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  1. J

    Lets Help Newcomers!

    Dont leave zucchini for your Pleco to eat in the tank over night.
  2. J

    Bad Smell In Tank.

    Its currently a bare bottom tank so no sand or rocks. And the carbon is under 2 weeks old.
  3. J

    Bad Smell In Tank.

    I doubt its dead things considering i've change the water and remove rocks etc. and yes it is a carbon filter. I have changed foods also about 3 times but the smell just returns.
  4. J

    Bad Smell In Tank.

    I stinks the whole room out, you dont have to put your face by it to smell it.
  5. J

    Bad Smell In Tank.

    So I have recently been getting this really bad smell in my guppy fry tank, its horrible, since it started I have done full water changes 3 times and that only keeps the smell away for about 3 days before it comes back. I have scrubbed down all my ornaments and remove all my rocks that layer the...
  6. J

    Sand Bottoming Guppy Fry Tank?

    So recently I've been having problems with my rocks that are the base of the tank, they stink a lot and this is the second time its happened and i've had to buy new rocks. It just happened again and I need to get more stones for it and I was thinking about sand bottoms (which is a subject i've...
  7. J

    Whats Your Occupation ?

    Im still in my first year in secondary school, so it will be a while before im anything other than a student XD But in the future I wish to join the navy as one of there helicopter pilots (don't say thats airforce, our airforce only use planes, the navy have the helicopter.
  8. J

    Tank Of The Month - August 2010

    Voted Mattlee, love it!
  9. J

    Do You Guys Use Breeder Traps?

    I used to use them just to let my fry live in until there big enough to be released into the tank, but i've never had them born in it.
  10. J

    Pictures Of My New Tank

    Oh wow, great improvement its looking nice.
  11. J

    Fish Noob Need Help With Tank

    Just since im nosy, what did you receive in your kit? Are you sure the salt isn't like epsom salt or something?
  12. J

    Fish Noob Need Help With Tank

    Tropical will probably mean fresh water with the heater :)
  13. J

    Over Crowding

    So today, after receiving a large amount of guppies to look after from my grandpa who is going on holiday, I now have severe overcrowding, Im going to get rid of some and I have a few questions. 1. Is there any gender that I should specifically get rid of more than otheres? 2. What are some...
  14. J

    You Must All Have A 'fishy' Tale To Tell

    I dont know, I just pushed it towards the bottom and it just swam underneath it but it was to late to stop :(
  15. J

    Breeders Tank Of The Month?

    So ll these winners have beautiful tank setups that are either marine or planted, I think we should have a Breeders setup of the month or something. If your like me, I breed things so my tanks don't look really beautiful so entering this is just stupid, just my idea.
  16. J

    My Guppy Breeding Set Up

    Yeah, im thinking of constructing myself a new tank sometime soon, at the moment Im not to worried though as this is just a hobby not a business or anything.
  17. J

    You Must All Have A 'fishy' Tale To Tell

    I accidentally chopped my pleco in half once with my cleaning pump :( :( :(
  18. J

    Hi From Australia

    Hello from over the ditch :D Im a guppy breeder aswell and its so fun I know why your into it.
  19. J

    New Member Here :d

    Im selling them quite cheap at the moment and I want it to stay that way, im not really in it for profit just for fun.
  20. J

    New Member Here :d

    At the moment im just selling them to breeders because the ones I have breed like crazy XD There more along the lines of pet store ones, but im receiving some show ones today.
  21. J

    New Member Here :d

    So im new her, joined yesterday. Im from New Zealand and I breed guppies and sell them on our countries main auction website. Im also right into rugby, playing for my cities provincial team ans well as my school. I currently house, Guppies (Adults and fry)and a Pleco today I will be receiving a...
  22. J

    My Guppy Breeding Set Up

    I think i'll try to keep him as long as I can, I really like him :(
  23. J

    My Beautiful Pleco

    Hes so beautiful and magnificent, and can someone tell me what kind he is? Hes getting to big though so I think he may have to go :( He just lives with my adult guppy community.
  24. J

    My Guppy Breeding Set Up

    What do you guys think? I have 2 tanks one for my adults and one for my fry. Sorry for the not so great quality In the fry tank all those dotted things at the top are my fry.
  25. J

    My Guppy

    So I have recently just started selling off guppy fry and want them to be the best they can be to sell. In my adult tank I have 1 deformed guppy, he has that bent spine problem, I want to know what are the chances if he breeds his fry will be like that to? I don't want to kill him but I do have...