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  1. M

    How To Transfer Fish From Smaller To Bigger Aquarium?

    I just transferred my senegal bichir, clownknife and freshwater flounder. I decided to just go on ahead and drop em. Both tanks had 80 degrees of temp and IDENTICAL PH. I figured it would have been less stressful for them. I got to tell you, it was sure interesting...immediately once I put the...
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    How To Transfer Fish From Smaller To Bigger Aquarium?

    I might drop my bichir and clownknife today to increase the bioload...
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    How To Transfer Fish From Smaller To Bigger Aquarium?

    I only have 2 as of now; male and female that will be going to the 30g for breeding...
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    How To Transfer Fish From Smaller To Bigger Aquarium?

    Hmm, I just tested; I got 0 ammonia, 0 nitrites, but 0 nitrates! Could it be my tank havent even begun to cycle yet? I would have imagined with the old filter and the addition of biospira, I would have had 0 ammonia, 0 nitrites and a small amount of nitrates. Any ideas? I remember before when...
  5. M

    How To Transfer Fish From Smaller To Bigger Aquarium?

    Yes I did transfer the old filter from 30g to the 75g, not to mention I had the fortune of buying 90g worth of BIOSPIRA (yes, it came refrigerated and I put it in icebox on the way home). The tank has been running a week with a couple of convicts that I am planning on putting on the 30g. They...
  6. M

    How To Transfer Fish From Smaller To Bigger Aquarium?

    Hi all, I have recently purchased a 75g tank and will be transferring my fish from the 30g; I do plan on leaving the 30g empty as a hospital tank or possibly put some convicts. Anyhoo, how do I transfer it? Do I just dump em in there as long as PH and water temp is the same or do I have to buy...
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    Tank Just Not Cycling :( nitrites for some reason also didnt pick up until week 4-5; but I got to warn you though, when it WILL spike, like off the charts. Patience, I guess...
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    How To Create A Feeder Tank?

    Wait, so how does Pet's Mart here in the US will sell you those 1gallon to 5 gallon tanks with just an airstone and pump? Are you telling me YOU HAVE to buy a filter?
  9. M

    How To Create A Feeder Tank?

    Hi all, I have a predator tank and I am wanting to create a feeder tank, possibly some convict breeding. For starters, I might just have some guppies and ghost shrimps. How do I cycle the tank with just an airstone? I am thinking of just buying a 20g tub. Obviously, it will be a fishless...
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    How To Drop High Levels Of Nitrites?

    I just want to make sure that too much water change is not detrimental to the fish.
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    How To Drop High Levels Of Nitrites?

    Hey all, Unfortunately I have done a fish-in cycle (now I regret); I have a few zebra danios cycling my 30g tank. Anyhoo, I am picking up high levels of Nitrite. I think it was 3.0, now I have lowered to below 1.0 after TWO 50% water change TODAY (in fact, JUST finished one 5 minutes ago)...
  12. M

    Tiny Bubbles On Top Water Of Tank

    Hey guys, Have a tank about 30 gallon, with an Emperor filter 280; I am noticing lately that tiny bubbles are appearing at the top part of the water. Can anybody shed light on what it means, or rather is it bad for the fish? Whenever, I do a water change, it all goes away, but next day its...
  13. M

    When Will Nitrites/nitrates Go Up?

    Hello, I have recently started a 30g fish in cycle (LFS told me to do it) with zebra danios. Anyhoo, I am on day 15 and I am still not picking up any Nitrites/Nitrates! My ammonia has been constant throughout the process...0 - .50; never higher than .50 as I do water changes whenever I approach...
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    Aquarium Salt

    Hi, I have recently set up a tank, going through a fish-in cycle with a few Zebra Danios...I was wondering whether and when do you guys add aquarium salt?
  15. M

    Stress Zyme = 2 Weeks Fully Cycle Tank?

    #41#### IT... Lately going to the fish store has been like a routine oil change..."new tire, new battery, etc..etc..." Anyhoo, good stuff all...thanks for the info; One more question, I have an Emperor 280 external filter for my 30 i still need an airstone? I am puzzled because I...
  16. M

    Stress Zyme = 2 Weeks Fully Cycle Tank?

    I went to and they recommended several products onto which you can fully your cycle your tank within a week... The name of the products are SafeStart, Biospara and Stress Zyme. Supposebly they are live bacterias that are used to help create beneficial ones...Anyhoo, my local fish...
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    Ph Going Sky Roof

    Hey all, I have a question regarding water changes... Whenever I change the water the PH goes up...I use tap water, put the conditioner...then POOF PH goes up...does any of your guys put PH reducer in the bucket water before adding it to the main tank? Thanks!
  18. M

    Gagged Water Onto Tank

    Not sure if this has happened to any of your guys before, but I was doing a water change and instead of dipping the plastic tube onto the water and filling it up, I decided to be quick about it and just suck up the water before swallowing it... Well, long story short...I swallowed the aquarium...
  19. M

    Back To The Hobby... Cycling Question

    You know what? I am kind of regretting from doing so...but I have already purchased them! They were $.99 cents/each (Zebra Danios)...Will Pet's Mart take em back? I might get a plant or an equipment... With my filter, I dont need an airstone do I? Just making sure it is enough to keep the...
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    Back To The Hobby... Cycling Question

    I have a 280 emperor was given to me; it was used before to house discus...i just put in the new filters as the old ones were pretty worn out...and they were unused for a few months. I figured any beneficial bacterias would have been dead by then.
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    Back To The Hobby... Cycling Question

    hi all, i am new here... i just got back to the hobby after graduating college; i recently purchased a 30 gallon tank and i am in the midst of cycling the tank. I went to Pets Mart nearby my house and this young lady was tremendously helpful with everything; she was extremely knowledgeable and...