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  1. M

    Tiger Barbs Tankmates

    Is there any certain kind of cichlid that i should aim to get with them and what about a bristle nose pleco i've heard they've done okay with aggressive fish thanks for the help
  2. M

    Tiger Barbs Tankmates

    Hey everyone I have a 90gallon tank and i'm thinking of starting a new one as my old community is very beginner and i'd like to start a new adventure ( don't worry existing fish are going to a great home with a nice new big tank. I want to do a tiger barb tank but what can i put with them i...
  3. M

    Tropical Tank Tests

    I am also fairly new here but from what i have collected from the information from various pet stores and websites is... # 1 high ammonia will most definatly kill your fish if not treated... new tanks are prone to high ammonia because they haven't been "cycled" which really mean that you have no...
  4. M

    Algae Problem New To Site Help

    thanks for that link it really helped... and to answer your questions... i didn't have as much algae when i had the live plants in there from what i remember... and not alot of sunlight hits the tanks, and i took the majority of my plants out a couple of months ago i'd say but i had java moss in...
  5. M

    Algae Problem New To Site Help

    Hey thanks for the welcome!! No I don't have live plants anymore I used to but i found them to just grow out of control on me and i just didn't have the time or patience to really take care ofthem properly so i'm in the process of trying to find some fake ones i actually like. but it seems when...
  6. M

    Algae Problem New To Site Help

    Hello everyone I am new to this site but i wouldn't say i'm completly new to having a fish tank...Right now i have a 48x18x25 tank (90ish gallons)... i have 2 pearl gouramis, 4 honey gouramis, 4 black skirt tetras, 6 neon tetras,4 rainbow peacocks, 3 clown loachs, and 1 sail fin pleco (roughly...