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  1. L

    "adopted" Some Fish...what Else Can I Get?

    Thanks! We did have three pictus cats years ago but we lost the whole tank of fish during an ice storm that ripped our electric box of our house. They didn't bother anyone but we didn't have tiny fish at the time. My husband and I will have to talk it out. He really wants the pictus and I...
  2. L

    "adopted" Some Fish...what Else Can I Get?

    Hello! I've recently adopted some fish from a relative who decided they no longer wanted their aquarium. Luckily, I had a 75 gallon just sitting here that I've wanted to set up again. They gave me the fish, some decorations, some plants, and a Magnum 350 filter. Score! :) These are the...
  3. L

    Not Been A Good Morning In My Tank

    I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for your loss! That's awful. That's crazy that he died after that... I hope your big boy Vinny heals up soon.
  4. L

    Thinking Of Adding Some Cories.

    Dylan LOVES the fish! He likes to put his hand on the tank and watch the tiger barbs try to eat it. :lol: It's so cute. I think he doesn't understand why he can't grab the fish. The other day he smacked his head on the aquarium and I'm convinced he was trying to eat the fish! Oh, it's a good...
  5. L

    Thinking Of Adding Some Cories.

    Sorry, I just saw that you replied! Thank you! That's my baby boy, Dylan. He's 7 months old (today) and he's the light of my life. :)
  6. L

    I Think I Know The Answer To This....

    Lol. Yeah, I guess he'll have to just stay in his little aquarium alone. Maybe I can get myself to be more "into" the little aquarium.... Or make my husband take care of it!
  7. L

    I Think I Know The Answer To This....

    Yeah they are pretty mean (well one is). He doesn't really chase anyone but the other fm and the sev. Everybody else stays out of the way. I'm just worried that the little honey gourami is too small to take being chased even a little bit. The tiger barbs are little too but those things are...
  8. L

    I Think I Know The Answer To This....

    Ok, here goes...... Is a honey gourami too small to go into my 75gal (stocking in sig)? It's because we had two little gouramis in the 10 gallon tank and one of them recently died, so now there's a little solo guy swimming around. I would like to get rid of the 10 gallon. It's supposed to be my...
  9. L

    New Pics Of My Cichlid Community (very Pic Heavy!)

    Beautiful fish! :) Your severum ate the tiger barbs?!?! :crazy: Oh crap, I'm in trouble.
  10. L

    Sorting Out Long?

    Thanks. :) Still some chasing today. Now the sev is chasing both firemouths sometimes. The dominant firemouth still chases the sev too though. The severum goes nuts at feeding time. Nobody better get in his way then!
  11. L

    Sorting Out Long?

    Ok, yesterday I added my new severum to my 75 gallon that had two firemouths in it already. Today I've noticed some chasing and nipping. The "mean" firemouth has been chasing the other firemouth and the severum all day. The sev chases the other firemouth but runs from the mean one. The two...
  12. L

    Bristlenose, Right? Pictures.

    Here's another question that I'll just throw in this post so I don't take up the whole forum. :) I know you can feed plecos zucchini and cucumber, but do you have to do anything to it first or just cut it up and throw it in?
  13. L

    Bristlenose, Right? Pictures.

    Thank you very much. :) I wish I could find something "different" but all the lfs's in my area are crap. You know it's bad when you have to drive over two hours to get to the best store and it's a petsmart!! We used to have a great little store that specialized in fish and had a huge selection...
  14. L

    Bristlenose, Right? Pictures.

    I purchased a pleco yesterday at a lfs and almost all of the fish were labeled wrong or not labeled at all (sadly this is the best store in my area). When I asked how much the pleco's were I was told one flat price because they said all they had were commons. Then I found one little guy in a...
  15. L

    Thinking Of Adding Some Cories.

    Would a few cories be ok in a 75gal with two firemouths, a severum, 7 tiger barbs, a blue gourami, and a bristlenose pleco? I've never had any but always thought they were so cute. If they won't be happy in my tank than no big deal, just thought I'd ask. :)
  16. L

    Severum Appreciation Society

    Hello! Can I join? :) My name is Leah and I live in the US. I just got a new severum today. I love sevs but unfortunately I haven't had much luck with them. This new little guy is the 3rd one that I've had in a little over a year. Before you all think I'm an awful severum killer, I'll...
  17. L

    My 75gal...advice?

    Thanks. I might try a plant or two just to see how it works. If it's low maintenance I might be able to make it work. :) Ebay does have some really nice looking driftwood for good prices! Now I need to figure out what new fish to add to the aquarium! :)
  18. L

    My 75gal...advice?

    Thanks. I'm not going to lie, I'm kind of wishy-washy. I'm always changing my mind. When I first set it up I loved it, but now I think I'd like to go more natural looking. I LOVE the look and idea of planted tanks but I'm not sure I could keep it up. The whole special lighting and co2 stuff...
  19. L

    My 75gal...advice?

    I look at all your tanks with the beautiful real plants and the big driftwood or rocks and I'm so jealous! This is my 75gal. It's alright but I want it to look better and more natural. Where in the world do you guys find the big pieces of driftwood? At my lfs they only have pieces maybe 12in...
  20. L

    What Can I Add?

    Thank you. :) I do like severums. I had one in the tank before the disaster in January. We had an ice storm that knocked our power out for two weeks. We had to leave our house in the middle of the night and stay with family several towns away (we had a two month old baby at the time, scariest...
  21. L

    What Can I Add?

    Hi! :) I have a 75 (us) gallon tank. Currently it has 2 firemouths and 8 tiger barbs in it. Any ideas on another cichlid I could add? I'd like something bigger with some personality. Something that won't eat my barbs. :) They are good little fish and they chase each other but don't ever mess...
  22. L

    Starting Over....

    Oh, I love Sevs. The problem is that I can never seem to find a healthy one around here. Do they not ship well or something? All the ones I see are sickly. I got lucky on my last one. When I purchased my little firemouths I was actually there to get another sev but they looked awful again (and I...
  23. L

    Starting Over....

    It seems like one of the "risks" of owning cichlids is that everything is a risk. lol The Oscar would grow up so fast that it might eat the firemouths before they could get bigger??? Holy cow, I knew Oscars grew fast but I didn't know they'd grow that fast. I figured they would just grow...
  24. L

    Starting Over....

    Thank you. :) I've been looking at firemouths and oscar compatability on the web and most places are saying that they can go together. It's so tempting... I'm not sure if I want to try firemouths, an oscar, and a JD all together (because I'd still like a school of something in there too and I...
  25. L

    Starting Over....

    Everybody will be small, at the most a couple of inches. I like to watch them grow. :) The firemouths are only maybe 2 inches. Would an Oscar be ok with my little firemouths when everybody grows up? My only problem with adding an Oscar (I love Oscars!) is that with a big JD and a big Oscar...
  26. L

    Starting Over....

    Thanks. :) I'm leaning towards adding one JD and some silver dollars (I think). Any other fish that might be ok?
  27. L

    Starting Over....

    Yes, I know that there is a size difference but I was thinking that maybe it wouldn't be so big to cause problems. I was hoping to that if the firemouths were male and female that the dither fish would help the aggression. I guess we'll see. I purchased the firemouths on a whim because it was...
  28. L

    Starting Over....

    Hello! :) I recently (sadly) lost all of my fish due to a terrible ice storm that knocked out my power for two weeks. :( I had a beautiful severum, some lemon tetras, and 2 pictus cats in my 75 gallon tank. So I'm starting over and I thought I'd ask for some advice on different mixes. :)...