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    Stocking Ideas For 75 Gallon

    Hi all - I recently am upgrading from a 20 gallon to 75 gallon tank and I would like some ideas on stocking. Currently I have: 1 Featherfin Squeaker, 3 Tiger Barbs & 3 Serpae Tetra. I definitely would like to keep my Featherfin (and could part with my Barbs & Tetra's as a friend could take...
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    New Tank...cycled...or So I Thought.

    Hi all - I have a 20 gallon tank that was cycled 3 weeks ago. Even after adding more fish (7 baby tiger barbs) all levels of ammonia and nitrite were reading zero. I continued to test this each day until about a week ago I was testing every 3-4 days just to be on the safe side. Well, I tested...
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    Tiger Barb Harassing Other Tiger Barbs

    Yes - I brought him over to a friend that had room to take him yesterday. Sad to give him up but my other fish are not nearly as stressed now which is great.
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    Tiger Barb Harassing Other Tiger Barbs

    I rearranged my helped for about 10 minutes then back to normal. Luckily I found a home. He will be going there in a few hours. Thanks for all of the advice!
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    Tiger Barb Harassing Other Tiger Barbs

    I thought about adding more but I'm afraid my tank would be overstocked considering the size. Also, all of the tiger barbs I have seen are relatively large so I'm not sure if they would terrorize the little ones??
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    Tiger Barb Harassing Other Tiger Barbs

    Hi all - I bought 7 tiger barbs two weeks ago (they were very small)...well one has grown rapidly compared to the others and for the past few days has been harassing the other 6 Tiger Barbs relentlessly. The other barbs are showing signs of stress (hiding & some color loss). In my 20 gallon tank...
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    Blood Red Parrot Cichlid

    I plan on getting a 75 gallon tank (currently have the 7 Tiger barbs and 6 Serpae tetras in a 20 gallon for now). When I finally get the 75 is when I plan on stocking with possibly a BP and bumping up the barbs to 10 and the tetras to 8. I love my barbs and tetras and I really would like to...
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    Blood Red Parrot Cichlid

    Hi all - not sure if this is the right section to ask this but I was wondering if anyone has had any experience with Blood Red parrots? I was curious as to what types of fish they would be compatible with. I have Serpae Tetras and Tiger Barbs that pretty much hold their own and keep to...
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    Tetra's and barbs are awesome fish (IMO) and come in a nice variety of colors. Von Rio Flame tetra's are a smaller tetra and are very beautiful, also Danio's have really nice coloring and stay small. I have Serpae Tetra's and Tiger barbs and they compliment eachother's color quite nicely...
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    Fish In Cycling

    As previously mentioned, I also think a bigger water change is needed. I just completed a fish-in cycling (before I knew fish-less existed) and some days I found myself doing close to an 80% water change. Eventually the fish were used to it and it brought all of my ammonia and nitrite levels...
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    My tank is 20 gallons.
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    Hi all - after a patient wait of weeks my tank has been completely cycled for about 4 days now. I have 6 serpae tetra in there now along with numerous java moss plants and two Amazon sword plants. I intended to purchase 6 tiger barbs and that would have completed my set up but the lady at the...
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    Stocking For 20 Gallon

    With my fish-in cycle moving along slowly but surely, I have begun to think about what fish I would like to add once the cycle in completed. Currently, I have 6 serpae tetra in a 20 gallon tank. What are everyone's thoughts about adding 6 Tiger barbs to the mix? I really find their colors...
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    Tank Cycling...part 2 Of Cycle

    Great - thanks so much for the advice. 50% water changes every day seem to be doing the trick. I'm building some serious muscles from carrying all of these buckets of water haha:lol: Unfortunately I learned about the fish-in cycling too tank will definitely be a fish-less for sure.
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    My New 20G Tank

    Yes, I am currently in the process of fish-in cycling. Not thinking of adding any fish until my tank is completely cycled and then some. I came across the lighting sort of by accident. I received two halogen tubes with the tank set up kit and orginally had both of them in. Saw a 50/50...
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    Tank Cycling...part 2 Of Cycle

    Hi all - I am onto stage 2 of cycling my tank...the ammonia is holding steady between 0 and barely 0.25ppm...and my nitrites are increasing....they hit 1ppm one day. This has been going on for a little over a week. I have been doing daily water changes of 50% to drop the Nitrite levels down...
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    20 Gallon Suggestions

    I have a 20 gallon currently with 6 Serpae tetra's. Unfortunately I learned about the fishless cycling after I set my tank up with the fish. When it cycles completely I plan to add 6 Tiger Barbs. I have a bit of live plants in there and I have to say the colors on the Serpae's look stunning...
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    Stocking Suggestions...20 Gallon

    My tank is still going through a cycle yet so I am not planning on getting any fish for a good amount of time. Unfortunately I found out about fishless cycling after I bought the 6 Serpae tetra. When it comes time for some fish to add I was thinking about adding 1 male dwarf gourami with the...
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    ...and We Have Liftoff! Nitrites That Is.. 21 I finally saw a reading for nitrites in my tank. Things are finally starting to move along! Thanks to everyone for the great advice...the information has truely been invaluable :)
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    Fish In Cycling....stalled?

