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  1. Zhoo

    Krib'S Odd Behaviour...

    Hi, I have two kribs (I think they are a male and a female)who live in a 10G tank by themselves. They are about an inch and a half long. It's been about two days now that the male krib's been hiding in the narrow spot behind the filter while the female is swimming about in a normal way. He...
  2. Zhoo

    5 Day Old, 38G Tank...Cycled? O_O

    I transferred a whole filter from a different mature tank, media and all. I just thought i had to wait until bacteria colonizes the insides of the tank - gravel, plants etc. So cycling a tank is essentially cycling the filter, right?
  3. Zhoo

    5 Day Old, 38G Tank...Cycled? O_O

    I recently set up my new 38 US gallon tank after the original one cracked. I have had an emperor filter (for up to 55G) with established media inside running since day 1, and also on day 1 I added a packet of septo bac (strained) after adding 5 small water readings as of today - 0...
  4. Zhoo

    Yellow Lab Is A Fussy Eater

    Sigh...yeah...that's what happens when one peaks into a 'mixed cichlid tank' and goes, oh what a cute spotty fish! Now I try to do my research. He may be a venustus too, I can't tell them apart. He is only about 2" long at the moment and has no other colors except light grey with dark brown...
  5. Zhoo

    Yellow Lab Is A Fussy Eater

    He shares a temporary tank with a couple of more outgoing guys, such as a Mel Auratus and what I believe to be a Nimbochromis livingstonii and an OB peacock who devour anything that drops into the tank. Yes, sinking pellets are a good idea. For some reason the sinking type does not seem to be...
  6. Zhoo

    Help With A Bottom Feeder Please?

    Hillstream loach! This is it! Now I see why they call it a 'guitar' loach hehe. Not sure what subtype he is. I wonder if a hillstream loach would be ok with my two baby kribensis in a 10G tank with plenty of rocks and a water pump to create current? I have read they don't grow up to be big.
  7. Zhoo

    Are Jack Dempseys As Aggressive As Their Reputation?

    this is slightly off topic...sometimes when I watch my JD I can't help thinking 'mmmm, what a nice big juicy fish' No, don't get me wrong :lol: But I do wonder if they are a food source in the area of their natural habitat...
  8. Zhoo

    Help With A Bottom Feeder Please? was 'rounder' looking kind of like this guy:
  9. Zhoo

    Help With A Bottom Feeder Please?

    well, that was not too helpful. The guy on the phone said they are called 'Guitar Pleco Loach'. *scratches head*
  10. Zhoo

    Help With A Bottom Feeder Please?

    err...the thing's a couple of hours from where I am. But hey, I'm gonna call!
  11. Zhoo

    Help With A Bottom Feeder Please?

    Hi guys, sorry for my complete noobiness. I'm trying to find out the scientific name of a bottom feeder. I have no idea what kind it is. It's kind of flattish in the dorso-ventral manner (top to bottom flat, like a pleco), with an complicated black and white stripy pattern. It was sold at the...
  12. Zhoo

    Yellow Lab Is A Fussy Eater

    Am I doing it wrong? He does not seem to like anything. Spits out blood worms and brine shrimp. Does not seem to care about cichlid pellets. What do I feed him? I have had him for well over a month right now so he must be snacking on something...
  13. Zhoo

    Are Jack Dempseys As Aggressive As Their Reputation?

    Not to say this can be generalized to every JD out there...but mine is actually quite peaceful. He is in a temporary home with two cichlids who are considerably smaller than him (6" vs 2") and he does not pay attention to them at all. Maybe if they they are being way too cheeky, he'll lazily...
  14. Zhoo

    3 Week Old Tank, High Ammonia, No Nitrites Yet :(

    Well, guess what...after a few intense water changes and improved water quality I discovered a leak. :X Good thing I discovered it before I went to bed that night otherwise we'd wake up to find 38 gallons of water hanging out in the living room. So anyways, the tank got a crack in the bottom...
  15. Zhoo

    Another Id, Maybe?

    Wow guys you are awesome! I tried to figure it our by myself but being a complete noob and all, it just didn't get me anywhere. Now I know what he is B-) He is such a pet too, eats out of my hand. Oh by the way, I've read about the European shrimp mix, would that help to enhance his color...
  16. Zhoo

    Another Id, Maybe?

    Good morning, here's a cichlid we adopted about a year ago. I will take a better pic of him once I get my camera working, here's a cellphone one. He's about 6". He only shows distinct stripes when upset, he's mostly uniform brownish black with iridescent blue on his sides. His tail and the top...
  17. Zhoo

    Cichlid Behaviour

    Hi all, I'm new to all this. I used to babysit a grown-up cichlid and got quite attached to him. That's how I decided to start my own cichlid project. I hope you can give me some insight on what some of their behavior means...for instance, what does it mean when two fish lock their mouths and...
  18. Zhoo

    Can Someone Id My Guys Please?

    Yes! I looked him up and it definitely looks like a Cobalt Blue. Thanks!.. such a pretty fish. I'm working on getting a better picture of the other guy. He is kind of shy :)
  19. Zhoo

    Can Someone Id My Guys Please?
  20. Zhoo

    3 Week Old Tank, High Ammonia, No Nitrites Yet :(

    Oh I meant the squares on the test strip that correspond to substrate measured. I have API 5 in 1 strips and API ammonia strips.. They are hard to read though because the colors seem to bleed or be uneven so I can never tell for sure. Is it green? Is it yellow? What if it's green on the sides...
  21. Zhoo

    3 Week Old Tank, High Ammonia, No Nitrites Yet :(

    Waterdrop, how many fishes would be the max for cycling a 38g tank? I guess it depends on the kind of fish...I was thinking that I might be able to re-home some of them temporarily with a friend in order to reduce the bioload. I have a clown loach, an albino shark, and the rest are cichlids - 2...
  22. Zhoo

    3 Week Old Tank, High Ammonia, No Nitrites Yet :(

    I am going to do another 80-90% one this morning as ammonia must have risen overnight, although not sure what the exact values are. The fish seem to be behaving normally. Is this exposure going to kill the fish anyway? Bah. I wish I knew more before I started.. What sucks is that I still can't...
  23. Zhoo

    3 Week Old Tank, High Ammonia, No Nitrites Yet :(

    thanks guys, I did 2 large water changes today - 50 and 80% and removed all the wood from the tank because I heard it could lower the water's pH. The ammonia did drop significantly. Gee, I had no idea fish pee'd so much. The bad news is that I lost one of my clown loaches. Literally. I have...
  24. Zhoo

    3 Week Old Tank, High Ammonia, No Nitrites Yet :(

    Hi everyone, I'm a noob although I used to babysit a fully grown cichlid and did fairly well. I got myself a new 38g tank three weeks ago. The lfs staff gave me a bunch of used gravel which I'm thankful for. Right now I have 11 1"-1.5" fish in the tank, 3 bottom feeders and 8 baby cichlids...
  25. Zhoo

    Hi From Toronto

    Hi guys, I'm new to the hobby. Just got my first tank set up (38g) so things are a little rocky right now but I'm hanging in there!