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    8 x 2 x 2
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    would it last till the oscar is about 10cm
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    how long could i keep a 5cm oscar in a 70 litre tank, i want to introduce another one to my tank but at 5cm he is to small, so wanted to grow him a bit more before i put him in the big tank, but the only other tank i have is a 70 litre one.
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    Rivulatus Gold Saum

    the tank is my new 8 x 2 x 2 and tank mates will be 2 oscars, 6 silver dollars, 2 ornate pims, 1 albino sailfin plecos
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    Rivulatus Gold Saum

    i am thinking of putting one in my tank and want to know any information on them mainly temprement
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    Is This Ich

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    Need Help Deciding Which Discus

    they are going in one of my smaller tanks that is 180L and was set up for them, the ph is 6.7 the ammonia and nitrite is 0. i am getting them from a mate that rearranging his tanks to get other colours, they are an established breeding pair and are currently housed by them selves they will go in...
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    Need Help Deciding Which Discus

    i am getting a pair of discus for my tank and i am trying to decide which ones out of red dragon rafflesia red leopard skin giant flora red leopard pigeon blood pigeon checkerboard red marlboro red melon red scarlet if people could post pictures of theirs or give me any advice on which one to...
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    Congo Tetras

    can i have a group of all males and have the bright colours, or will i need some females for the colour of the males to be really bright. i am planning a group of 10.
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    Mixing Plecos

    ok thanks i just saw them in a shop and the guy said they were peppermint bristlenose catfish.
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    Mixing Plecos

    ok i won't worry about the plec, thanks i forgot about the width to turn around, i am in australia and pretty sure the peppermint bristlenose are just a colour phase of the bristlenose they get to the same size and look exactly the same.
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    Mixing Plecos

    the peppermint bristlenose is a form of bristlenose that is black with white spots, why is the tank too small for the gols spot, just woundering because of what i have read says it gets to 20 - 25 cm long
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    Mixing Plecos

    so could i have say a trio of albino bristlenose, and trio of peppermint bristlenose maybe also a gold spot pleco(L001)
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    Mixing Plecos

    can i keep bristlenose catfish in with a a larger pleco, also can i keep more than one pair of bristlenose catfish in a tank. the tank is a aqua grand 120.
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    What Would You Do

    so bala sharks are out, i should of said i would like those fish but nothing is certain, i am after suggestions.
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    What Would You Do

    ok i have decided to go with a tropical community tank without the discus, what would you suggest as stocking, i reslly don't want to have any real small fish like neon tetras, i really want congo tetras, bala sharks, angels, gold gourami, moonlight gourami, pearl gourami, chocolate gourami...
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    What Would You Do

    i have an aqua grande 120 and i am unsure what to put in it 2 bullrouts and an oscar or a tropical tank with bala sharks, congo tetras, angels, discus, bristlenose catfish, gold gourami, moonlight gourami, pearl gourami, buenos aries tetras if you had the choice what would you go with, or...
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    Panaque L002 - Tiger Peckoltia

    i am after any information on this pleco size ph tank size peaceful or aggressive and any other information
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    Amazon Swords

    can i put them in cold water
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    Ammonia And Nirite

    just a question if i have a fish tank with fish in it and i get rid of the fish, how long does it last until the good bacteria all dies and i have to cycle it again.
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    Pimelodus Ornatus

    i am after any info i can get as i am thinking about getting one, size of tank ph temp i have read they can be kept singally or in a group.
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    Suggestions For My Tank

    i would love some piranha, but unfourtanetly i can't have them in australia.
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    Suggestions For My Tank

    no im in australia
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    Suggestions For My Tank

    i am after suggestions of predatory fish for my tank, it is an aqua grande 120
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    What Size Tank Do I Need For

    ok thanks
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    What Size Tank Do I Need For

    what size tank do i need for a pair of oscars
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    just woundering what size tank i need for a few bullrout. im in australia
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    Are There Any Cories I Can Put In My Tank

    any information as i want to get some in the next couple of days
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    Are There Any Cories I Can Put In My Tank

    also im in Australia and these are the ones available to me.
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    Can I Mix Shrimp

    i have an aqua one 510, it has been cycled, ph is 6.8, temp 25 degrees celcius, with driftwood and plants i am keeping tetras can i keep different specis of shrimp in one tank, like cherry shrimp glass shrimp and freshwater prawns or if i cant which one would be best for my tank i like the...
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    Are There Any Cories I Can Put In My Tank

    i have an aqua one 510, it has been cycled, ph is 6.8, temp 25 degrees celcius, with driftwood and plants, are there any cories i could put in it out of this group albino bronze peppered corydoras adolfoi corydoras julii corydoras metae corydoras oiapoquensis variante c. corydoras panda...
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    Can I Trim

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    Can I Trim

    i have just brought some broad amazon sword and it has a big group of roots and very long, can i trim them a bit so they arn't so long
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    i have an aqua one 510 i am cycling it now my plan is to have 10 x blue emperor tetra 10 x black emperor tetra 10 x cherry shrimp 6 x marble hatchet fish
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    i have searched and can't find it somone posted a link to a programe that you can put in your tank details and the fish you want and it tells you if you are overstocked.
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    Plant Suggestions

    i have done that with the sand, i have decided to go with 3 amazon swords 2 narrow ludwigia 2 needle ludwigia 2 giant ambulia a couple of java fern and java moss on driftwood i am now just after a really short plant for the front of the tank (possably one which will carpet the bottom of the...
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    Plant Suggestions

    i don't really like a thick base, is it possable to make little open bottom pots out of pvc pipe and put the plants in them and then the rest of the tank can have a thin base.
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    Plant Suggestions

    ok i can get most of them from the pet shop near me. also is there a certain amount of depth of sand that they need.
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    Plant Suggestions

    i was thinking some swords, java fern, java moss but am open to other suggestions. i am in australia so i cant get some of the plants you can, out of the 3 i can only get ambulia