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  1. M

    What Is This? Big Black-Yellow Beetle.

    Okay, my initial panic is over. It sure scared the crap out me! Google search was successful and just highlighted how poorly I searched the forums before posting. It looks alot like this: A dragonfly/damselfly nymph. I'll keep...
  2. M

    What Is This? Big Black-Yellow Beetle.

    Have just been cleaning out my stingray filter (Approx 6 months old and bought new). It hasnt been working well lately, and my tank has got quite dirty. I'm pulling out the filter pads and the phone rings. When I come back to the bucket, this beetle is walking around trying to hide. The small...
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  4. M

    Whats Wrong With This Platy? (Picture)

    Hi, thanks to all three of you! I've done two water changes and he picked up a bit. Still bloated though, so I wont hold my breath! What a shame :(
  5. M

    Whats Wrong With This Platy? (Picture)

    Hi, I'm wondering if anyone can identify what's wrong with my platy? It's a mature male in a well established tank. No new fish, but I did a routine water change last weekend. It looks a little bloated, but the weirdest part are its scales - which are all spiked out. Can anyone identify the...
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  7. M

    Unknown Insect (?) In Tank

    BackToTheFishes--> Great link! I never would have found that thread. Thanks very much!! Flagtail--> Yeah, I was thinking parasite, which is why I thought I'd post on here. But after a look on the 'Hitchhikers' thread, I'd say it was either the Clam shrimp but apparently that's uncommon, so...
  8. M

    Unknown Insect (?) In Tank

    So today I noticed something running along one of the larger pebbles I have in my tank. On closer inspection it looks like a beetle, but with no distinguishable head. Its too small to photograph unfortunately. It's less than 1mm, dome shaped, and a bright pearly white colour. Its a freshwater...
  9. M

    Molly With Black Spot

    Hiya, Any idea if she is fully mature? It's hard to judge size from the pictures. Regardless, the spot is bigger in the second picture. It looks like it could just be the natural colour of the fish developing, especially as she has black on her tail. Its not unusual for the colour of a fish to...
  10. M

    Norwich: Newborn Guppy Fry - Free To A Good Home

    Hi, I live in Norwich (NR4) and have two separate batches of guppy fry that are free to a good home. - 4 adolescent guppy fry approximately 4 weeks old, mixed sex, most over 1.5cm with colouring starting to appear. At this stage they are mostly yellow, mother is blue. Currently living amongst...
  11. M

    Help With A New Platy

    Hi, Just bought a male and female platy. They have literally been in my tank for about 3 hours, they were properly acclimatised over the course of 30 minutes, and released the same time as four neon tetras. Prior to them being added all I had in my tank were four guppies (2 male, 2 female)...
  12. M

    Guppy Classification

    Thanks that helps alot! It was worth a try, that should narrow it down a bit when I'm searching on the internet. Alas it was bought from a Pets At Home, the most they know at my local Pets At Home is to keep the fish wet. :shifty:
  13. M

    Guppy Classification

    Hi all, Just started up a new tank, and I'm interested in breeding guppies. I bought these two from Pets at Home, the male blue was the only blue male in the tank. It wasn't until I got home that I noticed the pink and green colouration on the males body. Is it a particular type or a one off...
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  15. M

    Norwich At All?

    I'm in Norwich too, and pretty new to keeping fish. I've been into Maidenhead a few times, I didn't even realise it was new! I had a quick chat with the guy running it, whilst he was doing me a free water test, he's been very patient with me, I went in 3 times for free water tests without buying...