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  1. Z

    Ill Loach

    Eh I think he must be about.....4 or 5 now. I'll try isolating him. I really hope he isn't suffering too much :sad:
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    Ill Loach

    He's thinner than usual (he is really greedy) but still not underweight I would say. I stupidly don't have a hospital tank set up as I dismantled it as had not used it in a year (typical). I could set it up again but would have to wait for it to be ready. Damn He is still eating as I put in...
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    Ill Loach

    The lumps (as far as I can tell) look hard. He's a very friendly one so perhaps later I can gently see if i can feel it. Tbh i did not notice if the iris turned black. He seemed to have this milky film over the eye and then within a day or two they kind of just shrivelled up. In my research...
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    Ill Loach

    Hi all, I posted a few days ago with regards to my Japanese Weather Loach which seemed to react badly to a treatment for white spot which had been added to the tank a few weeks ago. I said at the time that he had a sort of whitish film over his eyes, was pale in colour and had some sort of...
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    Golden Marbeled Angels

    Heh! Yeah my discus come rushing to the front of the tank whenever I come into the room (probably because of the possibility of food) but they don't do it for my husband!
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    Kh And Gh

    Hello all, Just wondering if it is completely necessary to monitor kh and gh in fw aquariums. I've had my tank set up for quite some time now and never monitored it previously. I do however check the other stats at least twice a week (maybe I'm paranoid!!!). Provided everything else including...
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    Anyone Know What Kind Of Wood This Is?

    Agreed. It's a really nice shape! :good:
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    I Think I Found Out Why 10 Fish Died On The Weekend

    Well my hubby is a chemist and when I asked him if it was possible for the carbon filter to leech out toxins after its been left for too long he said YES. He didn't have time to explain fully (he's at work) but he said he'd explain it to me later so I can perhaps update the post tonight...
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    So for ages I've been wanting to buy a Rena Aqualife 200 Original 100 x 40 Aquarium & Cabinet. Now that Rena are stopping the production of aquariums I figure I better get it soon. But hving a small car the only way I'm going to be able to get one is to order it for delivery. Has anyone bought...
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    Weather Loach Diagnosis

    Yes I have done as said in the original post. I was planning to do a water change tonight so I'll see if that helps him.
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    Weather Loach Diagnosis

    Yeah I thought about that. Hopefully he'll come round when the treatment has finished :unsure:.
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    Weather Loach Diagnosis

    So here's the story: I have a 70l tank stocked with: 1xWeather Loach 1x Kuli Loach 5x Glowights 1x Rosy Tetra (This one was a stow away with the glowlights!) 1x Bristle Nose Plec The tank has been up and running for about 9 months. I recently added the tetra's but stupidly didn't...
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    Aargh, Thermometers!

    Why are digital thermometers so inaccurate? You'd think it would be the other way around? I'm a bit gutted at spending £20 on a decent digital one now....
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    Cardinal Tetra (where Did They All Dissapear?)

    Are they getting rare or something? I've noticed the price of them going up over the past few years and seeing them less and less. :blink:
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    Which hospital do you mean there are many in Glasgow. Will you have a car with you? Anyway if you are near an underground station you could get the tube to Cessnock Station which is on Paisley Road West. There there are at least 3 aquarium shops, the best probably being M&R Dogfish.
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    Discus On Hunger Strike

    Yes I have had that advice about shoal size before. I am not planning on keeping only 2. I'm actually trying to find at least 6, but I want them to be all around the same size which is difficult at the moment with the suppliers in my area. Hopefully he wil perk up then when I am able to increase...
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    Discus On Hunger Strike

    Hi, I recently bought a new discus for my tank (I have one other). However it seems to be very picky about what it will eat and I'm starting to get worried that it's not eating enough. I've tried: Dried foods (flake, pellet, bloodworm, tubifex) and frozen bloodworm but it never seems to be too...