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  1. E

    Unexpected Growth

    Please help. I have a 15US Gallon tank with 3 Dwarf Puffers, 1 Corydora, and 2 Java Ferns. There is sand substrate and a log. The tank was absolutely spotless. I carried out weekly water changes and kept everything consistent. I had to go away for about 5 days and a friend fed my fish for...
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    Dwarf Puffer Theoretical Tankmates

    You said you were able to keep DPs with bigger puffers? Which are you talking talking about? Red Eyes? I would be very interested in trying this but my LFS guy said that a bigger puffer would just eat the DPs. Btw, if you havn't seen my new post, I just got two Cories and one more DP and...
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    Dwarf Puffer Theoretical Tankmates

    I just went to my LFS today and got two Juhli Cories and one DP. There seemes to be no interaction between the now four puffers and 2 cories. I guess this is a good mix. Thanks for the advice.
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    Dwarf Puffer Theoretical Tankmates

    I know many people on this forum have been strict on the issue of DP tankmates. So far, I have heard Otos, or maybe shrimp, but nothing else. Can anyone here actually tell me if they have tried mixing DPs with other fish? Is everyone is getting information from the same source? Currently...
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    Snails For A Tropical Tank

    I have a 15USG tropical fish tank. The temperature is 80deg F and it has 2 Java Fern. The ph is about 7.3. What kind of snails would do well in this tank? The problem is that the tank has Dwarf Puffers. About a week ago, I tried to grow snails in a seperate container as food for the fish...
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    Growing Snails For Food

    I had Ramshorn snails. I thought they liked coldwater. They don't the same conditions as puffers because they are going in only to be eaten. I may just get new snails and let them live in the tank. What snails would go well in a tank that is 80F? There is a little bit of aquarium salt to...
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    Dwarf Puffers Vs Current

    My filter produces some current along with the bubbler. Sometimes I watch my new DPs cruise through it, but i don't know if this is bad for their state of being. They don't seem to be stressed, but I know that some fish need low current. Thanks
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    Growing Snails For Food

    I'm growing snails for my Dwarf Puffers. I just had 6 in a little plastic cup with a piece of zucchini. They were in there for a couple days and they died. I'm going to get more this week. How should I take care of them? Is a little plastic cup ok? I know to put in vegetables, but how...
  9. E

    55 Us Gallon Stocking

    Oops, I think I used the wrong name. I probably don't mean Balas. I had Rainbows a long time ago. From what I know, you should have 1 or 3, but never 2. I made that mistake. They fought each other constantly and one jumped out of the tank. Thanks for the Advice
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    55 Us Gallon Stocking

    4x Three Spot Gouramis 2x Angelfish 2 or 3x Bala, Rainbow, or Red Fin Sharks Perhaps 2 New World Cichlids??? I know almost nothing about the Cichlids so I'll research. Is this good? It seems pretty to me. Could be a really bad idea. Thanks for the help.
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    30 Us Gallon Stocking

    Do you mean 55USG per Violet? If I were to do that, what else could I put in there? If I were to do do a 30USG without the Violet, what should I put in? F8s and little Gobies? Thanks for the Help
  12. E

    30 Us Gallon Stocking

    I have a 29US Gallon that should be free prety soon. It currently has two Mudsippers. I want to do another brackish setup when they are gone. THIS MAY BE A TERRIBLE IDEA, BUT... I want to keep Violet/Dragon Gobyx1 F8 Pufferx 1 or 2 And something else maybe Other Gobies Perhaps? I think...
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    I've recently become quite interested in paludariums. I can't start one now because I'm already working on other ideas, but I would like to know more about them. What can live in them? Can you mix fish and aquatic animals? Maybe some puddle-dwelling fish and a tiny toad? How about a...
  14. E

    What Is The Best Way To Kill My Fish

    I'm just about finished cycling my 15USG tank. There are 3 Zebra Danios that unfortunately have to go. They can't live with the Dwarf Puffers coming in, and I have no one to give them to. I was thinking about some nearly frozen water. That should shut them down pretty fast. What about some...
  15. E

    Zebra Danios Are Aggressive

    This happened awhile ago so I don't have the test results. Yes, I know exactly why I have new tank syndrome. It's a new tank and the fish are cycling. I know what cycling is. I don't care if they die. It's been exactly two weeks now and I've done a water change. Everything seems to be...
  16. E

    Zebra Danios Are Aggressive

    I had 4 zebra danios in a 15 gallon tank to help cycle. Yesterday, one died. I think it got stuck in a plant, but I'm not sure. Today, the three started acting extremely aggressive. They are chasing each other around the tank. They tried to attack my test strip, and they ate like piranas...
  17. E

    Amano/ghost Shrimp Care

    I am starting a Dwarf Puffer Tank, 15USgal, almost 80F. DPs are kindof aggressive so they may eat the shrimp, but some people say they have had luck keeping them together. The tank has a piece of wood, two Java Fern, clay pots for hiding, and sand substrate. ph around 7.0 Any advice...
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    Dwarf Puffer Food

    I'm getting them in a week. I know to feed them blood worms, but do they prefer the freeze dried ones or the big chunk ones. I will also feed them some snails
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    What Plants Live In Sand Substrate?

