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  1. J

    Did I....? Did I Give Her The Right Advice?

    Heh that's exactly what I was thinking, just didn't want to say it. I could feel my IQ dropping as I read it. Probably doubled the size of that post.
  2. J

    What 2 Add In Next...

    Agreed, he also keeps giving advice of water changes to "stabilize" numbers in a fishless cycling tank to get nitrites down. We know you just want to be helpful discuslover but that isn't being helpful.
  3. J

    New Tank

    Does it have fish in it currently? I'm guessing no since you said you will be getting some. Saying a tank is cycled isn't just leaving it running for a few days, a tank that is cycled has different kinds of bacteria in it that will convert the harmful waste in the tank to less harmful waste...
  4. J

    Ammonia - 3ppm Or 5ppm

    You can re-dose whenever you like, but no more than 24 hours, the bacteria needs its food. In this thread it's recommended 5 ppm every 12 hours, once your tank can clear the ammonia and nitrite from a 5ppm dose in 12 hours you are good to go.
  5. J

    Gr44's Fishless Cycle Log

    Glad to hear you won't rush it, let us know how it looks tomorrow.
  6. J

    Cycling With Danios

    It took me an hour or two and 8 different places to find some good ammonia. If it has an ingredient list, check it and see that is only contains ammonium hydroxide (no surfuctants, perfumes, dyes, etc). If it doesn't, shake it and see if it foams. The stuff without other stuff added is...
  7. J

    Gr44's Fishless Cycle Log

    I'd go ahead and get your fish. The tank should sort itself out, just try to keep an eye on the vitals for the first few days.
  8. J

    Ammonia - 3ppm Or 5ppm

    Most recommend 5 yes. At your stage in fishless cycling it probably doesn't matter since you don't have that much of the ammonia bacteria yet, but if you go up to 5 ppm that will give you a lot more leeway when you stock your tank with your fish.
  9. J

    Stocking Question

    So I'm in the middle of my fishless cycle, trying to settle on a stocking list so i can be ready to go and put them all in there for minimal bacterial die off. It's a 10 gallon with aquaclear 20 filter. Wanted a small colorful schooling fish, so 6-8 neon tetras. Wanted a bigger centerpiece...
  10. J

    I Know I've Asked This B4...but

    I wouldn't do a water change, will just leave less nitrite for the bacteria to feed on and multiply. Not like there is any fish in there to be hurt by it. The nitrite eating bacteria take longer to colonize so it will take longer to see your nitrites being used as efficiently as your ammonia.