Can't Decide


New Member
Dec 9, 2008
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Ok....I can't decide on what fish to get! I am torn between getting a dwarf puffer fish or a variety of fish and some ADF's. I think a dwarf puffer fish is what I am really considering. I am wondering if this stuff is all I need for a dwarf puffer: Heater (80 degrees) More filter cartridges cuz I already have the filter, Ammonia test kit, Test kit for nitrite and ph and nitrate etc. Seachem (water conditioner) SILK plants cuz I know their skin is sensitive, a themometer, snails, some hiding places, and of course the puffer! PLZ get back to me on this!
That sounds like a pretty sweet setup for some dwarf puffers! I think you've got all your bases covered there. Don't forget the bloodworms!
That sounds like a pretty sweet setup for some dwarf puffers! I think you've got all your bases covered there. Don't forget the bloodworms!
Really?! That's great! The last forum that I was a member of just criticized me, but the never answered any of my questions!
That's happened to me as well... on some other forums people are a lot keener to flame than to help.

Have you cycled your tank yet? DP are sensitive fish, so until you've got the tank well and truly cycled (and a thorough understanding of water quality) I wouldn't try to keep them, especially since they are very expensive to buy.
That's happened to me as well... on some other forums people are a lot keener to flame than to help.

Have you cycled your tank yet? DP are sensitive fish, so until you've got the tank well and truly cycled (and a thorough understanding of water quality) I wouldn't try to keep them, especially since they are very expensive to buy.
Actually I havent cycled it yet but I am planning on starting this after X-mas. The ammonia is supposed to be zero right? Same with nitrite? Nitrates are supposed to be below 20 right? How often do I have to test these afterward? Do you know if the are any Dwarfie care sheets on here?
Even though I know it is bad i think i am going to cycle the tank with a couple zebra danios. Since i am new at this i am afraid that i will think the tank is cycled then put in the puffer then have it die! Advice? :unsure:
OK I changed my mind. I am NOT going to use the danios. But will someone please tell me how to cycle the tank in stupid person form?
hey im pretty new to keeping fish too and i just started my cycle yesterday.
but there is a thread in the forum dedicated to fishless cycling and its pretty clear on how to do it.
here is the link: Fishless Cycling
Which cycle method should I use? The Add Daily or The Add and Wait method? So with the add and wait method would I just fill up the tank and add declorinator then all the ammonia stuff? The thing about that is the water conditioner that I have kills ammonia and helps prevent the accumulation of it. How long should I wait after I think the tank is done cycling to add the puffer? I have the Tetra Whisper filter. Since you have to keep the bacteria can I change the filter cartridge? My filter stops working when the cartridge gets dirty.
if i were you, I would get a different filter. Or if thats not an option, please dont use those silly inserts for the whisper. instead make your own with filter media and a media bag. that way you dont lose your bacteria every time you change the insert.
if i were you, I would get a different filter. Or if thats not an option, please dont use those silly inserts for the whisper. instead make your own with filter media and a media bag. that way you dont lose your bacteria every time you change the insert.
What kindof filter do you suggest? I really prefer the in tank ones.
Which cycle method should I use? The Add Daily or The Add and Wait method? So with the add and wait method would I just fill up the tank and add declorinator then all the ammonia stuff? The thing about that is the water conditioner that I have kills ammonia and helps prevent the accumulation of it. How long should I wait after I think the tank is done cycling to add the puffer? I have the Tetra Whisper filter. Since you have to keep the bacteria can I change the filter cartridge? My filter stops working when the cartridge gets dirty.

so far from what i've read alot of the experienced people say to use the add and wait method that way at the end you dont have to wait for a really long time because of the nitrite build up since the bacteria that break down the nitrite grow slower than the ammonia breaking bacteria.
the only suggestion i know of for the water conditioner is to probably switch to a dechlorinator like aqua safe i think its made by tetra comes in a yellow bottle. and you should treat the water before putting it into the tank that way you avoid chlorinating your filter media where the bacterial will grow. you want to add your fish after the bacteria colonies can break down about 5ppm in i think 12 hrs.
for your filter you dont have to change the cartridge that often or you'll be taking away the bacteria colonies. what you want to do when it gets dirty is rinse it the water you take out for a partial water change. do not use tap water at all to rinse the cartridge or you will kill the bacteria with the chlorine.
i hope that helps
if i were you, I would get a different filter. Or if thats not an option, please dont use those silly inserts for the whisper. instead make your own with filter media and a media bag. that way you dont lose your bacteria every time you change the insert.
What kindof filter do you suggest? I really prefer the in tank ones.

I've a 10 gallon tank and i've just recently treated myself to a fluval "u2" model filter. It's all internal etc so what you're looking for. It also has 3 settings on it so you can have it blowing air from the top blower, or moving the water from the bottom blower. And it also has like a vertical strip which also moves water. And it's completely silent as well, which is great seeing as though my tank's in my bedroom! lol! I love it! It comes with everything you need as well, inc filter media, etc. I left mine in with the old filter for 24hrs then took the old one out. Had no problems since!

Costs about £25 to £30 depending on where you buy it from. :D

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