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  1. Tw3lv3


    Hey guys n gals just a quick question.... I heard you can put pond dechlorinator in your fish tank to save money on buying so many of the tiny bottles you get in your LFS, Is this true and if so do's anyone have any siggestions on which make to get and if i would need to lower the dosage if its...
  2. Tw3lv3

    Bristlenose Pleco

    hey guys n gals my pleo the last few days has started getting this wierd pale green skin discolouration around his eyes and nose and his eyes dont look right at all and i dont know if its just new scales comingi n or if he is bieng bullied or if he is ill will someone please help me here is a...
  3. Tw3lv3

    Juwel Rio Stock Filter

    Thanks guys :D i will deffiantly run the filters side by side for a couple of weeks and im going to use a filter sponge out of my juwel filter to speed it up a little thats great advice and ill pick up a paint scraper bae ill try that and if that dont work ill use a shaver like you said Cheers...
  4. Tw3lv3

    Juwel Rio Stock Filter

    Hey guys, So ive had my juwel rio running for a few months now and i want to upgrade to an external filter for cleaner water and more swim room for the fish, Ive got the filter picked out and im ready to buy but before i buy it i want to make sure i know how to remove the filter that comes...
  5. Tw3lv3

    3" Algea Eater

    get him then mate hehe 1 1/2 is a bit far to transport a fish in my opinion he would be better off with u buddy :)
  6. Tw3lv3

    What Would Be The Best Algae Eater In My Tank?

    i cant speak for the fish myself as i havent had 1 yet but from what you have told me about them id say they were worth the high price tag :)
  7. Tw3lv3

    What Would Be The Best Algae Eater In My Tank?

    yeah i have noticed pleco's can be quite an expensive fish to buy
  8. Tw3lv3

    What Would Be The Best Algae Eater In My Tank?

    ah thats a shame but you will still have some nice fish from it tho so goodluck with it mate :)
  9. Tw3lv3

    What Would Be The Best Algae Eater In My Tank?

    that is such a wonderfully unusual looking fish if you do breed them with the short fins post some pics of the outcome id love to see them
  10. Tw3lv3

    What Would Be The Best Algae Eater In My Tank?

    Id like 1 male those bristles on the male in the link you sent me look amazing :)
  11. Tw3lv3

    What Would Be The Best Algae Eater In My Tank?

    thanks for the links kizno ill do my best to look out for them and hopefully i wont get 2 males and inchworm im suprised you dont have that brand in the US it seems to be a popular brand over here stocked everywhere but which is the best brand i have no idea either lol ill pop in to that section...
  12. Tw3lv3

    What Would Be The Best Algae Eater In My Tank?

    Thanks for the advice inchworm i have got some king british plecostomus tablet food already as i got sold a common pleco when i had my 1st 60 litre tank early this year but they did not tell me how big they would grow and i felt it was cruel to keep him in such a small tank so i had to rehome...
  13. Tw3lv3

    What Would Be The Best Algae Eater In My Tank?

    I probably could but i wouldnt want to risk accidently overstocking my tank until i have my new external filter i will be getting a filter that is for a 300 litre tank when i do to be safe... so i will get 1 bristlenose now and get another once the filter is setup and cycled along with my corys...
  14. Tw3lv3

    What Would Be The Best Algae Eater In My Tank?

    My tank is 81 x 36 x 50 cm :)
  15. Tw3lv3

    What Would Be The Best Algae Eater In My Tank?

    Thanks everyone they sound like great fish i will pick 1 up the weekend and ill post some pics up when he is all settled in :D
  16. Tw3lv3

    What Would Be The Best Algae Eater In My Tank?

    Thanks for a fast reply :D can you tell me how big do they grow please? as i dont want there to be any competition over food with the corys because they will be the focal point of my tank along with my angels
  17. Tw3lv3

    What Would Be The Best Algae Eater In My Tank?

    hey guys n girls i am after an algea eater to keep me from having to clean off all the algae off my glass all the time... I have a 125 litre juwel rio with driftwood, live plants, 3x angelfish, 2x swordtails and 9x sliver tip tetra's I would get a pleco but they will grow to big for me as i...
  18. Tw3lv3

    3" Algea Eater

    Im interested he is a great looking fish is weston anywhere near walsall? Tw3lv3.
  19. Tw3lv3

    Will Cuttings Re-root?

    Thats great thankyou for your advice :) will get it sorted later on
  20. Tw3lv3

    Will Cuttings Re-root?

    This is the plant i want to re-plant the cuttings off: do you think it will root?
  21. Tw3lv3

    Will Cuttings Re-root?

