Transparent Goo


New Member
Oct 3, 2009
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United States
I just started cycling my tank. There is a piece of wood, but it has a gelatinous substance on it. I think it's alive. It looks like transparent Jell-O with little bubbles in it.

The tank has 4 zebra danios, a piece of wood, and two java ferns. I've had it for about four days now.
hi do you happen to have snails in your tank?
scot :)

I didn't see any snails, no.

where did you source the wood from?
it could be sap

I got it from my LFS to add some visuals and to lower ph.

It's just an average piece of driftwood, not a maple...

This didn't look like sap

It was slimy, not sticky

I took out the would, scraped the stuff off, and used a little bit of peroxide.

I then rinsed it

Then i put it in really hot, not quite boiling water.

Then i rinsed and scrubbed it again

It's back in the tank now, I hope it's alright
Whether you've seen them or not, I'd be with what I think Scot was getting at and suggest snail eggs.
chances are the 'parents' came in on the plants.
I've had a cloudy snot-like goo on my wood a couple of week after I put it into the tank. I got over excited and put it straight in without scrubbing it down, which probably didn't help.

It disappeared quite quickly after I started adding EasyCardon tho (for the plants not to get right of it). I believe it's a form of algae.
I had that problem too with white slimy goo with bubbles. I think it's fungus and bacteria, but the fish- especially sucking fish- love eating it. I thought the goo is just "eating" the rest of the nutrients stored in the wood.
I just started cycling my tank. There is a piece of wood, but it has a gelatinous substance on it. I think it's alive. It looks like transparent Jell-O with little bubbles in it.

The tank has 4 zebra danios, a piece of wood, and two java ferns. I've had it for about four days now.

check this link if its not here then it was snail eggs or some type of weird fungus. chances are though it was snail eggs, snails always hitch hike from poor LFS (local fish stores)

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