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  1. J

    Tank Update Video..

    I dont think its fully stocked yet..It may seem full in the video but seeing it everyday in real life..there is a lot of space...The rummys are small and stay close together always on one side of the tank swimming back and forth and its a big tank (64G) Im definitly going to get at least 2 pearl...
  2. J

    Tank Update Video..

    Hi guys, So I added the next phase to my 64 gallon tank.. I added another 12 rummys and 6 amano shrimp so I now have a total of 25 rummys, 6 pearl danios and 6 amano shrimp.. Next to go in will be the 4 pearl gourami in a week or so.. Please excuse the ladder that is kind of in the way of the...
  3. J

    My Tank So Far Video...

    I havw double the filtration needed for my tank as I used to have messy piranhas... I agree with you on knowing if its overcrowded or not....Im pretty sure my current plan should work perfectly for my size tank...
  4. J

    My Tank So Far Video...

    Yea im pretty sure it wont be over stocking..Its a 64 gallon tank so 24 rummys, 4 pearl gourami, 6 pearl danios and 8 corys... should be ok...
  5. J

    My Tank So Far Video...

    My tank video Heres a video of my tank so far with 12 rummy nose tetras and 6 pearl danios..The last minute is really the best part (im not much of a photographer) you can see the rummies schooling swimming into the current of the powerhead and letting it push them back across the tank..They...
  6. J


    Yea your probably right..I just love mannys though :D Sanchezi are nice too...
  7. J


    The tanks a bit small but it should be fine however I wouldnt add anything in it.. I had 4 red bellies in a heavily planted tank and I decided to add 10 neons and they were eaten in a about an hour (and I had just fed the Ps before I added them) I had a plec in with them and he did fine but make...
  8. J

    My 'fish In' Cycle Log

    Just an update on how my tank is going... Im two weeks cycled now and I have 6 pearl danios and 6 rummy nose tetras in the tank.. I will be adding 6 rummys every week for another 3 weeks to make a total of 24.. My water has been 0 nitrites, 0 ammonia, nitrate 5ppm for the last two weeks...
  9. J

    Updated Thread: My Rummy Nose Tetras Doing Well But.....

    Best of luck with the transporting of them.. Keep a very close eye on them while acclimatising as these guys are really sensitive to sudden changes of water temp and PH!
  10. J

    My 'fish In' Cycle Log

    thanks a lot for those pics the fish look great! I will definitly consider the habrosus and the pygmy if i can get my hands on them.. How many of the rummys do you think I should add at a time if i get them and do you have any tips for climatising/keeping them? I hear they can be tricky..
  11. J

    My 'fish In' Cycle Log

    Todays results: PH 7.4 Ammonia: 0 Nitrite: 0 Nitrate 5ppm Thats 4 days in a row now with no water changes and ive got the same ammonia,nitrite and nitrate results...
  12. J

    My 'fish In' Cycle Log

    Ive got the 6 pearl danios in there at the moment, they have been in for the cycle and have been doing great..they love the tank! Im going to do a 20-24 strong shoal of harlequin rasboras or rummy nose tetras ( finding it hard to decide between the two) and I wont add all at once probably 4...
  13. J

    Is My Tank Cycled? (with Daily Results Log)

    Added the floss a few hours ago and did another test and it read: 0 nitrites 0 ammonia 5ppm nitrate Ive been getting the same results for 3 days now (no water changes done)
  14. J

    Updated Thread: My Rummy Nose Tetras Doing Well But.....

    Im not familiar with those places but im sure they have to be better than the place you are currently using.. When I acclimatise I usually float the bag for 20 mins, then open and fill about a 1/3 of the left over bag space with tank water every 10 mins untill the bag is full then I allow the...
  15. J

    Updated Thread: My Rummy Nose Tetras Doing Well But.....

    Hi Lazarus. Sorry to hear of your troubles! Im living in Dublin and have a great store I get all my fish from and in my opinion they are the best around.. Its called 'fintastic aquatics' in Dun Laoghaire.. Really knowledgeable staff and they dont sell sick fish.. If any of their fish are in any...
  16. J

    My 'fish In' Cycle Log

    Added the floss an hour ago.. Just did another test and im reading: 0 nitrites 0 ammonia 5ppm nitrate Ive been getting the same results for 3 days now (no water changes done)
  17. J

    Is My Tank Cycled? (with Daily Results Log)

    Thanks again water.. I havent done a water change for 3 days and took those results over the last two days..
  18. J

