Search results

  1. Z

    Betta Face Injury?

    I've never actually seen it before but it sounds like your fish has sores. You'll probably want to do a 20% water change then start your little guy on some anit-Bacterial medication.
  2. Z

    Guppy Pregnant

    The pictures are really too blury to tell anything by, if you could try to get some better ones we'd probably be able to offer a bit more help. Heres a diagram of male/female platy comparisson, but you sex guppys the same way it's not the best but it'll help you to identify wheter it's a male or...
  3. Z

    Sick Guppy?

    Not sure where this post belonged so I just put it here :) I woke up this morning to find that one of my male guppys was looking a little smaller then usual, upom closer inspection I noticed that, unlike the rest of my guppy, his abdomen area was curved inward giving him a Lathargic/Anerxic sort...
  4. Z

    What Fish?

    Thanks, Will all these species thrive in a 35 gallon though? or are there some I should stay away from simply because of the size of my tank?
  5. Z

    The Bettas You Look Past

    When ever I see a Sickly, not to impressive betta I scoop him up fast, I just can't stand the idea of a poor animal thats done nothing to anyone, speding it's whole live in a pet store, without the attention and love it deserves, and I've always felt this way toward any animal... I'd risk my...
  6. Z

    What Fish?

    Wow, I've never heard of any of those, let alone seen them in any pet stores around here, do you know of any chain pet stores that might sell some of these fish? are they common? Thanks so much for your help :D
  7. Z

    What Fish?

  8. Z

    What Fish?

    I have a 35 Gallon freshwater Aquarium set up, with several guppies in it, recently I've decided to make this tank a Community tank and need some ideas of what fish i can keep together. My parents have had numerous community tanks, and are encouraging me to get into the hobby, but i wanted a...