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  1. S

    Is He Beyond Help?

    Thanks... I have an old 10 gallon sitting in my mom's garage... and I think I even have a filter for it still... (I used it to breed guppies at one point). But I think right now that may cause more stress than keeping him where he is, wouldn't you think? Taking him out of this gallon and half...
  2. S

    Is He Beyond Help?

    What would a varied diet consist of?
  3. S

    Is He Beyond Help?

    Sorry for the double post... just anxiously trying to find an answer on a Sunday night... So I got a male betta from a wedding... they had them as center pieces on the tables and wanted the guests to take one. Bad idea, yes, let's not get into that. Anyway, my girlfriend really wanted one, so...
  4. S

    Is He Beyond Help?

    So I got a male betta from a wedding... they had them as center pieces on the tables and wanted the guests to take one. Bad idea, yes, let's not get into that. Anyway, my girlfriend really wanted one, so somehow I got stuck with it. After we broke up, I grew increasingly tired of it... I am a...
  5. S

    Bettas Sensors?

    Every living thing emits a specific electromagnetic field. Some people, such as I, will cause certain HPS lamps (such as street lights) to turn off when I get close to them, and set off certain alarm systems. However, it's nothing that has ever been properly tested or substantiated. There are...
  6. S

    Male Or Female? More Pics

    No, I got your point, but I am from California... and while all of Florida is rather warm during 85% of the year, So Cal is rather warm, yet where I grew up just inland of Santa Cruz it got rather chilly, and then you have the mountains which never get too warm even in the summer, and then far...
  7. S

    Bettas Sensors?

    That sounds like she got a good prank on you. That would be priceless to see a guy walking out with a beta over his head like a trophy. LOL RUN FORREST.... RUNNN!!!! Take the betta before the evil Wall Mart recaptures it!!! By the way... those are magnetic fields. They are harmless. You...
  8. S

    Male Or Female? More Pics

    Dude... can you read? I keep thermometers in the tank. One is currently (at 12:15am) at 79.8 degrees. My girlfriends (i'm on the phone with her) is at 81.2 degrees.
  9. S

    Something Pet Shops Should Do That Could Help Save More Bettas

    And they have a bigger problem than you are. Thank you for showing that there is at least one other decent & logical person on this board.
  10. S

    Male Or Female? More Pics

    My gf only filled that much up because of fear of jumping, and I went over there and changed the water and filled it up for her... I took some screen door material and affixed it to the top... and filled the tank up. But seriously y'all... we live in Florida. (see that little note next to...
  11. S

    Something Pet Shops Should Do That Could Help Save More Bettas

    Okay I honestly don't understand you people. In general, those who have read the posts and seen the pictures ***** at me about only keeping my fish in a 2 gallon bowl. They get their water changes, temperature is maintained, and are taken better care of than 95% of bettas out there. Petco...
  12. S

    Male Or Female? More Pics

    Hey all, I finally got some more pics of Gigi. We're still not sure if it's a male or female, any opinions? Thanks!
  13. S

    Is It A Male Or Female?

    It will be his/her permanent home, but seeing that we live in florida, there is no problem for the temps. I got her a thermometer and it stays around 78-80 usually, as does mine. I also told her to put more water in there than she had, it's about a two gallon bowl. I'll try and get a better...
  14. S

    Is It A Male Or Female?

    Hey all, My girlfriend wanted a female betta, so we went to the store and got this one beautiful little (I think) girl. Only problem, "she" has started blowing bubbles. I'm wondering is it possibly a plakat betta? It kind of looks like one, but then again it also looks like some female...