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  1. ReptileLuver729

    Cycling Question

    I was wondering if I could kick start the cycling of my newest tank by putting the filter cartridge for the new tank's filter into the filter of my turtle tank. Thanks!
  2. ReptileLuver729

    Re-designing My Tank

    Hey guys! I haven't been on here in FOREVER! Well since X-Mas I have had a 6 gallon acrylic tank with 3 female bettas. And it is WAY over filtered! Recently my oldest female passed away. I am guessing from old age. She was 3+ years old. Idk why but it inspired me to start fresh! I am going to...
  3. ReptileLuver729

    I Bought Several Things For Only $26.00

    Ok my local LFS is closing and they were having a 50% off and more sale! I bought an API master kit (Good idea?) ummmmm a fancy guppy care book, 2 bags of gravel (one black and one pink) and water declorinator! All I hav left to get is...a heater (watts?) an air pump, a themometer, and a new...
  4. ReptileLuver729

    8-10 Male Fancy Guppies In 10 Gallon?

    8-10 Male Fancy Guppies in 10 Gallon?
  5. ReptileLuver729

    Stocking 10 Gallon

    How manny guppies could I put in a 10 gallon?
  6. ReptileLuver729

    Stocking 10 Gallon

    So I could just forget the danios and get like 6 neons and a couple of guppies?
  7. ReptileLuver729

    Stocking 10 Gallon

    Ok I have an empty 10 gallon. After X-mas I am planning on starting the fishless cycle! The fish that I like are zebra danios, neon tetras, and fancy guppies! How many of each could I put in there?
  8. ReptileLuver729

    Stocking 10 Gallon

    I decided not to go with a puffer because the only fish you can put with them are ugly! I want a colorful tank :) I really like zebra danios, fancy guppies, and neon tetras! IDK how many of each I could have. HELP!
  9. ReptileLuver729

    My Beautiful Leopard Gecko, Paytynn

    Yeah she was pink in those pics because her heat lamp is an infared bulb :P
  10. ReptileLuver729

    Can't Decide

    So everytime you clean the tank you just take out the insert and wash it in the dirty fish water? What if you absolutely have to change the insert what do you do soak it in dirty fish water too?
  11. ReptileLuver729

    My Beautiful Leopard Gecko, Paytynn

    I got this beauty in August! She is sooooo precious! :yahoo:
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  15. ReptileLuver729

    My Leo Skye

    They are one of the easiest pets to take care of that i have ever had!
  16. ReptileLuver729

    Omg I Need Help!

    I am thinking about getting a Dwarf Puffer fish. What kind of internal filter could I get? I read that if you have one of the ones where you change the cartridge everytime you clean the water it is bad cuz you lose the bacteria! HELP!
  17. ReptileLuver729

    Idk What To Do!

    Which cycle method should I use? The Add Daily or The Add and Wait method? So with the add and wait method would I just fill up the tank and add declorinator then all the ammonia stuff? The thing about that is the water conditioner that I have kills ammonia and helps prevent the accumulation of...
  18. ReptileLuver729

    Can't Decide

    What kindof filter do you suggest? I really prefer the in tank ones.
  19. ReptileLuver729

    Can't Decide

    Which cycle method should I use? The Add Daily or The Add and Wait method? So with the add and wait method would I just fill up the tank and add declorinator then all the ammonia stuff? The thing about that is the water conditioner that I have kills ammonia and helps prevent the accumulation of...
  20. ReptileLuver729

    Can't Decide

    OK I changed my mind. I am NOT going to use the danios. But will someone please tell me how to cycle the tank in stupid person form?
  21. ReptileLuver729

    Can't Decide

    Even though I know it is bad i think i am going to cycle the tank with a couple zebra danios. Since i am new at this i am afraid that i will think the tank is cycled then put in the puffer then have it die! Advice? :unsure:
  22. ReptileLuver729

    Can't Decide

    Actually I havent cycled it yet but I am planning on starting this after X-mas. The ammonia is supposed to be zero right? Same with nitrite? Nitrates are supposed to be below 20 right? How often do I have to test these afterward? Do you know if the are any Dwarfie care sheets on here?
  23. ReptileLuver729

    Can't Decide

    Really?! That's great! The last forum that I was a member of just criticized me, but the never answered any of my questions!
  24. ReptileLuver729

    Can't Decide

    Ok....I can't decide on what fish to get! I am torn between getting a dwarf puffer fish or a variety of fish and some ADF's. I think a dwarf puffer fish is what I am really considering. I am wondering if this stuff is all I need for a dwarf puffer: Heater (80 degrees) More filter cartridges cuz...