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  1. P

    Treating A Recycled Tank

    just do a water change each day and clean the filter every few days depending how filthy it gets. be gentle with the filter, use tank water to clean the sponges/bio filter parts. you'll have to judge if you need new sponges etc. i'd probably start with the filter actually. Maybe add some...
  2. P

    20 Gallon (Long) Bottom Dweller

    you could get some pygmy corys if you want a proper school and are worried about over stocking: Corydoras pygmaeus i have a bunch in a small tank, they're just like other corys but really tiny! it's amazing :nod: i dont think they'd like anything but a sand substrate though. could be...
  3. P

    Filter Media

    in 5 years i've not changed any coarse sponge, i just give it a good squeeze out in a bucket of tank water monthly or so. Fine filter media will get clogged faster and needs to be chucked, it can get pretty manky after a while! you'll figure it out. if you can't clean it, change it. but...
  4. P

    Filter Media

    ok, the bacteria should now be living on every surface in the tank system. Taking out a mature filter pad will no doubt reduce the bacteria in there, but if it's mature enough, and the fish are not too delicate it should be ok. what is your tank stocked with and how long has it been there...
  5. P

    Old Dwarf Puffer...

    an update in case anyone is interested!: My puffer is eating every day now. We've both got used to the fact his eyesight isn't what it was, and he is smart enough to start looking at the bottom for his worms once he's lost the pipette a few times. Vitamin supplement is continuing and i'm...
  6. P

    Dwarf Puffers Vs Current

    i think they seem smart enough to remember things like that. i think if they dont like it they'll just avoid it. when mine was younger he used to spend quite some time just riding the current i guess it might depend on how much of the tank is in the current...
  7. P

    Old Dwarf Puffer...

    Thanks for that article. I have always just fed him snails and bloodworms. I tried some other things at the start, artemia and daphnia live and frozen, but he was never interested. The odd flake and algae wafer parts go in there for his buddies, but i've never seen him eat them. You've made a...
  8. P

    Old Dwarf Puffer...

    thanks. i'll try a little garlic and keep my fingers crossed he looks fine physically. good colour and he doesnt even look particularly thin despite the lack of food, and not tubby like he's just eaten. he just stays close to the walls of the tank and the large furniture :( edit: well the...
  9. P

    Old Dwarf Puffer...

    Hello everyone, I'm having trouble with my dwarf puffer. He has been with me for about 4 1/2 years now! pretty old i think. but the last few weeks have been getting harder to get him to eat. I am pretty sure he doesnt see very well. He has always had his bloodworms from a pipette, usually...