Basic Plant Care Advice Please


Fish Fanatic
Jan 12, 2010
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i picked up 5 plants with no roots from local maidenhead aquatics
they were tied in bunches with a bit of foam and a lead type weight.

ive buried them a little in the gravel but is that enough to get them to root or dont they stand much of a chance. do they need food etc.
What is your WPG? (watts per gallon) If you do not know let us know what size tank you have and how many watts of light you have; also if you have T8 lights bulbs, T5's etc...

You should get a good trace fertilizer such as Seachem Flourish to give the plants basic nutrients.

i have a 4foot 200 ltr tank and have a single 40w t8 tube.
i'll get some photos when i can find the camera
Okay, you are just under 1 WPG.

I would just get some trace fertilizer like I mentioned above(there is a variety of fertilizers at your LFS), and dose that according to the instructions; that should give things a good start.

Try to have the lights on for 8 hours a day.

See where this takes you. If you do not see any positive things from the plants in about 2 weeks, then come back on here and let us know. :good:

thanks for the advice.
if these root then i'll get some more as the tank looks so much softer and the fish love the plants but i've usually shied away from real plants as i thought they were too difficult to get to grow

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