week?
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    Help with Diagnosis and Treatment

    Okay, thank you. I thought my water conditions were good. I guess not.
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    Help with Diagnosis and Treatment

    Another question. Can I reuse the same charcoal filter after treating for ich or do I need to use a new one?
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    Help with Diagnosis and Treatment

    I don't have an undergravel filter. What do you use to vacuum the gravel? I have a Pulsar Hydro-clean gravel cleaner. It says to do quick up and down motion to get it pumping, but I had no luck with that. I couldn't get it going. Back to the topic of the fish. I lost the one that was...
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    Help with Diagnosis and Treatment

    Are fifty percent water changes daily not a little too much? And am I supposed to or not supposed to disturb the gravel? If I do disturb the gravel, will it cause a bacterial bloom or something?
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    Help with Diagnosis and Treatment

    The tank has been running . . . I think three weeks before I put the fish in. I didn't want to get the fish so quickly, but the order came in earlier than expected. I use a bio-wheel filteration with carbon filters. Could well water be to blame for them getting the ich in the first place...
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    Help with Diagnosis and Treatment

    I don't know my water parameters. Yeah, I'm an idiot and haven't tested my water. I have one fish with many white spots all over his body and maybe one other with the same, but fewer and only around the fins and head. The infected fish are lathargic, fins are somewhat clamped, the signs of...