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  1. R


    There may not be anything wrong but since I got the fish from The Discus Place and had so many problems from them, I get very concerned when I see something different. I have a 3.5" Snake Skin, (Have had it for over two months.) that has started swiming slightly on it's side and then goes to...
  2. R


    Has anyone ordered from the Somethingsphishy? I would like to know if they are a dependable breeder. I want to order more Discus but don't want the problems I had with The Discus Place. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated. Also if you know of a dependable breeder please let me...
  3. R

    Fish sickness. Need advice on what to do.

    Just had the same problem and Formalin with great success. Clears the fungus within three days. The melafix works well with Formalin. Good luck and by the way, I found it worked better with the lights off.
  4. R

    Discus Fish

    I did this for the first few days but it was to treat Velvet. It came in with the Discus. Does anyone know of a Discus Breeder in Georgia? Would like to find a good breeder near me.
  5. R

    Discus Fish

    Thanks for everyone's help and with Formalin and Melafix the fungas is clear but still have several sick fish. This was a shippment of nine Discus from The Discus Place and they were shipped improperly. On bag had two 4" discus with very little water and air, another bag had one large Discus...
  6. R


    It sounds like the same white fuzzy substance that is on my Discus. The Marine Biologists told me it was fast spreading and would stay in the tank. I was advised to treat with formalin every two days until if cleared from the Discus and then treat again in about a week for 6 days. This would...
  7. R

    Bacterial Infection?

    Go to and contact the Marine Biologists and give him all your water info and problems. These guys are very good and can help a lot. This is also a great place to buy fish products. I have a 180 gal Reef Tank, 150 Gal. & 55 Gal freshwater tank and they have helped...
  8. R

    Need advice

    Just went through the white fuzzy spots myself and finally contacted the Marine Biologists at That Fish Place. (A great place to buy fish and fish products.) They advised me to use Formalin for the Fungus and Melafix as a Antibacterial Remedy. They also told me that Primafix is a new all...
  9. R


    I talked with a Marine Biologists at That Fish Place and he confirmed it was a Fungus and should be treated with Formalin for the fungus and Melafix as a Antibacterial Remedy. I have been using Melafix for two days but started the Formalin this morning. It is now on four of the fish I...
  10. R

    Discus Fish

    What did you treat your fungus with?
  11. R


    What does this fungus look like? I recently purchased some Discus and one has a white fuzzy substance on the dorsal fin and on the side. Another one has the same on the bottom film. Is your fungus white and fuzzy? Almost looks like cotton. Thanks
  12. R

    Ich Prevention

    I am having some problems I have never had before but ICK is not it. I have had a reef tank and fresh water tank for many years and started using a UV Sterlizer and since then I have had no problems as it will sterlize your water and eliminate many problems. These new fish I got in are the...
  13. R

    Discus Fish

    Still having problems with the Discus I purchased from The Discus Place. One has a patch of white fuzzy substance growing on the dorsal fin and another on its side. It is growing very fast. A smaller one now has it on the lower fin. I started treatment for fin rot but unable to find anything...
  14. R


    I am new to Discus but have had Reef Tanks, and Freshwater Tanks for many years. I recently purchased a 2 1/2 inch Red Marlboro, Yellow Marlboro, Red Pigeon Blood and Red Golden Sunrise for The Discus Place. When they arrived they were all four yellow with a little black around the fins. The...
  15. R


    Four were approx. 4 to 4 1/2 inches, and the remainder were between 2 1/2 to 3 inches. They are all looking a lot better but still have a small amount of white film. Hope your friend has better luck with his and who did he purchase his from as I am building a new home and plan to have a 10...
  16. R


    The Discus book states the information seems to suggest that Velvet can survive in a non-parasitic state for some time, this is because of its ability to produce its own nourishment through photosynthesis. The book recommends the tank be in total darkness to prevent Velvet from nourishing...
  17. R


    This nitrate level was before I did the 40 Gal. RO water change. Thanks for your assistance and I will never purchase anything from The Discus Place again. They are the one's that recommended I buy 8. The discus I have purchased from the local Fish Store have done great and they have been one...
  18. R


    Recently purchased 8 Discus from The Discus Place and three days later one fish had a white film on it body and it died. Yesterday the remaining fish were covered with the same white film and I started treatment with Paragon II. As per The Discus book I covered the tank to block all light as...