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  1. D

    Updates Of My Black Orchid Ct Pair

    Thanks for th sites! I'll do some reading up. :)
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    Updates Of My Black Orchid Ct Pair

    I did not PS it.. just auto correct.. And YES, they are my first couple... LOL. Appreciate if you could give me some pointers... :)
  3. D

    Updates Of My Black Orchid Ct Pair

    Got them from my local fish shop. Intended to breed them but not sure how. Never breed bettas before.
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    Updates Of My Black Orchid Ct Pair

    Took some pic of them today.
  5. D

    Dymax Iq3 For My Bettas

    26.41 GBP to be exact... but that is excluding shipping charges.. which might be very costly.
  6. D

    My Black Orchid Ct Pair

    yes, they sell HM, PK, DT and CT too... I am from Singapore... u?
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    My Black Orchid Ct Pair

    THey are from my local bettas store.. but i am sure they import these from Thailand.
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    Dymax Iq3 For My Bettas

    Bought it from US$43 each. The IQ3 is produced locally in Singapore...
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    My Black Orchid Ct Pair

    Just got this pair of Black Orchid CT.. in another month or so, will try to breed them... my first ever spawn.. hopefully I can learn enough to breed them successfully then...
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    Dymax Iq3 For My Bettas

    Recently bought 3 Dymax IQ3 tank for my precious bettas!! After a day of hardwork, I am happy to see that my bettas are excited in their new home..
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    My 4Th Bettas In 2 Weeks... Red Dragon

    Thanks guys... Yeah, he is a Red Dragon HMPK... :nod:
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    My 4Th Bettas In 2 Weeks... Red Dragon

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    My 4Th Bettas In 2 Weeks... Red Dragon

    Hi Guys, it's me again.. today went Bettas shopping and got this baby... sorry for the blur pics, not enough time to take a proper one today.. Hope you guys like it...
  14. D

    My Black Orchid Ct!

    Abt US$50..
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    Angry With Myself !

    Some guys asked me abt photo taking tips. So I thought I share my pointers. Of course I'm not a pro, but I find these steps work for me. 1. *I'm using Olympus E-P1 camera.* 2. *Set cam to Aperture mode and aperture setting to WIDE OPEN.* 3. *Make sure shutter speed is at least 1/focal length...
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    Angry With Myself ! good thing his shop is 10min away from me. He does international shipping too.
  17. D

    My Black Orchid Ct!

    kelsonbettas... Go check it out.
  18. D

    My Black Orchid Ct!

    I'm using olypmus E-P1. It is not famous for its focus speed, so I had a hard time capturing tact sharp pics. Had to wait for them to freeze before I could snap. Had to be very patience. But I like it, this way I could observe them closer.
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    My Black Orchid Ct!

    Yes, I'm very PROUD. lol
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    My Black Orchid Ct!

    $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ u get the picture? Hahaha.
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    Angry With Myself !

    I think he's called black orchid double Ray CT..
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    Angry With Myself !

    Nothing.. Lol jus showing pics of my bettas getting angry at their own reflection. :)
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    Angry With Myself !

  24. D

    My Black Orchid Ct!

    Bought him last week...
  25. D

    My Two Beauties...

    I am using Olympus E-P1.. :hyper:
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    My Two Beauties...

    More pics to share..
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    My Two Beauties...

    I love them both!! To be frank, I do not know where they originate from... I bought them from one of my local bettas specialized shops here in Singapore... :)
  28. D

    My Two Beauties...

    Hi Guys, new to Bettas and these are my first duo HM and PK...