Anyone Know What Kind Of Wood This Is?


Fish Aficionado
Jan 23, 2007
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South Carolina
Looking to get some driftwood for our new tank, and I'm hesitant to buy any b/c I don't want to end up with wood that isn't really suitable for aquarium use.
So if anyone knows what kind of wood this is or might be and if it looks like it's ok to use, then the help would be appreciated :)
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yeah looks good to use will just need soaking before use, just looks like normal bogwood to me.
It does look like bogwood but it doesn't say that it is genuine bogwood - in which case I'd avoid it.

Genuine bogwood comes from peat bog and will NOT rot in your tank.
Driftwood and mopani root are not bogwood and will at some point begin to rot in your tank.

Play safe and source genuine bogwood.

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