    My 'fish In' Cycle Log

    Thanks waterdrop! Im still going out to pick up the established floss off my contact tommorow.. If my tank is truly cycled should I risk adding this floss or will it make any difference?
  19. J

    Is My Tank Cycled? (with Daily Results Log)

    I have been cycling with 6pearl danios for about two weeks now and I have been doing regular water changes nearly every other day I have also been testing the water every other day.. I think my tank may be cycled but im not sure can anyone tell by the below results.. The results go in order...
  20. J

    My 'fish In' Cycle Log

    Todays results: PH 7.6 Nitrite: 0ppm Ammonia: 0ppm Nitrate: 5ppm Im reading no nitrite or ammonia with a 5ppm nitrate after two weks of cycling with 6 pearl danios.. Is this a good sign?
  21. J

    My 'fish In' Cycle Log

    Todays Results: Ph; 7.6 Ammonia: 0ppm Nitrite: 0ppm
  22. J

    My 'fish In' Cycle Log

    Went to the hardware store and bought what I needed to maky my own version.. Just did a 50% water change and it works great! saved myself 60 euro in buying the 'python'... :D
  23. J

    My 'fish In' Cycle Log

    I have found a place that will ship but the unit is ridiculously expensive for what it is..Im going to go to homebase tommorow and buy the equipment I need to construct something similar myself...
  24. J

    My 'fish In' Cycle Log

    So its ok to put the stress coat directly in the tank? Should you just put it in at the powerhead? Sounds like a good plan if it works.. I just looked up the 'python' and it looks like an absolute life saver! That would make life so much easier... I cant find any UK stores selling it but...
  25. J

    Rummynose Tetras Or Harlequin Rasboras?

    Ok so im cycling a 64G community tank at the minute and I am thinking about what fish I want to put in as part of a community tank.. I have my heart set on a 20-24 strong school and the two top contenders are rummys or harlequins rasboras and I cant decide which would be better. From my point...
  26. J

    My 'fish In' Cycle Log

    Sounds great but how do you use a water conditioner with this unit? Todays Results: Ammonia: 0-10ppm Nitrite: 0-15ppm PH: 7.6
  27. J

    My 'fish In' Cycle Log

    Its a 5 gallon 'jerry can' that I fill...Its heavy but saves a load of trips
  28. J

    My 'fish In' Cycle Log

    Todays Results after 50% water change: Ammonia 0 -0.15ppm Nitrite 0 - 0.25ppm Ph 7.6 Didnt test nitrate...
  29. J

    I Can Get Mature Filter Floss Now What?

    Wow..again a brilliant post! Thanks so much for your time. I have another thread where I am keeping a daily log of my water parameters. I hope to introduce the media in the next few days and will keep the details posted.. Thanks again!
  30. J

    I Can Get Mature Filter Floss Now What?

    Sorry to sound like a newb but what is IIRC and why does it have to be sponge? Would 'floss' not work if its put between two of the current sponges?
  31. J

    My 'fish In' Cycle Log

    Great advice thanks waterdrop.. I was worried doing such large changes too frequesntly would make the bacteria breeding process quite difficult. I may have an oportunity to get some mature 'floss' from an experienced fresh water fish keeper so hopefully that will speed up the process and cause...
  32. J

    I Can Get Mature Filter Floss Now What?

    Should it go in between the 'blue bio sponges'? How will it affect my cycle.. Anything else I should know when using this technique?
  33. J

    I Can Get Mature Filter Floss Now What?

    How will it affect my cycle? Should I take out some of the current media to fit it in? My rio 240 has a few layers of media.. From the bottom up: 3 blue bio sponges, 1 green nitrate sponge, 1 piece of thin white cotton like media... Where would be the best place for the used floss?
  34. J

    I Can Get Mature Filter Floss Now What?

    Hi guys, I have found a fellow freshwater community tank owner who is willing to give me their used mature filter floss to aid with my cycle but im not sure what I need to do with it? I am currently 1 week into doing a 'fish in' cycle on a 64G planted tank.. How will this floss help me and...
  35. J

    My 'fish In' Cycle Log

    Todays Results: PH: 7.5 Nitrite: 1.0ppm Ammonia: 0ppm Didnt take a nitrate reading... I have a 60g tank should I do nother 30% water change?
  36. J

    My 'fish In' Cycle Log

    Is my tap water ok?
  37. J

    My 'fish In' Cycle Log

    Hi guys and might I say what a great forum you have here! Im doing a 64G planted freshwater tank.. Ive had the tank running for two weeks and I added 6 pearl danios three days ago for the cycle (they are loving their new home) Ive been checking the water daily and doing daily water changes, my...