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  1. Hungrydoug

    Mollie With Popeye?

    Evening. Came in tonight to see that Sharon the white mollie seems to have popeye. I'd like to help her so that Ozzy still has someone to swim about the tank with. (no, I didn't choose tha names!) Tank size: 65l pH: 7.2 ammonia: 0ppm nitrite: 0ppm nitrate: 15ppm kH: no idea gH:no idea tank...
  2. Hungrydoug

    Hungrydoug's Continuing Fishless Cycle

    I think given half a chance they would probably jump into my hand and eat the food from there! And it's great to see how much they've filled out since I bought them, the colours are really helped by the black background and substrate too!
  3. Hungrydoug

    Hungrydoug's Continuing Fishless Cycle

    It's like I've emerged from a long tunnel into the light at long last :) Thanks must go to everyone who had helped or offered words of encouragement along the way. We currently have 6 harlequin rasboras and two white mollies (not my choice, but that's what SWMBO liked) Still planning to get...
  4. Hungrydoug

    Starting New Tank

    I don't think that's a particularly bad idea. My fishless cycles took 16 and 10 days to process the first 4ppm of ammonia and it was a bit disheartening to see virtually no change day on day for two weeks. I would perhaps dose slightly higher (say 4.5ppm) to give the bacteria something to get...
  5. Hungrydoug

    Hungrydoug's Continuing Fishless Cycle

    SUCCESS!!!! Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday have had double zeros at 12 hours, so after 163 days I'm finally ready for fish. Just had to share!
  6. Hungrydoug

    Hungrydoug's Continuing Fishless Cycle

    Now I'm getting really annoyed! Added the 4ppm of ammonia yesterday morning so of course last night's test was off the scale! Same result tonight so I can only imagine I did something wrong with the test yesterday. Did a nearly 100% water change tonight and the nitrite test just after showed...
  7. Hungrydoug

    Hungrydoug's Continuing Fishless Cycle

    Of course the second I bemoan my lack of progress in processing the nitrite last night's test result was 0ppm! Dosed 4ppm of ammonia this morning and am interested to see what the test results are this evening. Nearly there (at long last)!
  8. Hungrydoug

    Hungrydoug's Continuing Fishless Cycle

    Apparently they're only doing mail order, but I phone their number the day i went through and it just rang out. Anyway... Nitrates have finally shown an increase again after the previous spike so I'm hoping that the nitrite spike will soon finally be over. Currently at day 66 of the fishless...
  9. Hungrydoug

    Hungrydoug's Continuing Fishless Cycle

    The good news is that the nitrate is beginning to rise again, (indicating that the nitrite is being processed?) Hopefully not long now! Started looking at fish with regard to stocking yesterday and was a bit shocked to see the Ultimate Aquatics in Cupar has closed!
  10. Hungrydoug

    Hungrydoug's Continuing Fishless Cycle

    Thanks OM47, a few paper towels mopped it up. Did a 75% water change and the nitrite test immediately after had the drops turning straight to purple in the bottom of the tube. Guess I've got another wait on my hands for the nitrite bacteria to build!
  11. Hungrydoug

    Hungrydoug's Continuing Fishless Cycle

    Thanks guys. This is pretty much the stage I got to in the first attempt (except the ammonia was taking around 36 hours to clear instead of <24 hours) so I was planning on a 75% water change on tonight and redose everything. The nitrite spike should be over soon? I’ve also noticed that I have...
  12. Hungrydoug

    Hungrydoug's Continuing Fishless Cycle

    Morning. Been busy getting a promotion at work and building a shed and things, so not had much time to browse the forum, however I've been continuing with the testing and ammonia dosing. I'm beginning to get a bit bored of the whole thing now! Second attempt at the fishless cycle is...
  13. Hungrydoug

    Hungrydoug's Fishless Cycle - The Return

    Don't know if I possibly developed the nitrite bacteria in the first 'phase' of my cycle but didn;t get as many of the ammonia bacteria which is why I'm not seeing the nitrite level rising but the nitrate level rising?
  14. Hungrydoug

