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  1. L

    Fish Flicking, Swimming Erraticaly, Mainly After The Light Switched Of

    So I had water checked again and they haven´t find anything. I was told the chap which checks the water will be there the next day, so I left the water there...... so I don´t know if any parasite can live in that water till the next day. They offered anti-parasitick treatment and...
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    Fish Flicking, Swimming Erraticaly, Mainly After The Light Switched Of

    I still think it is parasites, u can´t see anything on the fish, but the things I am finding in the siphoned water (from the gravel) - small dark brown short, thin things (I would say something came out of it) and when I siphone the water out it is usualy about day or day and half and I guess...
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    Fish Flicking, Swimming Erraticaly, Mainly After The Light Switched Of

    and one more thing botias do that flicking a lot now, a lot.... it is very distressing to see silver dollar and botias in this state, but you see I changed water again (always siphon it)now it was after 4 days (this time only 40 %) and they were perfect for about 1 day. The thing is in last 5...
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    Fish Flicking, Swimming Erraticaly, Mainly After The Light Switched Of

    I don´t know if I mentioned it, but in last weeks both botias. macr. (I have 2)do it now and you can see maybe 1 or 2 harlequins and 1 cherry barb.... also did I mention that after all this time with these horrible behaviour (almost looks like some parasites bothering them, but u can´t see...
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    Fish Flicking, Swimming Erraticaly, Mainly After The Light Switched Of

    Ok. I bought nitrite, nitrate, amonia/c liquid tests (very expensive here 58 euro - all of them bought separately I didn't find all tests together) and all is very good regarding that. Amonia the best posible outcome - it says healthy enviroment for fish (something like that) - the colour I had...
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    Male Silver Dollar Laying Eggs? Or What Could It Be?

    I am little-bit silver dollar, (I had 3 for 10 months and 2 of them died 3 months ago)... has been laying eggs (they were just falling out - only several seconds apart - quite fast). There is a lot of these eggs in the gravel now. My first question is: How is it possible - he has...
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    Silver Dollar Pregnant - How?

    Also forgot to say that I bought my 3 silver dollars one year ago - I have now 1 left (the biggest one) and the other 2 died 3 monts ago.... Lucc
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    Silver Dollar Pregnant - How?

    Hi everybody, this is what happend.... I have 1 silver dollar - male (has partialy red anal fin) and there was other 2 in tank 3 monthes ago (died).... all with red colour in anal fin. Yesterday as I was watching my last biggest silver dollar - there was eggs coming out of him constantly with...
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    Hi Often To Vacuum The Gravel?

    Thanks again. I have never bought anything on e-bay and I am worried "a little" about buying on the internet, let alone e-bay (only bought plane tickets.... on internet...) :( but I know I will have to as I don¨t have any other option.. Thanks Lucc
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    Looking For Company Selling Liquid Test Kits In Canary Islands

    Hi guys have problem to get hold of complete liquid testers (have ph liquid tester) including amonia, nitrite, nitrate, for reasonable price in Canary islands, does anybody know a site I could buy from (reliable, good price, safe site preferably Canary Islands or if not any...).... thanks very...
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    Fish Flicking, Swimming Erraticaly, Mainly After The Light Switched Of

    Thank you, I can sea I do have to buy proper test kit... can u recommend any site u have a good experience with? Does anybody know if there is a good company in Canary Islands which would also send it to me and are reliable and the site is safe? Thanks Lucc.
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    Fish Flicking, Swimming Erraticaly, Mainly After The Light Switched Of

    Hi I am changig water for 3 month now..... every 3rd day 50-70% sometimes more often.... I have already described everything in posting Silver Dollar dying in November.... Treated fish with multicure 2 monthes ago. Have only strip testers - all Ok(but there is no amonia/c on the tester), I am...
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    Algae And Water Quality?

    Thanks a lot it is green colour algae... Lucc Thanks a lot.... Lucc Thanks a lot..... Lucc :) :)
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    Algae And Water Quality?

    Hi - sometimes I keep algae on the back glass of the tropical fish aquarium.... it is difficult to acces it to clean it.... Is it making the quality of the water bad? What is the possible side effect? Thanks very much Lucc.
  15. L

    Cuttleshell Found On The Beach

    Ok. thanks a lot. One more thing ..... I can sea the cuttlefish actualy floats (I am still soaking it to get rid of the salt).... so I guess the best thing would be to put some gravel on top to hold it down? Thanks Lucc
  16. L

    Cuttleshell Found On The Beach

    Thanks a lot for your answer, feel much better about it now!!! Lucc Thanks for your advice!!! Can't wait to see if mine will eat it or not :)... Lucc
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    Cuttleshell Found On The Beach

    Thans a lot - that is great advice..... I have in my tank botias macr., silver dollar, harlequins,punteus titt. - is it ok for them too to put cuttlefish in? That is my only other question, which I should have ask already before... and thank you again!!! Lucc
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    Cuttleshell Found On The Beach

    Hi everybody, as I didn't recieve any help or advice in "snail" section, I will aks here.... I have found cuttlefish shell on the beach (apparently birds like it too) and because I have very soft water and have new snail - I heard advice to put it in aquarium (bought from per store). Can I put...
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    Hi Often To Vacuum The Gravel?

    Thanks again, it is very expensive here, amonium tester (just that) 17,90 eur!!!! Lucc
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    Hi Often To Vacuum The Gravel?

