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  1. X

    Three-spined Stickleback

    I wouldn't recommend them in a home aquarium, they can get quite aggressive when stressed. Mine are only in my tank until I get around to digging the pond. I was hoping I'd get it done end of August so there was still a chance of breeding.
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    Three-spined Stickleback

    Temp has been down to 23 since 4th day. There's no discus in there. There was 1 a while back but it died before these fish were introduced in to the tank. The only fish to have died since they've been in there is a cory but it was extremely pale before they went in. The 3 close up pictures are...
  3. X

    Three-spined Stickleback

    Well the temp is 27-28 because of the discus that was in there before. They've been in there since yesterday and they're not showing any stress, no damaged scales. They're wild caught. They were in a 10g but they kept fighting so I moved them and now they're swimming together and following the...
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    Three-spined Stickleback

    With Corydoras One of the bigger ones. I have 3 in there all together with Amino shrimp, Neon tetras, mixed Corydoras, Otocinclus and a Harlequin which the two larger ones seem to be swimming with a lot.
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    My Tank

    I've taken some but they're on my new phone and I'm not really sure how to get them on to my pc so I'll post them here when I figure it out. Kyle
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    My Tank

    I'll take one soon. I need to put a lot more plants in there for him but I don't really know what to get.
  7. Siamese_Fighting_Fish_1.JPG


  8. X

    My Tank

    Hey, I turned my 10 gallon tank in to a betta tank today. He's been in there for a while with some Ammano Shrimp, Otocinclus and Corydoras but now it's just his. I took the filter out and will be doing 50% water changes as usual. He's a really nice fish, here's a picture of him when I first got...
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    New :)

    Hey guys and girls. I've been keeping and breeding fish for about 2 years now, so I know a bit about it. Don't know what else to say really. Hey :)