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  1. N

    Terrible Day, I Need Answers

    i had exactly the same happen a few weeks ago. one day 2 dead guppys and the next an adult bn just died and all water stats were good. still cant find out why and everything has been good since then.
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    Bn Plecs. Ancistrus Tamboensis. Chichester

    there are 10 in total. In excellent health and very active. great markings and now around 2 inches in length. £4 Each NO POSTAGE
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    Please Id This Ancistrus. Odd White Tip Fins

    thanks for the replys. ive nust managed to get in contact from the chap who gave them to me and he thinks they were offspring from a pair of ancistrus tamboensis. its a strange trait to have white tips until maturity though. great fish just need to find a home for a few of them. will try local...
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    Please Id This Ancistrus. Odd White Tip Fins

    I was given these babys 8 weeks ago to grow on. even though the pic doesnt show it these fish have white tips to the dorsal and caudal fins. and are around 2ins long
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    Chichester 38L Tank Full Setup

    the hood with light is about 6 ins deep so the back of the tank is open to the air for 1/2 its depth
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    Chichester 38L Tank Full Setup

    hi ive got a 38l tank its an aqua one ar-380 it has a (internal filter cascade 300 ) and heater and gravel the lid has built in looking for £25 collection only in chichester.
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    Pearl Gourami Advice Please

    i have a adult moonlight gourami and its my favourite fish. mostly peaceful until food time. paels are great aswell
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    Hi And Help

    6 us gals. look into fishless cycle or get some mature filter media from a friens
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    6 Adult Bronze Corys

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    Small Bn Pleco For Sale

    Ive decided to leave it now. I'll get another adult later in the year
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    Small Bn Pleco For Sale

    i was thinking around £5
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    Small Bn Pleco For Sale

    let me know what you want as it will cost me £10 in fuel.
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    Small Bn Pleco For Sale

    if you still have the bn next weekend i'll rehome it for you if you need it gone.
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    6 Adult Bronze Corys

    im not sure which are male and female. ive never seen any eggs from them but they are a close group and shoal together
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    6 Adult Bronze Corys

    Now Sold
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    Baby Bn's In Community Tank

    the 2 adult bn's have eaten all the algea so i'll have to feed them on something else
  17. N

    Baby Bn's In Community Tank

    can i keep baby bn's in the 4ft 200ltr community tank 6 small lacustris rainbows 2 adult bn's 6 adult cory 2 adult red rainbows 1 adult moonlight gourami ive been offered 10 small plecs and i wanted to put a few in the main tank and the others in a spare 60ltr i have on there own is this ok
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    Sourcing Dwarf Cories

    im in chichester and have tried worthing,ferring, havant and chichester maidenhead stores
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    Sourcing Dwarf Cories

    im looking for a dwarf cory species to go into a 35 ltr cycled tank. in there at the moment are 3 male and 3 female guppies at about 1 inch each. i like C habrosus, C pygmaeus or C hastatus but i cant seem to find a localish shop that keep them in stock. how many of these would i be able to...
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    35Ltr Tank For Guppys

    i think i'll put aqbout 6 guppys in and leave the filter to catch up for a few weeks and in the meantime i'll look into small cories and get some ordered
  21. N

    35Ltr Tank For Guppys

    i have 6 smallish males. 3 have massive spotted tails and 3 have bright orange and red tails and also 6 females. 3 are pretty small but 3 are very big that i got from a guppy breeder friend and they are at least 1.5 inches long. i wanted to move the red/orange males and the small females so that...
  22. N

    35Ltr Tank For Guppys

    i have 6 female a 6 male guppys in the community tank but ive been given a 35 ltr tank with built in filter in the lid and 2 small lights. how many guppy would it be ok to put in there. i'll be using mature media from the 200 ltr community tank but my youngest wants some of the guppys in a tank...
  23. N

    Costs Of Running A Tank?

    i have a large 3 bed detached all electric and have 5 storage heaters running plus immersions for hot water and 3 computers running 18hrs a day and 2 200 ltr tanks with 300w heaters and my total cost is around £5 per day for every item. and around £2 a day in the summer
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    Dechlorinated Ice Cubes

    fill 2 ltr bottles with water and freeze them.. you can then add the bottles to the tank and this will slowly lower the temp and none of the water will enter the tank
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    Melanotaenia Lacustris--Odd Colour Change

    they are very pretty fish and are displaying beutifully. i really want some bosemamis but ive only got room for 2 not a biiger shoal so after getting a bigger tank last month it looks like i'll get another larger tank next month
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    Melanotaenia Lacustris--Odd Colour Change

    now you mention it the males are swimming with their heads down slightly. the stripe comes and goes and so does the intensity of thier blue colouring
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    Synodontis Petricola

    thanks for the link.
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    Synodontis Petricola

    are these siutable for a community tank. i have a pair of ancistrus tamboensis and some adult bronze cory on the bottom but a neighbor wants to be rid of the syno asap but i didnt want to add to my tank till i know a bit more about them
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    Melanotaenia Lacustris--Odd Colour Change

    my 3 lake kutubu male rainbows have a noticeable gold stripe going from their nose and over their heads about 1 cm long. they are juveniles and are kept with 3 females of the same age. the females have not changed colour. i only noticed the gold stripe when i added live plants a few days ago and...
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    no problem. im tempted to keep it and grow on some bristlenose babys i have my eye on
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  32. N

    Basic Plant Care Advice Please

    thanks for the advice. if these root then i'll get some more as the tank looks so much softer and the fish love the plants but i've usually shied away from real plants as i thought they were too difficult to get to grow
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    Basic Plant Care Advice Please

    i have a 4foot 200 ltr tank and have a single 40w t8 tube. i'll get some photos when i can find the camera
  34. N

    Basic Plant Care Advice Please

    i picked up 5 plants with no roots from local maidenhead aquatics they were tied in bunches with a bit of foam and a lead type weight. ive buried them a little in the gravel but is that enough to get them to root or dont they stand much of a chance. do they need food etc.
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    Are Your Gouramis Your Centrepiece Fish?

    i have an adult moonlight female and she is very peaceful and graceful but she's in charge of the whole tank
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    Bristlenose. Male Or Female?

    I found her a mate. fantastic fish but it took 25 phone calls to find another ancistrus tamboenstris. I added him 10 mins ago and they've both paired up straight away
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    Hi All

    welcome.. great place this is
  38. N

    What Fish To Buy

    go to the stores and take pics and notes on things you like and then COME HOME. do your research and stock slowly and you will have a set up you both like with minimal stocking problems
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    no problem. let me know when you have the money.