    Hungrydoug's Fishless Cycle - The Return

    Sorry WD, meant to say I'd pick up another nitrite test to validate the readings of the first one. Ph and temperature readings added to first post.
  15. Hungrydoug

    Hungrydoug's Fishless Cycle - The Return

    No plants in the tank, all I have is the filter, the heater and the substrate. Didn't notice the lack of nitrite but looking at the frst cycle, the nitrite started rising before the ammonia started dropping. Might try and pick up a nitrite test at the weekend for comparison.
  16. Hungrydoug

    Hungrydoug's Fishless Cycle - The Return

    Thanks WD, first post amended to include ongoing results. Looks to my untrained eye that the whole process is starting again! Will wait and see.
  17. Hungrydoug

    Hungrydoug's Fishless Cycle - The Return

    So I’ve finally had some time to sort out the tank. I’ve split this from the old thread to save having a massive amount of numbers to wade through, since we were at day 90! Anyway… Did a 90% water change using double the amount of dechlorinator, 1.2 tablespoons of bicarb of soda and added 4ppm...
  18. Hungrydoug

    Hungrydoug's Fishless Cycle

    Wow, excellnt advice, thanks wd! Filter flow doesn't seem to be reduced from when I started, using the venturi on top of the filter to get plenty oxygen in the water. Basic readings for the nitrate are between 5 and 10 on the chart each time, so I leave it as 5 for convenience. The nitrite...
  19. Hungrydoug

    Hungrydoug's Fishless Cycle

    It's a Fluval U2. The ammonia is taking a bit longer to clear to 0ppm that it was about a month ago. Personally I'm surprised that the ammonia isn't being processed quicker and quicker. Another test to do now I'll update shortly. The heating broke last week for a day so the tank temperature...
  20. Hungrydoug

    Hungrydoug's Fishless Cycle

    Well that's day 50! Still in the nitrite phase, drops are turning purple the second they hit the bottom of the tube. I can see how this could get frustrating! Been busy here and there so not been updating but still testing :)
  21. Hungrydoug

    Hungrydoug's Fishless Cycle

    Thanks Waterdrop. Good to know things are progressing!
  22. Hungrydoug

    Hungrydoug's Fishless Cycle

    Well, cycle is progressing and the ammonia is taking less and less time to be processed, I'm pretty sure I'm in the 'second phase' with the nitrite spike. Only thing is that every reading I take seems to indicate between 2 and 5ppm (API test kit) the colour is darker than 2 but lighter than 5...
  23. Hungrydoug

    Help Setting Up Please

    Wow, excellent post Waterdrop. I'm glad I found all the knowledge here before I bought my tank!
  24. Hungrydoug

    Time To Think About Stocking

    Not many green in hills in Britain just now :) I'm thinking about constructing a little cave/hiding place from slate and getting some black pebbles since I've got black substrate and backing on the tank so I should have plenty of places to tie plants to. Nice pictures, that's the same tank I...
  25. Hungrydoug

    Help Setting Up Please

    The most important thing you need to do is grow all the bacteria that are required to process all the fish waste. Look here to read all about it. Your lfs (local fish shop) will have the bottle you need to remove the chlorine from your tap water. As far as I know you only replace the media in...
  26. Hungrydoug

    Time To Think About Stocking

    Thanks chaps, I think a fair compromise will be 6 pygmy cories and 6 harlequin rasboras to start, then add the tetras (I prefer the cardinal to the neon) and shrimp at a later date. Assaye: planning on having some real plants, but nothing too complicated since this is all new to me, java fern...
  27. Hungrydoug

    Time To Think About Stocking

    Thanks Waterdrop. Thinking about leaving space for the tetras, perhaps do 6 pygmy cories and either 6 guppies or 6 harlequin rasboras, then see how we get on from there?
  28. Hungrydoug

    Time To Think About Stocking

    Well the fishless cycle is bumbling along so it's time to start thinking about stocking, I know I've probably got another six weeks or so to decide but looking for some early advice. So I'm thinking along these lines: 4 pygmy cories (am I right in thinking that three lines would be too big?) 4...
  29. Hungrydoug

    Lily Rose's 64L Tank Cycle

    It's all just patience, I've been going for 18 days now and only yesterday did the first 4ppm of ammonia drop to zero. You can follow the excitement here. I'm editing the first post with the daily updates.
  30. Hungrydoug

    At What Point....