    Is it safe to buy something like that on ebay? Have never bought anything on ebay - I know it gets lot of recognition.... or which other internet site/or fish accesories company you would buy from (safe and reliable) and have a good experience with? Thanks to everyone for your answers... Lucc
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    Cuttleshell Found On The Beach

    Hi I have found 3 cuttleshell on the beach - can I put it in my aquarium (water too soft I have I apple snail - new)? Also found some shells and these clusteres (some white - some beige) as hard as a stone - is it faceas of shells(similar thing as a coral)? Can I put it in the aquarium - is it...
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    Water Too Soft For Snails?

    Thanks again for the advice, also I have this question now.... I went to beach picked up shells and also these cluster looking things (white and some are beige)- I understand that these are the hardened shell or other creatures feaces - they are as hard as a stone - can I use it for my...
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    Hi Often To Vacuum The Gravel?

    Thank you - it is a great read!!! Changed my opinion totaly about the whole bacteria thing.... Now what do you - anybody - think about such products as Easy-Balance - for example.... does it serve anything? I use it with every change of water ..... thank you Lucc. Thanks Katty!!! and...
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    Hi Often To Vacuum The Gravel?

    And one more thing - good luck with the filter maintenance..... Lucc :fish:
  25. L

    Hi Often To Vacuum The Gravel?

    Thank you Katty again. Apreciate your help and advice :) . Last night we changed around 70% the day before around 45% - the fish have still very good appetite - thanks to the often water change I think. Will leave it for now and watch the fish... The test kit - liquid one costs 120 euro here, I...
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    Hi Often To Vacuum The Gravel?

    Thank you - this helps a lot. Feel better about the whole thing. They do charge 120 euro fot this kit - it is a lot at the moment.... I will see - maybe I will buy just amonia test separately for now.
  27. L

    Hi Often To Vacuum The Gravel?

    Hi Katty, thanks very much, that helps a lot - I also allways vaccume with each water change till last couple of times (worried about the bacteria). It that cycle is broken - which looks like it to me (the symptomes as I described in mysterious problem with the fish and also in november silver...
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    Hi Often To Vacuum The Gravel?

    It is cycled, but about 3 months ago I started taking the whole filter system out of the water when changing the water in the tank:-(. I don´t do that anymore.... Maybe that is what the whole problem caused. I have strip tests and they showing all is ok, but everybody says to use the liquid...
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    Hi Often To Vacuum The Gravel?

    Hi, as I have constant problems (last 3 months) with the water - have to change all the time - I also vacuum every two weeks - lately even more often.... Is it wrong to vacuum (siphon) the water often - Am I maybe destroying the good bacteria in the gravel? How often should it be done? Thank...
  30. L

    Water Too Soft For Snails?

    Thanks very much for your advice - as we live by the sea - will pick up some shells and boil them for littlebit before putting them in aquarium - also will get hold of that cuttleshell in the pet store and thinking about the limestone and crushed coral maybe for the filter - does it matter where...
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    Water Too Soft For Snails?

    Hi we have very soft water - 0 - it is desalinated water - there is no other on this island. I just have bought 1 apple snail. I put some charcoal - at the moment only little - to make the water harder. Can this work? Is it safe for fish? My botias are putting it in their mouths when digging in...
  32. L

    Snail And Fish - Water Very Soft I Put Charcoal Dirrectly In The Grave

    Hi another question. I have a new snail. But my water - it is desalinated water - there is no other saurce of water on this island. So I am worrie that my new snail will have a problem with forming the shell. So I put some new charcoal which is for the filter and put it directly in the gravel -...
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    Mysterious Problem With Fish

    Hi - I was replying - longer reply about my plan and asking your opinions and when almost finish everything desapeared and I lost the whole posting!!! :( Ok. again.... The fish have no spots or anything visible at all - look very healthy. Eat very well. The local "fish" shop - they don't test...
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    Help.. Air Stone

    Hi I have similar experience with the airstone - I can't even turn it down - they display they are not well if I do.... and I have to a filtr with flow on the top of the water.... Lucc
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    Mysterious Problem With Fish

    Thanks Wilder, do you think the tank is overstocked? The harlequins and punteus titteya are very small fish - punt.titt. up to 5 cm (they didn´t reach it yet - they are around 3 cm now and I have 4 of them) and harleq. up to 4cm (I don´t think all 10 of them reached it yet if any) botias are...
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    Mysterious Problem With Fish

    Hi Wilder - thanks for your posting. 100l tank, 1 silver dollar, 10 harlequins, 4 punteus titteya, 2 botias macracanthus. They are OK now, but it doesn´t last - lately 2-3 days - they are ok after water change, the symptomes are: erratic and fast swimming, they eat well - (silver dollar eats a...
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    Silver Dollar Water Changing Frecuency

    I have just read in one of the postings that someone changes watter every 2-3 days because of Discus fish. Could be my silver dollar in the same bracket - that the changes have to be so often? Lucc
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    Mysterious Problem With Fish

    I have got feeling that they told me in the petshop that they don't test watter. I will ask again, but if they don't it is time to get the hell out of this island!!! If the strips are not accurate and the watter levels is not good what shall I do, to keep changing watter every 3 days "forever"...
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    Corrections Regarding Mysterious Fish Problem

    OK. I unwillingly missled regarding two things: 1. I am testing since 11. december 2010 (but the levels on the strip show nitrites, nitrates,ph all ok since I am using the test strips and fish are displaying all the symptomes as I...