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  1. R

    3d Back Grounds

    Just make your own. There are tons of DIY article out there for really cool designs and tricks. Make one and post some pics for us to see! See :
  2. R

    What Am I Doing Wrong?

    I'm not sure why you need to bother with a sponge on the out flow. Covering the intake makes sense, but just leave the ot flow alone and turn the filter to its lowest setting. If you want even slower, add some filter floss to the top of the media chamber. It will slow it down even more.
  3. R

    Heater Trouble

    Sorry, not actually fish, but aquarium nonetheless. I had to take down my turtle tank yesterday to deal with an infestation of little bugs. While it was down and I was cleaning it up, I noticed that my submersible heater had a lot of calcium build up on it, particularly at the bottom and on the...
  4. R

    Anyone Know Of A Site Like This?

  5. R

    Filter Noise

    I bought a used Fluval 403 and it is making a rattling/grinding noise. I have googled my problem, and everything points to air trapped in the filter. I have shaken the living daylights out of it (man is a filter that big heavy when it is full of water!) but it is still doing it. I am planning on...
  6. R

    Need Some Help With My Biggest Sharks

    I have a Colombian shark and an ID shark in a 65g tank along with some barbs, loaches, rainbow shark and red tailed black shark. The ID and the Colombian have been there the longest, but they will NOT leave their own little corners. They just swim into the glass up and down, up and down all day...
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    Making My 800 Gal.... Bigger

    Soooooooooooo................ Is that it? I feel empty without my daily fix of the 800 to 1500 gallon upgrade! What do I do with my time now?
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    Making My 800 Gal.... Bigger

    Do you take PayPal? If you do, I'm in for a copy. Awesome work on the tank, keep the pictures coming. Have you ever considered youtube-ing all your other tanks in the basement/house? I have caught glimpses of the other stuff, and it looks great. Would love to see the inner workings of all...
  9. R

    Hob Or Canister Filter?

    I still need help - not sure what that is about.
  10. R

    Hob Or Canister Filter?

    I have always used HOB filters (mostly aqua clears, but a penquin and one other type once), but in my new tank I am wondering if I should stick with what I know or is the canister a better filter? have a 65g tank that came with an AquaClear 700 ( I think this is the model number, I am at work...