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  1. N

    Arowanas Breaking Tanks

    Im very interested in getting an arowana. but ive heard they break tanks. is this true? anything else experts would like to tell me?
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    Clown Loach

    well i got a clown loach to take a toll on my snail infestation and i was wondering if i should feed him while snails are abundant and if so what? the only fish in there with him right now is a 3 inch pleco and he is about 2 inches. try to get back to me quick thiankks
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    Questions About Oscars

    thank you. anything you would like to tell me to help me out?
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    I Need Help On Clarifying A Few Things About Oscars

    ok i have heard lots of things and have been researching for a while, one thing is that oscars raised from very young together will become attached to one another, and other times i heard they will kill eachother, i also herad that if you have a single oscar then silver dollars are one of the...
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    Questions About Oscars

    ive heard many things about oscars and i need verification. first, i heard that oscars raised from babies together will sometimes become very attached to eachother, or other times they will fight when the grow bigger, second i heard that silver dollars make great tankmates if you just have a...
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    New Oscar Might Be Sick?

    i took the oscar back but i could not return the pleco, and also i found the original lid for this tank, it orginaly came with a screen one, and it is 45 gallons,
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    New Oscar Might Be Sick?

    i called the store i bought him from and they said they had an oscar doing that a die the day before i bought this one so it may have come home with him from the petstore
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    New Oscar Might Be Sick?

    also if i took him back and got a new one would it be best do a complete water change and recycle the tank for 4 weeks, if so i would have to buy a new oscar, i have 14 days to bring him back, also i looked up common oscar diseases, and it looks like sitting on the bottom of the tank leaning to...
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    New Oscar Might Be Sick?

    yes i change out 4 gallons a week which is the 10-15% and the pleco looks happy, should he be affeced by this too
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    New Oscar Might Be Sick?

    i have always let my tank run for a day or too with water conditioner, then added some sort of bottom feeder to cycle the tank while feeding him algae wafers for the first week, then after about 2 weeks i would add my other fish, no problems, except for this. first thing the oscar did when taken...
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    New Oscar Might Be Sick?

    well the pleco, but i was told it was only needed for 2 weeks, and buildup of amonia would not cause him to act like this, atleast not this fast, this isnt my first fish tank.
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    New Oscar Might Be Sick?

    hm not sure on the dimensions i know its called a 30 long though and its been up about 2 and a half weeks, my test strips got some moisture in them and only one was usable, i checked it about 5 days ago and everything was in correct ranges
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    New Oscar Might Be Sick?

    i have had him about 12 hours, he wont go up and eat he just sits at the bottom of a tank also the water is fine i cycled it with the pleco for about 2 weeks first and he is fine, i think the oscar may have some form of epilepsy or somthing because as soon as the light goes one, he just freezes...
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    I Think My Oscar Might Be Sick?

    i just bought a new oscar yesterday, hes alone in a 30 gallon tank with a pleco. he just kinda sits at the bottom and turns about 45 dgrees on his side when the light is on, bu when the light goes off he becomes more active, is he sick? should i take him back and get a healthy one? or is he...
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    New Oscar Might Be Sick?

    i got an oscar yesterday hes about 4 inches long, hes in a 30 gallon tank and i let him float for about 30 minutes before putting him in, it was about 73 when i put him in but now is about 76 degrees. when the lights on he kinda sits on the bottom and goes about 45 degrees sideways, but when...
  16. N

    Red Belly Cleanup Crew

    I have one red belly in a 30 gallon tank and he is fine, i know most people say this is not enough but it seems fine, i was also wonderion what woud maybe be a cleanup crew of small fish that i could use to clean up after him, is there anything he wouldnt attack?
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    I Just Have Some Questions

    assassin snails are very expensive. and also i just moved my lizard out of a 30 gallon long tank, what would be a good combination for that if i decided to switch over to that.
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    I Just Have Some Questions

    are there any others. maybe something that is a bottom feeder or something.
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    I Just Have Some Questions

    are there any fish taht eat snails??
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    I Just Have Some Questions

    I am fairly certain they have not since i have not added them yet
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    I Just Have Some Questions

    well i took your advice and didnt add any snails.... but i noticed that there were a few ramshorn snails and a lot of small pond snails that began appearing.... can their eggs survive drying out? they appear in my tanksevery time
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    I Just Have Some Questions

    Hey i was planning on making a 10 gal tank with a dwarf gourami, some tetras, a bottom feeder and some ponds snails, i was wondering if all of those are ok with live plants and what are the best ones? also i havent cycled yet and its a lot of work, could pond snails be used cycle before i put...