    Hi guys i have 3 plants in my tank (dont know what they are called) and 1 of them isnt doing so well due to my fish eating it lol so i want to take it out and plant some cuttings from 1 of the other 2 which are doing really well can this be done? if so is there any specific way of doing it like...
  22. Tw3lv3

    My 85gal Bowfront Tank With Pangea Background And Fish

    Fantastic looking tank and fish mate :) as others have said the background is fantastic i saw a tank with a background like that on sale here in the uk for £999 and to be honest was well worth the money looks amazing if id had the space/money id have got it in a heart beat. Where did you get...
  23. Tw3lv3

    Silver Tip Tetras

    hey guys n gals how many silver tip tetras can i have in my setup? I have a 125l juwel rio ive got 3 angel fish (2 are nearly adults and 1 baby) 2 swordtails and im planning on getting 5 julli cory's and i was going to get a shoal of silver tip tetras to finish off my tank but im unsure on...
  24. Tw3lv3

    Cleaning The Outside Of The Glass?

    hey guys whats the best thing for cleaning the outside of my fishtank? Its getting pretty filthy and i dont want to use anything that could affect the glass in a bad way or anything. Cheers, Tw3lv3.
  25. Tw3lv3

    My New Juwel Rio 125

    Here are my new plants dont know what they are called tho lol
  26. Tw3lv3

    My New Juwel Rio 125

    I have got some new plants for it yesterday dont know what they are called but i got some long grass for the back and got rid of that plastic 1 in the pic and put a plant with bigish leaves in its place and another red round leafed plant for in the middle ish will post some pics later on :)
  27. Tw3lv3

    My New Angelfish

    Thanks for backing me up tolak :) and superman im going to have a couple of mollys and plattys to go with my 3 angels then ill work on it from there i think mate maybe a shoal of tetra's or something like that
  28. Tw3lv3

    My New Angelfish

    I was browsing through my LFS yesterday for plants for my new setup and saw this little guy n i just had to get him... he is only about the size of a 5p and has to be the cutest thing in the world!! lol Tw3lv3.
  29. Tw3lv3

    My New Juwel Rio 125

    I gave the other piece to a friend as it seemed extremely crowded with them both in lol and i wanted the wood on its side so i could get a natural cave thing going for my pleco and my small fish to hide away in and im going to have weeping moss on it so it gives the cave some cover and to make...
  30. Tw3lv3

    My New Juwel Rio 125

    I will do :) i come on this section alot to see peoples new tanks and to steal some ideas lol i wont be getting anything new for a month or so yet so i can get the tank established but as soon as thats done there will be updates thick and fast hehe :)
  31. Tw3lv3

    My New Juwel Rio 125

    well i really want my angelfish to be the focus point of my tank which is why i didnt really put too much thought into the placing of the wood, i found some lovely angelfish called platinum blue angelfish they are pure white with 2 blue stripes running halfway up theyre bodies absolutely...
  32. Tw3lv3

    My New Juwel Rio 125

    Hey guys n gals here is my new tank it came this morning :D finally!! lol it seemed to take forever to get here but it was so worth it lol its only my 2nd tank so if decor isnt to taste you can blame me for bieng an idiot lol Here it is set up out of the box: And here it is with all the...
  33. Tw3lv3

    New Tank Filter

    Hey guys my new tank will be here thursday/friday and from what i can gather from posts on this forum running the tank for a week is just to check if all the equipment is working properly... So my thought is have the new filter have it running alongside my undergravel filter (i can turn down...
  34. Tw3lv3

    X. Nezahualcoyotl For Sale

    Hi jonny, I have 2 regular male swordtails and i was wondering if your fish would get on with them or if i got females off you would they breed? Many thanks, Tw3lv3.
  35. Tw3lv3

    Fish For Sale (wolverhamptom)

    have you got any pics of the veil fin please?
  36. Tw3lv3


    Yes mate it has been in another tank.
  37. Tw3lv3

    Under Feed

    cool ill give it a go :) better than starving them for a day a week to keep them erm flowing freely lol
  38. Tw3lv3

    Under Feed

    what kind of peas do you feed them and how do you feed the peas to them just drop them in?
  39. Tw3lv3


    Hi i have recently got some amazing drfitwood from a mate off this forum but my new tank wont be delivered for another week or 2 so i was thinking of putting them on my windowsill as they look pretty cool and it would keep them from bieng under my feet all the time lol so my question is would it...
  40. Tw3lv3

    Juvenile Super Veil Angelfish