    Thanks for all of the advice I know nothing about plants. I tried them once but they died instantly and killed my water. I dont remember what they were I just started doing real plants again because I'm sick of those little kid unnatural tanks with pink gravel. I will have puffers in the...
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    Java Fern Buds

    My one Java Fern has new plants growing on the leaves. 1 of them has a tiny leaf. When should I take them off and plant them?
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    Transparent Goo

    I didn't see any snails, no. I got it from my LFS to add some visuals and to lower ph. It's just an average piece of driftwood, not a maple... This didn't look like sap It was slimy, not sticky I took out the would, scraped the stuff off, and used a little bit of peroxide. I then rinsed...
  22. E

    What Plants Live In Sand Substrate?

    I've got a 15 gallon freshwater tropical tank that currently has 2 Java Ferns and a piece of wood. It will soon have puffers, probably dwarf puffers. I want to get some nice plants in the sand because I recently found out that the Javas have to be tied to the wood. Any suggestions? I WILL...
  23. E

    Java Fern N Sand Substrate

    I don't really know what I'm talking about... what is the rhizome? Is that the green thing that grows out of the brown roots? How do I keep the rhizome out of the substrate but the roots in?
  24. E

    Java Fern N Sand Substrate

    You mean tied but with the roots out in the water? Should I tie it to the log? What about sticking it in the holes in the log?
  25. E

    Transparent Goo

    I just started cycling my tank. There is a piece of wood, but it has a gelatinous substance on it. I think it's alive. It looks like transparent Jell-O with little bubbles in it. The tank has 4 zebra danios, a piece of wood, and two java ferns. I've had it for about four days now.
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    Water Softening Pillows... Do They Work?

    I already have a plan to get puffer fish, but in actuallity, the water isn't that hard. The total hardness is about 80-100ppm. Right now, I have some plants and a log in the tank, so that may help a little. If the pillow helps just a little bit... Also, it's only 15USG. But thanks for the info
  27. E

    What is your favourite fish in your tank?

    oops, already posted.
  28. E

    Dwarf Puffers, What All Potential Owners Should Know

    Can DPs go with irrubescos or lortetis or green bottles in a 15USgal? Probbly not, but i'm just curious.
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    Water Softening Pillows... Do They Work?

    I bought one but I havn't opened it yet. I can still return. The directions say to take it out and immerse it in salty water (aquarium salt) every 2 weeks or something. I'm not sure how much it will soften the water. Is there any harm that this can do to the tank?
  30. E

    Puffers In Aquaria

    I'm cycling a 15 gallon tank right now. I was thinking about getting 3 or 4 dwarf puffers, but what about irrubesco, lorteti, or green bottle? Could I fit any of those. I have heard that Irrubescos are pretty calm. Can they be kept with DPs?
  31. E

    What is your favourite fish in your tank?

    My male African Mudskipper. He's pretty big now and he has great coloration on his dorsal fin. I don't really have anything else interesting but in a week, I should be getting either Dwarf or Red Eye Puffers.
  32. E

    Java Fern N Sand Substrate

    Can Java Fern live in sand substrate? I just put two little plants in. I heard from my lfs that i can stick them in a piece of bogwood. Would this be better? Also, how long does it take for Java Fern to produce a new plant? I heard it spreads like crazy.
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    Water Softening Pillows... Do They Work?

    My water is a little bit too hard and I'm wondering if the pillows actually worth getting. Are there any other useful techniques to softening water other than expensive RO systems?
  34. E

    Yellow Slime?

    I have a 30 USgallon mudskipper tank. It has two African Mudskippers. It also has Carib Live/coral sand. The water is a little over 80F. I was doing a cleaning one day when i nticed this gross yellow slime on the wall of the tank. What the hell is it and where is it coming from?!?
  35. E

    20 Gallon Puffer Tank

    When you say red eye, do you mean irrubesco or lorteti? How many red eyes can I fit in a 15USG? What are some good tankmates? I'm pretty sure you can't mix it with a pea puffer, right? Hmmm... if they have similar behavior, as long as tank size permits, it may be ok. I could be completely...
  36. E

    20 Gallon Puffer Tank

    Well, it was going to be 20 US gallons, but I ended up getting a 15USg. It's cycling right now. I was thinking about getting pea puffers and some otos or loaches in a week or two. I decided not to do brackish. What about a South American puffer or green bottle puffer? Would one of those...
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    Mini Puffer Fish

    A few Ottos will go well with DPs.
  38. E

    Puffers In Aquaria

    What would you suggest for a 20 gallon tank? I don't mind brackish. Maybe a mix? Could dwarves go with South Americans? Is 20g enough room for F8 and BB gobies?
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    20 Gallon Puffer Tank

    I'm starting a 20 gallon puffer tank. I'm pretty sure that I'm capable of keeping brackish or freshwater puffers. What species should i get? I'm looking for activity, so nothing nocturnal or timid. I know all of the species that I can get, but which are the "best" to keep. Are there any...
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    Puffer & Mudskipper

    Late response but for anyone else reading, i would say its a bad idea. I have mudskippers and they are ammonia factories. Puffers are extremely sensitive to ammonia. They dont sem like a good match. Mudskippers make a cool specimen tank.