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  1. H

    Cory's And Mouth Fungus

    I have seen and dealt with different funguses on other fish, but never on the down ward mouth of the cat fish. The area is white, but not the cottony texture ive seen on other fish. The fish is eating fine and otherwise seems fine. Thought i would isolate and medicate just in case. Is melifix...
  2. H

    Cory's And Mouth Fungus

    recently added some small corys, which were sold to me as julli, they have done well but have noticed that one has very short barbels and what might be swelling around the mouth, sex unknown but spends a great deal of time swimming mid water whereas others stick to bottom. Am very new to cat...
  3. H

    Treatment For External Parasites

    Yes one of the white male mollie has developed a small area of rusty varnish around his gills, the touble is ic ant tell if the others have it because they are golden white clouds and the other mollie also has gold markings I did add the second male about a week ago, and yes the itching has...
  4. H

    Treatment For External Parasites

    My fish are flashing a great deal recently, even the moutain minnows are doing it. I dont believe it to be ich because the white spots never develope. Is there a general medication for getting rid of external parasites? The only forseeable problem is that i have cherry shrimp in the tank Any...
  5. H

    Odd Behaviour In Pot Belllied Molly

    thankfully he has stopped acting this way, i used aquamater ich treatment....and since doing a large water change he has gone back to normal behaviour....and yes i do mean balloon bellied. thanks for the help anyway
  6. H

    Aquamaster Ich Treatment And Ich

    I recently used aqua master ich treatment in my tank, fish are now recovered and i wanted to add some shrimp. Its doest contain copper but is there anything else in the treatment that would harm shrimp? thanks mollee
  7. H

    Odd Behaviour In Pot Belllied Molly

    I have had this male pot bellied molly for about four month, recently i have noticed him acting oddly. He will stop swimming suddenly then just drift round on the stop until he is almost upside down. Some time he spends a while floating vertically. Hes in 60litres, fully matured, feed flake...
  8. H

    What Shrimp To Keep With Mollies

    I have two nano tanks (20litres each) fully cycled, i do have a tea spoon of salt in each tank to keep the mollies in top shape. One tank has a male mollee and four neon tetras, the other has a female mollie and five mountain minnows, do i have enough room to keep a few shrimp and which ones...
  9. H

    Ich Treatment Suitable For Neon Tetra/white Cloud And Mollies

    I need to find a ich treatment suitable for mollies, white cloud and neon tertras... i know the white cloud and mollies are easy to medicate but i hear the neons might be difficult...its a community tank and i dont have other tank to split them all up into. Any suggestions? thanks molly
  10. H

    Potbellied Molly Sinking Fast

    Ok male sail fin pot-bellied molly,i know that they have a lot of inherent problems because ballon belies are so inbreeded but thought i would look for help. He just lies on the bottom of tank often upside down. when i wave hand past tank he will swim for a few minuets then go back to lieing on...
  11. H

    Greetings All

    Just a quick hello, I'm relativly new to fish husbandry ( started in nov 08). My new found passion for all information in my new hobby was started by the tragic death of my first load of fish. Like thousands of new keepers i went to a LPS and just bought them not knowing much and the shop...
  12. H

    Will A Pot-bellied Molly Eat White Cloud?

    greetings all, I have a female pot-bellied molly who due to her agression problems (she actually stressed her last male partner to death), is now kept by herself ( i did try her with other female with the same result, removed her just in time) but I'm not happy with keeping her totally alone and...