My New Juwel Rio 125


Fish Fanatic
Jun 3, 2009
Reaction score
Walsall, UK.
Hey guys n gals here is my new tank it came this morning :D finally!! lol it seemed to take forever to get here but it was so worth it lol its only my 2nd tank so if decor isnt to taste you can blame me for bieng an idiot lol

Here it is set up out of the box:


And here it is with all the decorations and filled up looking great in my opinion hehe:


Comments are greatly apreciated so type away folks! :p

Looking good m8, maybe put the wood in the middle and work round it, will give a main focal feature that way, also some more plants but im sure you was going to do this anyways :good:

Other than that m8, excellent and lovely tank (do love juwels:)

Keep us updated m8 :)
well i really want my angelfish to be the focus point of my tank which is why i didnt really put too much thought into the placing of the wood, i found some lovely angelfish called platinum blue angelfish they are pure white with 2 blue stripes running halfway up theyre bodies absolutely beautiful fish so i will be getting 2 of them along with the fish we discussed before and the plants you suggested and im thinking about having some weeping moss on the driftwood so it will be like a curtain over the entrance bit hopefully it will work out well :)

That sand you recommended is great aswell looks stunning when the lights on it :)

well i really want my angelfish to be the focus point of my tank which is why i didnt really put too much thought into the placing of the wood, i found some lovely angelfish called platinum blue angelfish they are pure white with 2 blue stripes running halfway up theyre bodies absolutely beautiful fish so i will be getting 2 of them along with the fish we discussed before and the plants you suggested and im thinking about having some weeping moss on the driftwood so it will be like a curtain over the entrance bit hopefully it will work out well :)

That sand you recommended is great aswell looks stunning when the lights on it :)


Sound like stunning angels m8, be nice to see the pics when you get them :)... the plan sounds excellent, as before just keep us updated.. love looking at peoples tanks and fish ;)
I will do :) i come on this section alot to see peoples new tanks and to steal some ideas lol i wont be getting anything new for a month or so yet so i can get the tank established but as soon as thats done there will be updates thick and fast hehe :)
I will do :) i come on this section alot to see peoples new tanks and to steal some ideas lol i wont be getting anything new for a month or so yet so i can get the tank established but as soon as thats done there will be updates thick and fast hehe :)

looks great nice back round too.. are you going to use live plants. also what did u do with the other bit of wood. with the wood you have in the tank now what i did with it was stand it up so it reaches the surface..
I will do :) i come on this section alot to see peoples new tanks and to steal some ideas lol i wont be getting anything new for a month or so yet so i can get the tank established but as soon as thats done there will be updates thick and fast hehe :)

looks great nice back round too.. are you going to use live plants. also what did u do with the other bit of wood. with the wood you have in the tank now what i did with it was stand it up so it reaches the surface..

I gave the other piece to a friend as it seemed extremely crowded with them both in lol and i wanted the wood on its side so i could get a natural cave thing going for my pleco and my small fish to hide away in and im going to have weeping moss on it so it gives the cave some cover and to make it look pretty lol then i will be gettimg amazon swords ect to liven everything up so hopefully it will look ace once all settled and grown
I have got some new plants for it yesterday dont know what they are called but i got some long grass for the back and got rid of that plastic 1 in the pic and put a plant with bigish leaves in its place and another red round leafed plant for in the middle ish will post some pics later on :)

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