    I filled my tank with cold water when I first filled it, condensation everywhere!
  31. Hungrydoug

    Hungrydoug's Fishless Cycle

    Ah. Something has happened and I've got the edit button and can update my profile now, thanks to whoever updated something! First post has been updated to record daily results.
  32. Hungrydoug

    Hungrydoug's Fishless Cycle

    Thanks OM47. Tried all the skins and the only buttons I can see on my posts are <back to top> and <report> in the bottom left and <reply> and <multiquote> in the bottom right. screen grab I can change my basic setting in the <my settings> area but when I try to change my profile information I...
  33. Hungrydoug

    Hungrydoug's Fishless Cycle

    Ah, tried all the skins but can;t seem to find it. I can't edit my profile either, could these be related? (Sorry for going a bit OT, should this be moved?) Ah, tried all the skins but can't seem to find it. I can't edit my profile either, could these be related? (Sorry for going a bit OT...
  34. Hungrydoug

    Hungrydoug's Fishless Cycle

    Day 1 - pH 6.8 Ammonia, nitrite and nitrate all 0, temperature in tank 28.5oC - 4ppm ammonia added. (19/12/09) Day 2 - pH 6.8 Ammonia 4ppm, temperature 28oC Day 3 - pH 7.0 Ammonia 4ppm, temperature 28oC 1.2 tablespoons bicarb added, mature filter media added. Day 4 - pH 7.9 Ammonia 4ppm, nitrite...
  35. Hungrydoug

    Hungrydoug's Fishless Cycle

    Day 1 - pH 6.8 Ammonia, nitrite and nitrate all 0, temperature in tank 28.5oC - 4ppm ammonia added. (19/12/09) Day 2 - pH 6.8 Ammonia 4ppm, temperature 28oC Day 3 - pH 7.0 Ammonia 4ppm, temperature 28oC 1.2 tablespoons bicarb added, mature filter media added. Day 4 - pH 7.9 Ammonia 4ppm, nitrite...
  36. Hungrydoug

    Hungrydoug's Fishless Cycle

    That's what I was thinking, I can only assume that he didn't keep the media in tnk water between taking it from his filter and putting it into the bag. Ah well, will wait and see how we get on!
  37. Hungrydoug

    Hungrydoug's Fishless Cycle

    Day 1 - pH 6.8 Ammonia, nitrite and nitrate all 0, temperature in tank 28.5oC - 4ppm ammonia added. (19/12/09) Day 2 - pH 6.8 Ammonia 4ppm, temperature 28oC Day 3 - pH 7.0 Ammonia 4ppm, temperature 28oC 1.2 tablespoons bicarb added, mature filter media added. Day 4 - pH 7.9 Ammonia 4ppm...
  38. Hungrydoug

    Hungrydoug's Fishless Cycle

    Thanks Josh, latest update: Day 1 - pH 6.8 Ammonia, nitrite and nitrate all 0, temperature in tank 28.5oC - 4ppm ammonia added. Day 2 - pH 6.8 Ammonia 4ppm, temperature 28oC Day 3 - pH 7.0 Ammonia 4ppm, temperature 28oC 1.2 tablespoons bicarb added, mature filter media added. Day 4 - pH 7.9...
  39. Hungrydoug

    Levelling Ona Tiled Floor

    Ah, I couldn't comment on needing polystyrene (sorry!), I'm sure someone else could help, was just using it as an example of what the felt pads might do between the stand and the floor.
  40. Hungrydoug

    Hungrydoug's Fishless Cycle

    Thanks for all the help OM47, I'm still aiming to stock the tank at the end of January for my birthday but any sooner would be a huge bonus. Really need to start thinking about fish now!