Sudden Aggressive Behaviour


New Member
Feb 6, 2010
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As I have mentioned before I have a 64litre Juwel Rekord 600 tank.

I am currently in the throws of a fish-in cycle.

3 weeks ago we added a small pearlscale goldie, Chunk.
He is a tiny little fella. Only an inch and a half max.
My other goldfish, Stan is around 3 inches or so.

For the first day or two Stan was nipping chunks fins but this stopped after a day or so.
I figured that Stan was just putting the little fella in his place.

For the last 3 weeks both goldfish have been great. They were getting along perfectly.

A day or to ago I noticed that the little guy was acting a little quiet. Not too quiet but seemed to be hiding away a little more than usual.

My girlfriend fed the fish this morning and everything was fine. I have just checked on them there about 10 minutes ago and noticed that the little guy was hiding in this hidey hole ornament we have.

I coaxed him out and seen that his fins are in bits!

His dorsal fin looks like something has eaten half of the fin part away and the spines of the fin are showing. and his beautiful double tail is all split and part of it seem to be eaten away altogether.

Once I had the little guy out of his hiding place I noticed the bigger guy just swam at him really aggressively and Chunk, the little guy swam away as if being chased by his worse nightmare!

I have seperated the two for the moment and am not sure what to do.

Is it normal for a fish to take a set against another even after they have been fine together for the last 3 weeks.

I am really distressed about the situation and am sure my girlfriend is gonna be in bits when she sees the little guy.

He is her pet. The bigger guy freaks her out a little.

Any advice would be great.
You should have said 600 litres, before you get policed to death :shifty:

Fish are like people.. they don't all get on all the time, especially when there's no excape. Aggression can come and go, just like moods. If it keeps happening, I'd look into re-homing one of them.
Thanks for the reples. Yes at the moment I have 2 in a 64litre tank.

As I have mentioned previously. I was given an unwanted goldfish and bought the biggest tank I could afford. I am a poor student at the moment. Finishing my degree in 2 months.
Once I start working I will be buying a bigger tank. Also I am planning that once the bigger goldfish gets too big for his tank in a year or two I will be re-homing him in one of the local ponds. We know a few people with goldfish ponds that should be able to take him.

I am wondering if maybe I should re-home him/her now?

The bigger of the two is a common goldfish. The smaller is a pearlscale. As it stands, the big one is about 3 inches where as the small one is just over an inch.
Thanks for the reples. Yes at the moment I have 2 in a 64litre tank.

As I have mentioned previously. I was given an unwanted goldfish and bought the biggest tank I could afford. I am a poor student at the moment. Finishing my degree in 2 months.
Once I start working I will be buying a bigger tank. Also I am planning that once the bigger goldfish gets too big for his tank in a year or two I will be re-homing him in one of the local ponds. We know a few people with goldfish ponds that should be able to take him.

I am wondering if maybe I should re-home him/her now?

The bigger of the two is a common goldfish. The smaller is a pearlscale. As it stands, the big one is about 3 inches where as the small one is just over an inch.
if one is tearing the other to bits it may be best to move one now, possibly the bigger bully goldfish so you can keep an eye on the injured one and make sure he heals and recovers ok :good:
To be honest I would probably rehome the common to a pond now. Commons really are pond fish, the pearl is the fancier bred goldfish that should be kept in slightly warmer waters (although no too warm), so better for tank keeping.

Besides, the common is the aggressor, and it will get bigger than the pearscale faster. Plus it will always be able to swim faster than the pearlscale, so the pearl won't ever be able to outrun it, and from the sounds of it you really can't afford to have yet another tank to keep them apart. So I'd rehome now and then just keep the pearl by itself till you get a bigger tank, then you'll be able to add a buddy (of the non-common variety) :).
Thanks for the advice.

I think re-homing him would be the best idea alright.
Would it be ok to add him to a pond now? I am living in Ireland and it being Spring, temperatures during the day are only starting to reach a max of 15degrees celcius. Avg day time temps at the moment are around 8 - 10 Degrees.

There is still the possibility of frost at nights though.

I know there is the possibility of taking him back to the pet shop but I really don't want him to end up as someones pet in a bowl or as a feeder fish.
Pond is the best idea I think.
Quite honestly, it is never recommended to place a fancy goldfish with the fancier types. Common goldfish, comets, are quite a bit more aggressive than the slow moving fancy ones and can cause them harm in almost no time at all.

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