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    Strange Shrimp / Bug In My 30 Gallon Freshwater Tank Here are two pictures of the silly bugs. I could not get the clarity from my camera at this close of a range. I have looked...
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    Strange Shrimp / Bug In My 30 Gallon Freshwater Tank

    I have a strange shrimp looking bug in my 30 gallon freshwater tank that I have never seen before. I have a total of 7 fish tanks and in 20 years, have never seen an animal like this. The tail acts like a shrimp would, is about an 1/8" long and is fairly clear in color. I noticed these guys...
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    Injecting Diy Co2 Into Nexx Filter Intake

    Thank you for the reply. I'm a little confused with the line 6-8, 2 litre.... Are you saying that it would take 6-8 nutrafin kits or 6-8 2 litre bottles of DIY? I have a GLO T5 HO light about 3" above the tank. There are 1 - 6700K 54 watt and 1 - 10K 54 watt bulbs in the unit for a total of...
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    Injecting Diy Co2 Into Nexx Filter Intake

    I have been using two Nutrafin yeast CO2 systems in my 55gal planted tank. This utilizes a ladder type diffuser that appears to waste a great deal of the CO2 that is generated. I started using my own yeast / sugar mix and decided to inject it directly in the pump of my API NEXX canister...
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    Help Breeding Bloodfin Tetras

    After several months of unsuccessful breeding of my Neon Tetras, I decided to try to breed a pair of Bloodfin Tetras. I am led to believe these are simpler and may be a better starting place for the inexperienced breeder. I am using peat to soften and acidify my water. The pH is 6.8 or...
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    Green Spot Algae Problem

    I have had numerous problems attempting to grow live plants in my 55 gallon display tank. The current problem that plagues me is green spot algae. It grows on the horizontal leaves of my plants and they stop growing. The leaves eventually die off. I have 3 sword plants of some variation...
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    Help! Continued Live Plant Growth Problems

    As suggested, I purchased a Koralila Nano power head on my lunch hour and installed in the tank. I believe it may be a little undersized however, it is visibly moving the water around where it didn't before. I was not able to find TPN at any of the local stores, I will try to find it on the...
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    Help! Continued Live Plant Growth Problems

    Staghorn and green spot algae seem to be the best culprits. Can you elaborate on the fertilizers, what is micros/trace? What is tpn? I also have the Sera Flore day drops which I believe just provides trace minerals and elements. I don't know the flow rate of the filter, it moves quite a bit...
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    Help! Continued Live Plant Growth Problems

    A couple months ago, I posted regarding plant growth problems due to 'hairy algae' growth on my plants. I have added additional plants, adjusted the lighting time and continue to suffer the same problems. Tank water conditions; 55 gallons pH 8.5 Water hard Indiana well water from water...
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    Diy Replacement Filter Media For Hob Filters?

    I have 5 different tanks and I find that filter media is starting to get expensive. I have 1X Aqueon 55, 2 Tetra Wisper 10, 1 Tetra Wisper 20, and 1 Penguin 350 HOB filters. At one time, I had purchased some filter sheet material and sewed two pieces together to fit in the Aqueon filter box...
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    Preventative Medication

    Is it recommended to use maintenance medications, IE for disease / parasite preventative measures? If so, what should one use? I never have had an ICK outbreak, but I do go through periods of wasting, especially on juvenile live bearers and tail and fin rot. I have yet to understand why the...
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    Moss Found On House Roofs

    I helped out an elderly lady today and removed a large amount of moss from her roof. This house is in a wooded area and obviously the moss prevents proper water drainage, thus it has damaged the roof. I salvaged some of the moss, about 6 pieces 2' square. The moss i very green and lucious...
  13. Roof_Moss.JPG


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    Algae Removal Attempt Having Adverse Effects On Hornwart

    I had received some advice on this forum regarding the removal of some short stringy black algae growing on my leafed plants causing stunted growth. I double dosed the Seachem Carbon product as advised yesterday, and today my Hornwart plants are shedding all of their needles. The needles are...
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    Trouble Growing Plants Due To Algae Growth

    The filtration is a hang on the tank Aqueon filter (two filter pads, I think it is a model 55 or something like that.). For smiles and grins, I have added some bacterial cylinders in the filter box. The nitrites are always zero, however the nitrates can get up to 40ppm or so. The tank has...
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    Trouble Growing Plants Due To Algae Growth

    I have several varieties of plants in my community aquarium of which I do not know their names without doing some research. It appears that my plants growth suffers due to some type of algae growth that covers 50% or greater of the plants leaves. In addition, this algae grows spuratically on...
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    Reoccuring Illness In 55gal Tank

