Search results

  1. KeithV

    Undemanding Carpet Plants?

    I am fighting the same issue spectrum, the reason I think most carpeting plants need more light is the small leaves and the fact that they are very short so the light must penetrate to the bottom of the tank. The exception it seems is indeed a small list of plants. I personally want to try...
  2. KeithV

    My New Tank

    Thanks, I'm limited a bit until I can get better lighting, then I wanna grow some carpeting plants, maybe HC or is that too cliche'? :/
  3. KeithV

    Cory's Always On The Go

    I have 5 Sterbai Corys, they are real small, they are super active for long periods of time. They seem to be like that,so I think you are okay. Heres a video of them in the wild somewhere in the amazon basin. Titled Corydoras in the Amazon Have fun with them! These are quickly becoming one...
  4. KeithV

    My New Tank

    Questions? Hate it? Love it? Tell me what you think please.
  5. moss1.jpg


  6. KeithV

    Eucalyptus Wood

    I found a beautifull piece of wood...but its a twig from a Eucalyptus tree. (small) The wood is naturaly cured dry, but not rotten. Steps being taken: I boiled it for 2 hours last night after I removed the bark. Let it dry...sanded I am soaking it all day while I'm at work. Then...
  7. KeithV

    Java Moss

    I am buying this plant from multiple sources, as much as I can get for a moss tank project that myself and some friends are working on.No one has any of this that they want to part with? My lfs does not carry...
  8. KeithV


  9. KeithV

    Java Moss

    Hello, I would like to purchase a good quantity of Java moss. Please message me if you can accommodate. I am willing to cover shipping and handling. KeithV
  10. KeithV

    Need Advice

    Whatever the case I think that I need to measure the C02 I am getting into the water, just so I can tell if any of these scotch tape/bubble gum diy methods do in fact work. So I ordered a C02 drop checker (the little glass ball one). It should arrive in a few days, until then I'll keep at it...
  11. KeithV

    Need Advice

    Yeah..after watching it all day that's what's happening....the shot glass lifts and a big bubble escapes to the surface. So now it's back to the drawing board for me. Any suggestions RadaR? Do you use C02? I wanna accomplish the goal of good diffussion and I can afford to buy something to do...
  12. KeithV

    Need Advice

    Thanks! What I really want to know now is: How can I check if my DIY is doin the job?
  13. KeithV

    Milky Water

    I had the same problem awhile ago and it eventualy cleared, from what I understand its a bacterial bloom that causes the milky white water. I eventualy increased my filtration by changeing filters and it helped the situation a lot. I think you're right that you may have triggered a false "break...
  14. KeithV

    Need Advice

    Question: Will this work to diffuse c02? It's a shot glass stuffed with filter material, C02 is coming from a 2 liter jug of yeasty sugar water :blink:
  15. c02.jpg


  16. KeithV

    Recommend A Corydoras/aspidoras Species

    I think Corydoras Sterbai are really cool looking.
  17. KeithV

    Fake Plants

    I have had luck using a very mild dish soap solution and a toothbrush. Then I rinse them extremely well and sumberge in a bucket or the sink a while then rinse again and again before placing them. Soap will kill the algae but just don't use too much and make sure the plants are completly soap...
  18. KeithV

    Whats This All About?

    I had that system too but eventually replaced it with a DIY system that seems to work ok for me. It's easy to rig up, Sugar to the first little notch in the container, water to the next, add the little packets, 1 yeast one and 1 baking soda one and hook the tubing up. The bubble ladder has a...
  19. KeithV

    Nitrates Vs Fertilizers

    Here's what I found, you prob already know these things but here ya go, hope it helps: Detritus, decaying plant material, dirty filters, over-feeding, and over-stocking the tank, all contribute to increased production of nitrates. When the nitrates rise above 10ppm you're at risk for copius...
  20. KeithV


    Very true! The new setup is very nice looking and the fish look happy. I'm really down about the whole thing and kicking myself for messing it up so bad and costing myself stress and expense, but I did gain some hard-knock expirience....I wish I could say that it feels good, but's...
  21. KeithV


    So I got all excited about having a densely planted tank...and messed it all up. I woke up yesterday to a stagnant mess, both my HOT filters died and could not be brought back to life. My tank was full of sediment and had practically rotted over night (It seemed) My mistakes were many but...
  22. KeithV

    Selliera Radicans (Swamp Mat)

    I'll post an update in a few weeks... It cost about 5£, ($7.50as I'm stateside now) which is more than the average plant at the lfs but I got much more plant for my money. On the tag was the name of an aquatic plant suplier out in the country. I've made my mind up to go visit the place and see...
  23. KeithV

    Selliera Radicans (Swamp Mat)

    Selliera Radicans Family: Goodeniaceae Genus: Selliera Species: radicans It's found streamside and lakeside mostly, submerged up to about an inch or so in the wild. Think it'll be okay submerged about 8 inches with T8 flora glow lights to make up for the light depth penetration ratio?
  24. KeithV

    Selliera Radicans (Swamp Mat)

    So I found this plant growing fully submerged at a local nursery.I think it usually grows only an inch or so submerged but I took a chance and used it. Does anyone know anything about this plant? I tried searching it out with little results? It's beautifull in the aquarium, but will it just...
  25. Selliera radicans.jpg

    Selliera radicans.jpg

  26. KeithV

    Id Needed

    Is this white cloud a bacterial bloom?
  27. bacteria_bloom.JPG


  28. KeithV

    Bacterial Bloom Issue

    My gut says to wait it out and improve the cleanliness of the tank. I am not a fan of adding chems but could it hurt to add an anti amonia ammolock or somthing like that? I'm worried I might miss the advent of an ammonia spike if I don't treat but I don't want to starve out the...
  29. KeithV

    Hi! Thanks for your help today

    Hi! Thanks for your help today
  30. KeithV

    Tannic Acid

    Thats the stuff, if I fan at it gently it floats about like a little brown dust cloud before settling back down, it seems to love the java moss and marimo moss patches. I am going to add a small power filter with a little bag of AC when I get home along with a little power head to add some...
  31. KeithV

    Tannic Acid

    Any Ideas on how to increase filtration? I have a Rena Smart Filter 55 with a sponge attachment on the intake so my little black-shirts don't get sucked up, can I just add another power filter on the back of the tank? I have a small power head I could set up and add as well...right now I'm...
  32. KeithV

    Tannic Acid

    I am doing that too..with the air tube. If it doesn't get worse it should be fine...I'm just envisioning a tank full of the stuff covering all my bright greens that I worked so hard for. Maybe it'll be ok after it's siphoned a half dozen times or so
  33. KeithV

    Tannic Acid

    The wood I bought is Mopani as well, I really like the slight tannins in the water...just not an over abundance. Mainly I am concerned about this stringy brown haze that came with the introduction of the wood,did you get that when you put in? It does look like an algae..might be why its worrying...
  34. KeithV

    Tannic Acid

    Thanks for the reply! So the tannins will make my Angels happy? Cool!
  35. KeithV

    Tannic Acid

    Beautiful driftwood can dramatically change the appearance of your can also turn your water a brownish tea color and leave stringy brown fuzz all over your plants due to the tannins in the wood and this can leach into your tank for years before it’s done. My experience: I...
  36. KeithV


    Forum Name...KeithV Location...California, United States Number of Years in Hobby...3 years Fishkeeping Profile...50g planted tank, Angels, Sterbae Cory's, black skirt Tetras, Albino Pleco Favourite fish species...Marble Veiled Angels, Sterbae Cory's Favourite LFS...Capital Aquarium...