Need Advice


New Member
Apr 25, 2010
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Question: Will this work to diffuse c02?

It's a shot glass stuffed with filter material, C02 is coming from a 2 liter jug of yeasty sugar water :blink:
i dont know, but i commend you oon your creativity :D

What I really want to know now is: How can I check if my DIY is doin the job?
Thats *expletive deleted* AWESOME!
I'm guessing that if the bubbles aren't escaping too much from the bottom,then its defusing the co2.Is it near a filter outlet?
Don't rekon so because there isn't any flow to encorporate the CO2 into the water to form carbonic acid. Just looks like a large bubble of Co2 that's just sitting there, eventually it'll get too big and rise the surface.
Don't rekon so because there isn't any flow to encorporate the CO2 into the water to form carbonic acid. Just looks like a large bubble of Co2 that's just sitting there, eventually it'll get too big and rise the surface.

Yeah..after watching it all day that's what's happening....the shot glass lifts and a big bubble escapes to the surface. So now it's back to the drawing board for me.

Any suggestions RadaR? Do you use C02? I wanna accomplish the goal of good diffussion and I can afford to buy something to do it (within reason)

A proffesional C02 kit is out of my price range for now.

So here's my question: Those of you that use DIY C02 ie.. yeast/sugar, how do you diffuse it into your tanks?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated, I could really use some ideas.

Thanks in advance

Don't rekon so because there isn't any flow to encorporate the CO2 into the water to form carbonic acid. Just looks like a large bubble of Co2 that's just sitting there, eventually it'll get too big and rise the surface.

Yeah..after watching it all day that's what's happening....the shot glass lifts and a big bubble escapes to the surface. So now it's back to the drawing board for me.

Any suggestions RadaR? Do you use C02? I wanna accomplish the goal of good diffussion and I can afford to buy something to do it (within reason)

A proffesional C02 kit is out of my price range for now.

So here's my question: Those of you that use DIY C02 ie.. yeast/sugar, how do you diffuse it into your tanks?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated, I could really use some ideas.

Thanks in advance

Have you tried putting the glass near the filter outlet? If that doesnt work,I read on here that putting the co2 outlet directly under the filter inlet works
Whatever the case I think that I need to measure the C02 I am getting into the water, just so I can tell if any of these scotch tape/bubble gum diy methods do in fact work. So I ordered a C02 drop checker (the little glass ball one). It should arrive in a few days, until then I'll keep at it.

Why not just buy a cheap glass diffuser from ebay? The only trouble with this is the pressure may not be enough. I've got one and i couldnt actually get anything to come out of it.

When I was using DIY yeast co2 i just hooked the line up to my filter and had it blow directly into the tank. Worked very well but apparently it can damage the filter (well the manufacturers think so anyway)

Oh and be careful when your drop checker arrives. I was cleaning mine in the sink, shaking the water off when I accidently let go of it :crazy: smashed.
stick a fag filter in the air line gets you tiny bubbles

LOL!! does that actually work? thats the best suggestion ive heard if it does

it actually does work, have done it a few times
Why can I imagine a total newbie using a USED fag filter and ending up with dead fish? lmao

lol no not a used one.. maybe i should of said that :lol:
you can buy filters in newsagents, corner shops not too sure where abouts in usa though

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