Tiger Barbs Tankmates


New Member
Mar 9, 2009
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Hey everyone

I have a 90gallon tank and i'm thinking of starting a new one as my old community is very beginner and i'd like to start a new adventure ( don't worry existing fish are going to a great home with a nice new big tank. I want to do a tiger barb tank but what can i put with them i know they have to be in large groups i was thinking of having around 20 tiger barbs i might mix up the coloring (regular,green,albino etc...) I also have a school of 6 clowns that i would like to keep with them. is there any top feeders that could go well with the more aggressive barbs? Also are flying foxes in danger i also have 6 gold barbs, and a red tail shark i would mind keeping!

any help would be great thanks!
Thats a good size tank. RedTail shark should be fine with them. I've kept 5 Barbs with a Redtail shark before and I've seen them with Clown loaches too and get on fine. Im not sure about flying foxes but I kept mine with Siamese algae eaters.

Cichlids should be a fine tankmate for them too, as long as the Cichlid is neither overly aggressive nor get too big and eat the Barbs. Rams should be fine.
Thats a good size tank. RedTail shark should be fine with them. I've kept 5 Barbs with a Redtail shark before and I've seen them with Clown loaches too and get on fine. Im not sure about flying foxes but I kept mine with Siamese algae eaters.

Cichlids should be a fine tankmate for them too, as long as the Cichlid is neither overly aggressive nor get too big and eat the Barbs. Rams should be fine.

Is there any certain kind of cichlid that i should aim to get with them and what about a bristle nose pleco i've heard they've done okay with aggressive fish
thanks for the help
My bolivian rams were fine as were my SAE's and kribs. Clowns are ok too, they have similar markings and school with the tigers a little, odd to watch but tis truth!
Thats a good size tank. RedTail shark should be fine with them. I've kept 5 Barbs with a Redtail shark before and I've seen them with Clown loaches too and get on fine. Im not sure about flying foxes but I kept mine with Siamese algae eaters.

Cichlids should be a fine tankmate for them too, as long as the Cichlid is neither overly aggressive nor get too big and eat the Barbs. Rams should be fine.

Is there any certain kind of cichlid that i should aim to get with them and what about a bristle nose pleco i've heard they've done okay with aggressive fish
thanks for the help

Yeah Bolivian Rams would work, BN Pleco will be fine too IME. My RTBS picks on my BN Pleco a little, but they've been together for 2 years. Blood Parrot cichlid should be fine too, my BP can just hope to catch them but most of the time she just lets them swims around her. I think just not overly aggressive Cichlid that cant eat them whole. Honduran Red Points and Apistos I think would work.

Tiger Barbs dont pick on fish that fight back, and semi aggressive. Tiger Barbs are fast and quite tough fish. My Gouramis got picked on when I first introduced them but eventually the Gourami are fighting them all at the same time and my Barbs learned to stay away from my Blue Spot Gourami. Although I heard of people unsuccessful with gouramis. Still kinda a hit and miss. But I think ur best bet are not very big and too aggressive Cichlid.
Your mix of fish should work out well. You might try your choice of Danio as a top fish. Take your choice, Zebra, Pearl, Leopard, or if you want something a little bigger, Giant Danio. They are all fast enough to stay out of the Tiger Barbs way. Any other top fish I can think of is too slow or vulnerable to attacks from below. I also think your Flying Foxes will fit in fine with your setup.
I agree that Leopard or Zebra danios are a great top dwelling fish that co exist well with Tigers. I've read that Clown Loaches are compatible. I would think Gold Barbs would work since they are Barbs!

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