Stocking 10 Gallon


New Member
Dec 9, 2008
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Ok I have an empty 10 gallon. After X-mas I am planning on starting the fishless cycle! The fish that I like are zebra danios, neon tetras, and fancy guppies! How many of each could I put in there?
You may want to avoid zebra danios, as, they are much better in twenty rather than ten gallons. Also, neons need a mature tank, so it should have been in operation a while. You should look into corydora catfish, and also pitbull plecos. They're rather easy to care for, and look very nice! Another good option would be glowlight tetras, you could keep about five of them.
So I could just forget the danios and get like 6 neons and a couple of guppies?
guppies are good but you need to make sure there all the same sex or you will have to many babies for you to handle. Neons I have no experiance with but from what is said go for the guppies first and after a month or so add the tetras. I personally like my dwarf puffer i just bought, he is pretty cool and fun to watch but if you do choose one you will have limited options usually.
Female bettas
Dwarf puffers
Bumblebee gobies
Peacock gobies
Threadfin rainbows
Normans lampeye
Micro rasboras like celestial pearl (galaxy) or coffee bean
Pygmy cories
Dwarf or pitbull pleco
...but be aware that you will have LOTS of babies to deal with.
i would say no danios, they need 15-20 gallons minimum, but u could put 5 or 6 tetras and 2 or 3 guppies. if u get guppies get males w/ short tails cuz tetras nip at long finned fish. heres a link on how to stock a 10 gallon: LINK hope this helps! -heart :wub: , ally86ozzy
regarding the neons and nipping...
They only nip fins if they are in a group that is too small. So if you have 5-6 of them, you haven't anything to worry about.

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