Help Diagnosing Fish


New Member
May 23, 2004
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I have three platys in a ten gallon tank. I have not check any parameters other than nitrites/nitrates. According to these tests strips, there are no nitrites or nitrates. I don't know how accurate the tests are.

Anyway, my one platy has something pretty much transparent on his eye, but you can see it sticking out from the lens when front on. No signs of external parasites, that I'm seeing. None of the other fish has anything on them, but . . .

All of the fish occasionally have these fits, where they dash about (flashing) and run into things. I haven't found anything that triggers it, i.e. lights coming on. Also, the more submissive platy is always hiding, which is normal for her, but lately she has seemed to become paler.

The thing that worries me about her is that she comes to eat and acts normal, but when she grabs a piece of the flake food, she spits it out. Then she goes after it again, and spits it out again, etc., until she finally loses interest in it. So as far as I know, she has eaten in a few days, even though she tries.

Though their fins are up most of the time (sometimes they act worst than others, fins somewhat clamped, never completely flat), they do act somewhat stressed. I just know it, they just don't act the same. Occasionally, they have heavy gill movement, but I believe that's only when they go after each other or the lights come on suddenly. And of course after their flashing fits or whatever they are.

Okay, I hope that enough information, but I'm almost sure I left something out. Thanks in advance for any help.

Hmmm a mystery indeed....they do definitely sound stressed, maybe they have some kind of external parasite that's too small to see? I really don't know I'm sorry but hopefully someone else can help you....The eye thing really baffles me. Don't worry too much about the not eating much - fish can survive up to 3 wks without food. At the moment it's more important to find out why they're so stressed than to worry too much about the not eating - at least she's still interested in feeding so that's a positive sign.

Sorry I can't be more helpful but goodluck.
Thanks for replying Michelle.

EDIT: Just in case anyone is interested, a treatment for parastes eliminated most behaviors.

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