    Maracide treats on days 1, 3, and 5 and this is what I followed. I have the two infected fish in an isolation tank. Will Maracyn Plus Antibacteria suffice for this? I will continue to monitor the rest of the stock to see if they develop indication of problems.
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    Reoccuring Illness In 55gal Tank

    No, the skin appears to be fully in tact. The pH is an interesting thing. If I fill a container with water, the pH is 7.0. When I leave it set over nite with aeration, the pH rises to 8.3 suggesting CO2 gassing off. I have a 5gal container that sets for the week prior to a water change. But...
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    Reoccuring Illness In 55gal Tank

    The white stuff did not look cottony, it did not protrude. It didn't look like mucous, more like a thick even coating. The gills appeared normal. The fish that expired had the film on them, but it had cleared up considerably from where it started. The fish were not wasting away, their...
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    Reoccuring Illness In 55gal Tank

    Tank size: 55gal pH:8.2 ammonia:0 nitrite:0 nitrate:40ppm kH:268.5 gH:89.5 tank temp:78.3 degrees F Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): Female mollies lethargic and shimmering occasionally, a number of guppies and mollies occasionally...
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    Purchasing Fish From On-line Stores

    I have tried for the last three months to replace my breading pair of red velvet swords. I have been to 8 stores in my area repeadedly and when they have them, they as well as the other fish, are extremely sick. I am looking for some different guppy varients as well. All of the good stores we...
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    Miniature Gourami?

    They are the sparkling gourami. Thanks for the help.
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    Miniature Gourami?

    I purchased some fish this evening from a reputible store. In a seperate "soft water" tank they had neon tetras, several other types of tetras, and some fish that sort of look like a very small gourami. The main fish guy was out to lunch, and the clerk that was helping me had no idea what they...
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    Ph And Hardness Of Well Water New Questions

    Old Man, You are suggesting that I use the raw well water before it enters the softener? By your comments it would be beneficial to leave the calcium and magnesium in the water for the fish? The pH of the water after sitting a day or so, ends up somewhere about 8.3. I apologize for all of...
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    Ph And Hardness Of Well Water New Questions

    I have acquired new data from my water and I am starting a new post. I sampled the water before my water softener and the results are as follows; GH 375.9ppm KH 214.8ppm pH 7.0 I sampled the water after my water softener and the results are as follows; GH 17.9ppm KH 250.6ppm pH 7.0ppm I am...
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    Well Water Ph

    I don't have a method of measuring total dissolved solids, only GH and KH with the API test set. When I sample the water before the softener, the API chart does not go high enough to give me a reading. I was more concerned with the pH of the water and its impact on the livestock.
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    Well Water Ph

    I guess I am more lost that I had first thought. I am aware of the Ion exchange in the softener, but I thought this household water would be better than the water before the softener. To lower the pH with the buffering ability of the water I have, I will have to soften the water correct? If...
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    Well Water Ph

    I have well water at my location. When I test the pH out of the tap, it is right at 7.0. I have a 5 gallon water bottle I fill and leave set with an air stone in it for water changes or top offs, the pH levels out at about 8.3. I assume that this is due to CO2 trapped in the water and...
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    Moss Growth And Its Effect On The Aquarium

    Two of my fry tanks are in a position that receive indirect sunlight in the early afternoon hours. Within the last 3 weeks or so, tufts of a very dark green moss have started growing on the ends of the plastic plants as well as on the gravel. There is a slight buildup on the glass but it is...
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    Male Guppy Intestional Problem

    I gently netted the fish and put him in an inspection container. Whatever this is came off in the netting process. There is a tiny mark at the site indicating a hole. If it appears again in a short amount of time, would this be enough indication that it is feces or can an anchor worm attach...
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    Male Guppy Intestional Problem

    No, I am not. It is about 3/16" long and is straight. No movement noticed on it. Would an anchor worm show movement and would it appear to be tan?
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    Male Guppy Intestional Problem

    In one of my fry tanks, I have two different guppy varieties that are approximately 2 months old. This morning I noticed that one of my males was acting a little sluggish which is very unusual. This particular fish is about an inch to an inch and a quarter long give or take a little. Upon...
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    Nitrogen Cycle

    Are Nitrates the end of the Nitrogen cycle and is the only way to remove Nitrates through water changes. I understand that one can use resins in the filter material, such as Nitrasorb, but is there a natural way to keep the Nitrates low?
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    Plastic Tank Logs

    I purchased a Top Fin manufactured plastic tree stump to provide hiding spots for my catfish and other shy fish. When I brought the item home, I bathed it in hot water (130 degrees F +-). After about 10 minutes I started noticing a strong plastic smell in my kitchen. I realized what was...