    So I went out and bought a pH test kit from API and tested my pH. It is around 7.6...depending on the light it may look a tad lighter/darker. I'm really confused because my ammonia levels are still steady at .25ppm (as they have been since I did a water change on Saturday)....and no signs of...
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    Fish In Cycling....stalled?

    Thanks everyone for the great advice! I have not done a water change since mid afternoon on Saturday. I did about a 75% change then. I skipped feeding the fish on Sunday and then resumed feeding once a day on Monday. Interestingly my ammonia has only just crept up to .25ppm (it is Tuesday night...
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    My New 20G Tank

    Hi all - these are a few pictures of my new tank. Unfortunately I learned about fishless cycling after I bought the 6 Serpae Tetra's I have. Hopefully will be able to stock in a few months or so with additional fish. Any ideas of what would look good with the tetra's I already have? Enjoy...
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    Serpae Tetra

    I have had 6 Serpae tetras in my 20 gallon tank for 2 weeks now. I find that 4 of them tend to school together and the other two hang out in different corners of the tank. They seem to play together in the tank and nip each other although I am not sure how they would be with an Angelfish...
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    Carbon In Filter

    When my friend helped me set up the tank set I received, I remember it having an additional bag of carbon in the filter. From what I read is that carbon does not seem as beneficial as it is made out to be. Should I take it out? I'm just afraid of taking it out if for some reason it has...
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    Fish In Cycling....stalled?

    Hi all - I was wondering if anyone could lead me to find a graph of the nitrogen cycle. I know that it takes weeks to cycle a tank but I have had my tank up and running for 15 days and still no sign of nitrite. Not sure if I am doing too much or not enough of something to find this cycle...
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    Tankmates For 6 Serpae Tetras

    I am thinking of adding some more fish to my 20 gallon tank in the next few months. Currently I have 6 serpae tetras. I have done some research and it seems like I am getting varied results as to which fish are compatible with these tetras. I read that a male/female pair of dwarf gouramis...
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    Cycling Tank - Ammonia Not Down To 0 After H2O Change

    I definitely wish I came across this forum before I received my fish tank. I have learned so much more than I ever dreamed! If I ever do get another tank I will definitely do a fishless cycle. I did about an 80-85% water change (made sure to stir up the gravel) and tested about 40 minutes...
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    Cycling Tank - Ammonia Not Down To 0 After H2O Change

    Hi all - sorry if I am beating a dead horse here but I still have some questions on my cycling tank. For those of you who are not familiar with my situation I currently have a 20 gallon tank that has been set up for 10 days with 6 Serpae Tetra and a Java moss plants. I tested my water on...
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    New Aquarium

    Ok, sounds great :) I tested this morning before I left for work and it was .50. I will do an immediate 50% water change when I get home from work (as I was running late). Hopefully that should drop it back down. As far as helping spur on the growth of bacteria...anything else that I should...
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    New Aquarium

    I just tested my water and it is hovering around .25ppm. I will test before I go to bed tonight and plan on doing another 25% water change tomorrow after work. Hopefully if I stick with this for a few days/week I will start to see an improvement. I am just afraid of stressing my fish out even...
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    New Aquarium

    I tested my tank this afternoon and it was still hovering at .50 ppm (same as last night after the 50% change). I just completed about a 25% water change and added my dechlorinator. I am using this product called "Prime." I am wondering if this could be causing some of the reading of ammonia...
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    New Aquarium

    Thank you all for your advice so has been a huge help! I took a sample of my tank water to my a reputable fish store around my area and the lady stated that the ammonia was a bit high (I forgot to ask for the numbers). She recommended a 50% water change. I went out and bought an API...
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    New Aquarium

    Hi everyone. I recently was given a 20 gallon aquarium set as a gift for Christmas. Needless to say I have been doing a lot of research and I am a bit overwhelmed. Here is a quick synopsis of my tank set up and the questions I have. I would greatly appreciate any input! Tank specifics: - 20...