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  1. S

    Need Some Help With My New Be

    thanks for the advice every1! :) Could any1 ID that fish? xD
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    Need Some Help With My New Be

    Id love clown loaches but im not so sure of availability where i live. The fish shops in the area dont have the most diverse fish. If i can find them then id definately buy them.However do clown loaches NEED to be kept in groups of 6 or more. or can there be a smaller group? Also for the...
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    Hey guys thanks for all the help..ive made my decision as to what i want in my tank. Ive posted it here could we continue there since ive mentioned a few specifics as to fish type and also what i need help with. thanks :)
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    Need Some Help With My New Be

    Im new to the fish world and id like some help from you guys. I plan on breeding angelfish! However id like to have a couple of loaches and a small school of another species. Could some1 suggest which species would be compatible with my angels and loaches?I was thinking mayb a school of tetras...
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    Help Make My Tank Look Better

    Better background is definately needed...also get some real plants if thats ok with you..they make things look ALOT better...mayb a few rocks..caves..etc...It basically looks real empty atm.
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    ive done a bit and i really like loaches,angelfish and cichlids(african and the others), Id love to set up a community tank with a few from each species however thats far from recommended isnt it?
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    Hello All! Im new to fish keeping and id like some advice. Ive got a really small tank at the moment and im looking to buy a much bigger one between 60-100 gallons.I want some advice on which fish i can keep and how many i can keep. Im aware that this number changes with the species and thats...