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  1. Chrs


    Aqueon Color Enhancing Cichlid Pellets. The cories were fed shrimp and algae pellets/tablets.
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    The Peppered cories that I bought were 1.25 inches to begin with and never showed signs of growth. My neighbor had the same kind and they grew more than mine and reached approximately 2 inches. The cihclids are yellow labs and are 2 inches right now and have always been. This is really...
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    Hi, I was wondering how long it takes for fish to show growth. I know its going to be different for each genus. I've kept cories for 2 years and they didnt grow at all. I observed them eating peacefully and made sure each one ate. Now I have cichlids and they too arent growing. Granted...
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    Silver Tipped Shark Is Sick

    It's a definite yellow. I'm on my way to the store to pick up some medication for it now. :good:
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    Silver Tipped Shark Is Sick

    It's in one large clump. I've also read that keeping the light off is beneficial in getting rid of it, so I will do that. Thanks for the fast reply!
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    Silver Tipped Shark Is Sick

    Over night my Silver tipped shark has developed what seems to be a yellow fungal growth on its left side. It lost its balance also and is doing barrel rolls around the tank. Could this be Velvet?
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    Where Do I Get This Tank Gravel?

    What colors does silica sand come in? Can I find it in a sort of tan/white/brown mix easily? I want the colors in the first pic.
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    Where Do I Get This Tank Gravel?

    I think I found some that's relatively close. Here it is, and here's the link to the site.
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    Where Do I Get This Tank Gravel?

    Do any of you know where I can order this tank gravel online? Do the major pet stores sell them? Gravel picture
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    Opal Gourami Tankmates

    Thanks :good:. Do all the common live bearers work?
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    Red Honey Gourami

    What I've heard is that the male has a longer, pointed dorsal fin and the female has a rounded one.
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    Opal Gourami Tankmates

    I was wondering what you guys keep with your Opal Gouramis. I'm thinking about putting one in my 20 gallon tank along with some cories and ottos. What Else could I put in there? I'm not fixed on the cories and ottos though,so those could be taken off the list.
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    Introducing Ifrit, Zippy And Onyx

    Can we see a full tank shot? :hyper:
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    2.5 Gallon

    Would the betta and apple snail or honey gourami pair work in a hex, or should it be rectangular? Edit: How wide are each of the sides on the hex?
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    2.5 Gallon

    Yeah, I agree on the 5 gallon tank idea. I just didn't know about the hex itting in 12 inches. I think the table is maybe a foot an 3/4 long and 1 1/2 front to back. I might put a crowntail in the 5 gallon with a apple snail or do two honey gouramis.
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    2.5 Gallon

    I made a nice little table in wood shop and I have nothing to put on it. I'm thinking about a 2.5 gallon tank. My question is, what could I put in it? I've always wanted shrimp but the closest LFS is 45 minutes away and their cherry shrimp cost $11.99a piece... Ghost shrimp might work...
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    I Bought Some Julii Cories Today :)

    Oooh, I got some today too along with a female Crowntail Betta. Nice fish by the way :)
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    Can U Put Honey Gouramis With Eny Tropical Fish ?

    With ANY tropical fish, no.
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    Got A New Betta Today

    Ok, so I got a female Crowntail Betta that has a white body with red fins and little red spots on her forehead today from Petco. I have a 1.5 gallon tank that has a heater and filter and I was wondering If you guys knew about any small lights I could use to grow plants in it. I might upgrade...
  20. Chrs

    What Kind Of Gourami Should I Add?

    What type of gourami should I add to my 20gallon tank if it has 3 honey gouramis,4 cories, and 3 guppies? I'm also thinking on adding a few tetras.
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    Honey Sunset Dwarf Gourami

    Now the color has darkened on her(call her that for now) and she mostly looks redish brown, mostly brown.
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    Monthly Guppy Photo Competition!

    :good: :drinks: :yahoo:
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    My Boy Sushi And Other Bettas!

    Is that a hermit crab tank? Is there a filter on it? you should probably get one if you dont. Maybe take out the seashells/ pick a theme. I guarantee that if you pick a theme it will look 10x better. :) click my baby dragons :) lol
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    Would I be able to put neons in my tank with a bolivian ram, 3 dwarf gouramis, 3 guppies, and 4 peppered cories? its 20 gallons and the P.H. is 8.0(Will they adapt?
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    Post Your Gourami Pics Here!

    I think that we should have a thread here just for pictures of your gouramis. EDIT: Anyone??? click my Babies :)
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    Monthly Guppy Photo Competition!

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    Honey Sunset Dwarf Gourami

    Thats what mine is :) What do you think mine is, male or female? My gourami is red and colorful like a male but the topfin/dorsal fin is round on the tip :S Whats the max amount of these that you can keep together? click my babies :)
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    Can I Have More Fish?

    Sorry for jacking your thread Chrissi... last post for me. Well I have 3 guppies, a honey gourami and 4 peppered cories. I want to end with 5 cories(the 4 I got all turned out to be male, so hoping to get a female),4 guppies, 3 honey gouramis, 1 bolivian ram, 1 Oto. click my eggs!!
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    Monthly Guppy Photo Competition!

    What are the 2nd and 3rd place prizes?
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    Can I Have More Fish?

    Could I crank my 20 gallon to 1.5'' per gallon?
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    Honey Sunset Dwarf Gourami

    Today I went to petsmart and bought a 'honey sunset dwarf gourami'. I asked the (teenage)workers there if it was just a honey gourami and they paused for like 10 seconds and said,yeah I think so. Heres a picture of him/her? (sorry for the quality). When I was looking at honey...
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    Apple Snail/mystery Snail Breathing?

    I'm just getting one snail so no need for egg laying. But theres no need to leave the tank empty about 2 inches?
  33. Chrs

    Apple Snail/mystery Snail Breathing?

    Do I need to leave 2 inches of the aquarium empty at the top so my Snail can leave the water? I read that I need to do this and then I read that they have a breathing 'snorkel' that they use so I dont need to leave space at the top. Which is true? Click my eggs and babies!!!
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    My Baby Apple Snails

    High temp and it will grow faster but die sooner. click my eggs and babies:)
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    What Temperature?

    Anyone??? click my eggs!!!
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    Cory Just Sitting On Tank Floor

    You can never go wrong with melafix :) click my eggs and baby dragons!!!!
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    Monthly Guppy Photo Competition!

    Are there 2nd and 3rd place prizes? click my eggs and baby dragons they are going to hatch soon!!!
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    Stocking Plan

    never keep an even amount of female bettas!!!
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    Got My First Fish Tank In A Few Years All Set Up.

    Wait, do you just go out to a lake and catch them?
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    Stocking Plan

    Thanks for the Help! would this be overstocking though? click my eggs