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  1. Devorax

    Spike Is Changing Colour......

    Huh? -_- lol
  2. Devorax

    Spike Is Changing Colour......

    I wouldn't have thought so, since he often rests on the heater anyways. It is strange because whatever this is is affecting his state of mind/well-being.
  3. Devorax

    Spike Is Changing Colour......

    Yesterday was his first dose of the 5 day treatment, his next is due this evening (myxacin). The patches do not have anything unusual about them as such, ie no increased mucous, no fuzziness, no raised patches etc but they do give the impression of being dry and sore, but that is undetermined of...
  4. Devorax

    Spike Is Changing Colour......,

    Umm, I'm not sure what you mean there Melly197, but if you read what I had put in the text, you will know that this fish lives alone. Also, if you know anything about bettas you would know that Spike is a full Crown Tail Betta. Also I can honestly state I have never heard of the temperament of a...
  5. Devorax

    Spike Is Changing Colour......

    Hi, the patches were first noticed yesterday evening. Spike had been miserable for a few days before this. The patches are not raised and not fluffy, they do not look like any sort of fungus. He does look a little worse today than he did yesterday as the "patches" are now on his face as well as...
  6. Devorax

    Spike Is Changing Colour......,

    We have had Spike for approx 4 months now and he has always been a bit of a grumpy old git, but just lately he has been worse than usual. Then we decided to have a really good look at him and we found he has changed colour a bit, as shown here:- Any ideas what might be causing this? He is on...
  7. Devorax

    Spike Is Changing Colour......

    We have had Spike for approx 4 months now and he has always been a bit of a grumpy old git, but just lately he has been worse than usual. Then we decided to have a really good look at him and we found he has changed colour a bit, as shown here:- Any ideas what might be causing this? He is on...
  8. Devorax

    Foggy Water....

    The lighting is on extensively, maybe some 16 hours a day, which is probably too long. The tank details are in my siggie.
  9. Devorax

    Foggy Water....

    The tubes seem to be a different colour ligh to the old ones, and we have no idea how old the older ones were because this tank was bought second hand. We have no trace of the black hairy algae on any other surface, and we do have green algae in variuos amounts on different surfaces, including...
  10. Devorax

    Foggy Water....

    I couldn't cut back the food any more without being cruel!!! As it is I feed every other day, sometimes every 3rd day, as I am, trying to get the Black Widows leaner!!! And when I do feed, it does look a lot but it's all cleared in less than 20 minutes!! I turned the sand over yesterday and some...
  11. Devorax

    Foggy Water....

    In general though, our bacterial blooms (we have had one in each main tnak we have had) appear very quickly and last a day or 2 and then just vanish of their own accord. This has been going on for almost a fortnight and doesn't get reduced by changing the water. I have also extensively cleaned...
  12. Devorax

    Foggy Water....

    Hi people. I have the tank in my siggie and there has been a serious problem with the water of late. It has been running for 2-3 months, but I brought over the matured Eheim 2224. We have had many weeks of perfect water test results, and about a fortnight ago we had a major spike of ammonia...
  13. Devorax

    Before You All Shoot Me....

    Sorry for the delay in replying, I've been preoccupied. Anyway, in reply to the possibility of the neons nipping, they odn't. In fact they might as well not be in there, they do next to nothing most of the time. The bettas don't seem phased by anybody else, only each other. I'm on the edge of...
  14. Devorax

    Betta Tank

    TBH as we have discussed before, it is really just a case of having a good fall-back plan if things dont go well, and giving it a go with a betta in the community. A lot of people do keep betta males in a community tank successfully, but there are as many people that keep them singly and would...
  15. Devorax

    Okay, Totally Random Query Here....

    For comparing beautiful bettas with brutal military Some people might not appreciate the metaphor, what with all the anti-war sentiments that are in the world.
  16. Devorax

    I've Been Looking At Some Of The Bettas On Ebay

    Depending on what part of 1979 you are on about, I wasn't even born then! lol Modaz, you're starting to show your age!!! rofl (no offence meant whatsoever!!)
  17. Devorax

    Before You All Shoot Me....

    Right, an update is due for those that have given their advice/opinions:- I have placed all the females in the main tank. The new 4 have still got no stress stripes. The original 6 (does this sound a bit like the TV series 'Lost'? lol) do have their stress stripes. What the heck am I supposed...
  18. Devorax

    Okay, Totally Random Query Here....

    Does anyone else here think that female bettas resemble the fish version of the Longbow Apache helicopter? Think about it, they are always hovering in the water, always looking mean, always giving the impression of 'bring it on bud and see what you get!!', they are quick, decisive...
  19. Devorax

    Fluval Edge

    I can't think of a better tank for a lone male than the Fluval Edge. They seem to be perfectly designed for them! When aquascaped properly there is nothing better!
  20. Devorax

    Before You All Shoot Me....

