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  1. O

    Sudden Aggressive Behaviour

    Thanks for the advice. I think re-homing him would be the best idea alright. Would it be ok to add him to a pond now? I am living in Ireland and it being Spring, temperatures during the day are only starting to reach a max of 15degrees celcius. Avg day time temps at the moment are around 8 -...
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    Sudden Aggressive Behaviour

    Thanks for the reples. Yes at the moment I have 2 in a 64litre tank. As I have mentioned previously. I was given an unwanted goldfish and bought the biggest tank I could afford. I am a poor student at the moment. Finishing my degree in 2 months. Once I start working I will be buying a bigger...
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    Sudden Aggressive Behaviour

    As I have mentioned before I have a 64litre Juwel Rekord 600 tank. I am currently in the throws of a fish-in cycle. 3 weeks ago we added a small pearlscale goldie, Chunk. He is a tiny little fella. Only an inch and a half max. My other goldfish, Stan is around 3 inches or so. For the first...
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    Where Are My Nitrites

    Actually the readings aren't exact due to the fact I am using Seachem Prime. For instance my last test results for today where as follows: Ammonia: API test kit: 0.5ppm, Ammonia Alert: <0.05ppm There is a big difference when using the Prime to detox the ammonia. As it stands I have never let...
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    Where Are My Nitrites

    Thanks for your reply. My tank is a Juwel Rekord 600 and I am using the Bioflow filter material that came with the tank. Is it possible that I am changing the water a little too much? Should I wait until there is 0.2ppm or more showing on the Ammonia Alert?
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    Where Are My Nitrites

    Sorry for the confusion. It's the master test kit. The liquid test kit with the test tubes. thanks for your reply.
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    Where Are My Nitrites

    Hi All, I last posted over a month ago. I had been given a small common goldfish in a tiny bowl and was going about re-housing him in a bigger 64litre tank. Although the tank is not big enough for him in the long run I have plans to get a bigger tank or find him a home in one of the many local...
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    Just Need A Bit Of Expert Advice

    I have just set up my tank. I am just wondering when should I put Stan in? At the moment he is in his small bowl still. Would it be ok to put him in straight away? I know the tank should be left to aerate,etc but it can't be any worse than the tank he is in at the moment, could it? Thanks again...
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    Just Need A Bit Of Expert Advice

    He is long bodied with a single tail.
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    Just Need A Bit Of Expert Advice

    Yeah I think I will have to go with the fish-in option. One of our local petshop owners that advised me to do a fishless cycle and that Stan would be ok in his bowl for 4 weeks told me that he advises all his customers to do this. He then said that they don't heed his advise and just put fish in...
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    Just Need A Bit Of Expert Advice

    Just as a final question. Would most people here advise me to do the fish-in cycle? Even if I changed Stan's bowl water everyday and kept a close eye on him? Would he be better off in the big tank even though it is not cycled? I don't mind having to do daily water changes in regard to a...
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    Just Need A Bit Of Expert Advice

    Would the Juwel filtration kit that comes with the Rekord 600 be enough for the 63 litre?
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    Just Need A Bit Of Expert Advice

    Thanks for all your advice. Yep the tank is around 16 gallons. I have decided to get a bigger tank next Christmas time. I am thinking of something in the 400 - 450 litre range. Something like this...
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    Just Need A Bit Of Expert Advice

    Thanks again for the advice. I have been reading up on the fishless and fish-in cycles. I think I would probably prefer the fishless cycle. If I did daily/2 day water changes with my fish in his current bowl would you reckon he will last until the fishless cycle has completed?
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    Just Need A Bit Of Expert Advice

    Thanks for the swift reply. I figured that daily water changes were the right way to go, as after 1 day Stan seems to be very quiet as oppossed to when he is in a fresh bowl of water. I will be buying the API test kit tomorrow also. In regard to the fish-in cycle, I haven't read up on it much...
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    Just Need A Bit Of Expert Advice

    Hi all, Thanks for giving me your time to read my post. Firstly I will give a very brief explanation of why I am here. A week ago I was given a small standard Goldfish called Stan (Not standard in my books, He has a great comical personality and I love him to bits!). He was given to me in a...