Betta Tank


Fish Herder
Apr 26, 2009
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Would this tank be alright for a betta... As people have said not to risk it and go with the cominuty tank...

Lenght 13"
Height 8"
Depth 8"

Also how many litres is that ?
Thats about 13 litres, 3 gallons.

Its a tad on the small side, some people say 3gals is the minimum, some people say 5gals is the minimum. A bigger tank would be better.
the only other tank i have is my 2.5 ft tank which is going to be full of different fish. i dont mind putting him in there, its the fact that i would like a 'middle' betta. dont a wuss nor a bully.
its the fact that i would like a 'middle' betta. dont a wuss nor a bully.

You cant really choose the temprement of your betta, they could be fine one minute and then the next all your female guppies could have chunks missing! (I read you had female guppies in the 2.5foot in your other thread)

You can pick up some second hand tanks at boot fairs, ebay or freecycle if you have it, all cheap or free! I got a 110l! with filter, heater and stand for a £10!
I'm sure he would be fine in a community tank my betta is in a tank with 3 guppies, 1 silver tipped tetra, an algae eater, and two balloon mollies and he has been no problem to any of them.

Gem x
i have plattys not guppys.. well i have that small tank for a back up just in case
TBH as we have discussed before, it is really just a case of having a good fall-back plan if things dont go well, and giving it a go with a betta in the community. A lot of people do keep betta males in a community tank successfully, but there are as many people that keep them singly and would never put them in a community. Ultimately the decision is yours and no-one can rightfully criticise you for the choices you make. Good luck! :good:
thanks to all of you for the help you have given me. but getting a betta will stop me getting some fish (Guppys and plattys) so Im doing a tank without the male betta
well if you use the aquarium calculator, you'll figure out that is 4 gallons which should be fine as long as it has a filter and a heater
still havent got room at the moment, maybe after changed room around i might have

would i have enough room in that 4G tank for heater and fliter, thats what im wondering about
oh okay thanks. where would i find the right filter for the 4 gallon and a small enough heater
I'm using a powerball for my 22litre.

Although I'm using it as a snail tank it would be fine for my Betta 'Bob'.

He's in my main tank at the mo and is fine:

9 Neon Tetras
10 Penguin Tetras
4 Panda Corydoras
there is more than enough room for a filter and heater. they make small 25 watt heaters that will fit great in there. and filters cant have strong outflow as bettas (especially if they have long fins) will get blown around by the current. you can make a sponge filter out of an air pump, airline tubing, and old fish food container(or other small container) and some filter sponges. they have no current and do a great job!
Im not sure if I would be able to make one of them. they sound very confusing

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