20 Gallon (Long) Bottom Dweller


Fish Fanatic
Mar 7, 2009
Reaction score
Detroit, Michigan
Hi everyone,

The stock list for my 20 gallon long looks like this as of right now:

6 x rummy nose tetra
6 x lemon tetra
1 x dwarf gourami (love their colors!)

I really want a bottom dweller for this tank and was thinking of corys but I'm not sure if school of corys would overcrowd this tank or not. Also, what kind of cory would be best? If not corys, any other bottom dwellers that would be suitable?

Cories would be a good choice as very peaceful, I had 6 Julii more likeky to be Triliniatus , very entertaining , how long has your tank been running ? :good:
I really like the cory idea. It would fill out your stocking and a group of cories will work together to be entertaining by their antics.
Cories would be a good choice as very peaceful, I had 6 Julii more likeky to be Triliniatus , very entertaining , how long has your tank been running ?

It hasn't been stocked yet
. The tank's just been fully cycled and aquascaped and I'm trying to figure out what my stock list is exactly, so I can decide who to add first.
Which type of cory, and how many would you recommend for this tank? A few people have said panda corys, although I really love the Julii cory idea. Any other suggestions?
All cories are fab,but my fav is trilineatus(see sig :)) aka false julli,has kiriyama said julli's are sold has trilineatus,true julli are harder to get hold of.

Good luck with your choice :)
you could get some pygmy corys if you want a proper school and are worried about over stocking:

Corydoras pygmaeus

i have a bunch in a small tank, they're just like other corys but really tiny! it's amazing :nod:

i dont think they'd like anything but a sand substrate though. could be wrong. they might end up as food for gourami too, but i've never had gouramis...
if you have gravel substrate, as long as it's not jagged it will be fine for the cories.
if you have gravel substrate, as long as it's not jagged it will be fine for the cories.

Thanks a lot guys, the cories would probably be fine with smooth, fine, gravel but I'm considering switching to sand for their sake. I've never used sand in tanks before though (have stuck with gravel from the beginning), and I've heard so many complaints about it!
So I'm still debating.
i've had sand for a few weeks now, and not had any problems yet. if you do get sand, i got a bag of silver sand from a fish shop in cottingham, for about 7 quid, at maidenhead aquatics they were selling exactly the same make and amount for 25 quid! so watch out.
you could get some pygmy corys if you want a proper school and are worried about over stocking:

Corydoras pygmaeus

i have a bunch in a small tank, they're just like other corys but really tiny! it's amazing :nod:

i dont think they'd like anything but a sand substrate though. could be wrong. they might end up as food for gourami too, but i've never had gouramis...

I think pygmaeus are adorable, I've got around 10 or so habrosus on my stock list for my 10 gallon, so trying to go for a bigger cory for my 20.
I absolutely love the skunks, so am trying to figure out how to keep them but not overstock the tank.

i've had sand for a few weeks now, and not had any problems yet. if you do get sand, i got a bag of silver sand from a fish shop in cottingham, for about 7 quid, at maidenhead aquatics they were selling exactly the same make and amount for 25 quid! so watch out.

Well, I'm in Detroit, Michigan, but I do get your point
so thank you! Is it really a hassle, and is it worth switching?
I find the trilineatus, called julii in lots of shops, or the peppers, C paleatus, are the toughest of the group. I love my pygmies and recently got some sterbai but the peppers and trilineatus are probably the best choice for a new tank.

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