    The 4G with them all in was purely to see if the original 6 would cheer up. And they did, which shows me that there is something in the main tank that they are unhappy about, whether it's not enough females or someone in there that they don't appreciate. It was only an experiment and I have the...
  21. Devorax

    Before You All Shoot Me....

    Being so small with tons of plant roots gobbling everything up, plus the matured filter, I doubt ammonia would build too quick to control. I watch all my tank stats like a hawk anyway, testing almost daily. Okay, tomorrow I will put them all in the main tank again and see what happens...
  22. Devorax

    My Little Donation

    Yeah, they have the habit of arresting people.....rofl
  23. Devorax

    Meet Alice!

    It's a fair kop Guv (is that how the saying goes? lol). I'd have bought her too.....
  24. Devorax

    Female Bettas

    Well IME they will be better with slow moving fish that are of similar size or smaller. Cories are ideal, plus they will mop up any loose food that falls to the substrate. (I notice bettas ignore ANY food once it I can't think of a list of suitable fish right now but if I do then...
  25. Devorax

    First Time Filter Help!

    No offence meant Honeythorn but I'm in disagreement with you on the filter being the sole cause of the damaged tail. It's my understanding that all internal filters run on the basic same design, that is there is the outer case, the water goes in at the bottom and out the top, with a sponge first...
  26. Devorax

    Female Bettas

    Do me a favour then, buy them and post me I'll pay you for your CT females don't seem to exist iin this part of the world. A 95L throws open lots of options for tank mates, what kind of fish would you be interested in? ie colourful, active, slow, bottom dwellers...
  27. Devorax

    Female Bettas

    Not knowing the size of your tank it would be hard to suggest a maximum recommended number, but there is a lot of sense in having a minimum number of 5-6. Betta females do flare, but it's obviously not as impressive as the males. They do have the 'beard', less pronounced, and they will adopt a...
  28. Devorax

    Before You All Shoot Me....

    Okay, now I'm confused :huh: I gave in and tried a little experiment that has been running in my mind for a few hours now. I broke the quarantine on the new girls and placed all the girls in their tank. It's a 17L/4G cube, unlit, with drifting plants in it (ie plants meant to be planted but...
  29. Devorax

    Small Heater?

    A 25watt heater should be fine in a plastic tank, although it will be absoultely essential for it to be 'food grade' plastic or a proper purpose made plastic aquarium. Any other type will either melt or over time release very tiny amounts of nasties that will ultimately poison any fish. The...
  30. Devorax

    Small Heater?

    I use the Hagen Elite mini 25watt heaters, absolutely perfect for heating the smaller tanks. Only drawback is you have to set it's thermostat through trial and error with a seperate thermometer because it doesn't have a temp dial, just higher/lower. Tiny, reliable, perfect in all other ways. On...
  31. Devorax

    Before You All Shoot Me....

    Okay, well, since this discussion went dead, I decided that maybe a few more females might be the answer because no ideas came forward about the cause of the stress stripes (in the long term). They are in quarantine and they will be added when they are deemed clear of illness. Two of them are...
  32. Devorax

    Before You All Shoot Me....

    I've had these girls for baout a month now, and they are sop bought (MHA) where I had 7 for £10, but one died of dropsy before I could get hold of some Epsom Salts :( , and in the tank they were all very similar colours, all same tails etc so probably from a local breeder and these are his/her...
  33. Devorax

    Before You All Shoot Me....

    I've had George AND Spike with stress stripes before now (upon arrival after transport) and they are most DEFINITELY males, stress stripes does not determine gender I'm afraid.....
  34. Devorax

    Before You All Shoot Me....

    Okay, these pics are a LOOOONG way from the best you will ever see but you might be able to make some sense. For ease of identifying them, they are labelled 1-6, all kept at present in glasses submerged in warm tank water in case on is a male, that way I can know which one it is without...
  35. Devorax

    Before You All Shoot Me....

    Right, well, bear with me then whilst I take some decidedly shoddy photos (I don't have the luxury of a Digital SLR yet) but I will get them now that should show them off well enough to allow you to see them clearly. They'd better all be females................
  36. Devorax

    Before You All Shoot Me....

    Yes, all The Harem have the white spot on the belly, it was THE first thing I checked when I got them home, although a couple do have long ventrals. I am seriously thinking of either lessening the numbers of fish overall, OR giving them their own smaller home though, because I know it's only a...
  37. Devorax

    Before You All Shoot Me....

    As you some of you may know, I have added 6 female bettas to the main tank (my siggie). I have had them about a month and tbh they have never truly 'settled down', that is, they never seem to completely lose their stress stripes. I am puzzled by what this may be. The tank has a cave for each of...
  38. Devorax

    Bored Betta Tips-link Fixed :)

    I think links to other sites aren't allowed......
  39. Devorax

    Oh Boy...

    Politely point her in the directtion of this very forum!!