Search results

  1. ltkettch17

    29 Gallon - Rescape And Update

    Yes, but mostly by accident. I knew the female was pregnant, but I never took the time to separate her so I figured the fry would not survive. Happily, two of them did! Years ago, I had an overflow of guppies being born - and I didn't want that to happen again. That's why I didn't separate...
  2. ltkettch17

    29 Gallon - Rescape And Update

    Hey all, it's been a while since I posted some pics of my tank (about a year). And there's been some changes so I hope you enjoy. Follow this link to my old thread to see what my tank used to look like. Here's a pic of the whole tank. I re-scaped with new silk plants, moved the plastic shelf...
  3. ltkettch17

    Penang Eruption Discus

    Dang, that's a lot of water changes. I assume you're not using a siphon and a bucket, so how do you do it? Beautiful fish, btw.
  4. ltkettch17

    Update On My 75G Planted Tank

    What is the black thing attached to the glass on the upper left? Oh yes, great tank btw. I love rainbows, but they are hard to come by.
  5. ltkettch17

    My swordtails have had some babies!

    My swordtails have had some babies!
  6. ltkettch17

    My 20l/5gal Planted Tank

    What's that thing on the suction cup?
  7. ltkettch17

    Feed Me: Live Foods, Grow Or Buy?

    What kind of setup does it take to grow the microworms (or any live food)? What are the start-up costs and requirements? How much maintenance is required? Thanks again!
  8. ltkettch17

    Feed Me: Live Foods, Grow Or Buy?

    Okay, what kind of live foods and how do you get them? thanks,
  9. ltkettch17

    Feed Me: Live Foods, Grow Or Buy?

    Hey all, Just wondering how many of you feed your fish live foods? I'm always reading that live foods are much better for the fish than flakes or pellets, but I never see live food for sale at the LFS (except for feeder fish). Does anyone here grow their own live foods? If so, can you...
  10. ltkettch17

    Congo Tetras, Any Tips?

    He charged me $15 for the males, $5 for the females.
  11. ltkettch17

    Congo Tetras, Any Tips?

    So 2 weeks ago, I'm at my LFS with my new wife, and we're looking at some fish. I came in there with the plan of (finally) getting some angel fish. However, I have 2 large gourami's and one is especially aggressive, so I would only buy the angels if they looked big enough to handle the stress...
  12. ltkettch17

    Rough Rescape Of My 55 Gallon Tank

    Like the new look. Are you doing anything special to anchor the wood? Or does it just sit there nicely? Where did you get the wood from? Looking forward to more pics with more light!
  13. ltkettch17

    How Much Do You Pay?

    Hey all, I've been long planning a new fish tank and I had been considering trying a Discus setup. However, I recently did an information gathering mission and visited a few LFS just to look at some prices. I was shocked to find that the going price for Discus was about $60-$70 (40-45 GBP)...
  14. ltkettch17

    Power Cut Advise

    Would it be safe to have your setup plugged into a battery backup or 'uninterrupted power supply'?
  15. ltkettch17

    Question On Sandstone

    Hey all, I'm thinking of doing some minor re-scaping of my tank. Basically I want to get rid of one of my fake decorations and replace it with some rocks. I'm no rock expert, and I've never used anything but pet-store gravel in an aquarium. I can't imagine the type of rock would have any...
  16. ltkettch17

    Water Change

    When you do a water change, should you always vacuum/siphon the gravel? I have an undergravel filter and I use small gravel for my substrate. Thanks all,
  17. ltkettch17

    New Lake Tanganikya Setup

    Awesome tank, I love the all rock look of Cichlid setups. What is the substrate and where did you get it? Do you use anything to keep the rocks stuck together? thanks for sharing :thumbs:
  18. ltkettch17

    29gal Community Tank

    All the decorations are fake. I believe this is only my second pleco, although it's the first to show aggression towards other fish. My first one was about twice the size, and very friendly. I used to feed him algae flakes that were about the size of dimes. He would come up to the top of...
  19. ltkettch17

    29gal Community Tank

    Hey all, I'm a relatively new member here and I got a digital camera for Christmas so I decided to share some pics of my tank. I've had this 29gal tank for quite some time; 4+ years. But I moved it into my condo from my parents house in May 2007, and it's been running in its current state...
  20. ltkettch17

    No Juwel In Us?

    I love all the pictures of members aquariums on this site. It seems that Juwel is a very popular (high-end) brand that's available in UK and Europe. Does anyone know why it's not available in the US? Or if it is, can you tell me where? Is there a comparable aquarium brand available in the...
  21. ltkettch17

    Journal/log/spreadsheet - How Do You Keep Track?

    Hey all, Just wondering what everybody uses to keep track of what happens in their setups. I started using an excel spreadsheet after I moved my tank last year. But I've only really been good about keeping track of things for the last six months or so. I'd love to share it, just to get...
  22. ltkettch17

    Plants And Undergravel Filters

    Hey all, I'm fairly new to the site and it seems like there's quite a few knowledgeable people here, so I'll ask a question that I haven't yet discovered the answer to. Can live plants thrive in a tank with an undergravel filter? I've been keeping fish for over 15 years, in nothing larger...
  23. ltkettch17

    Planted Rio 125 - New Filter Pix

    what are you using in the background, is that rocks or wood or something fake? it looks nice and gives the aquarium a realistic effect, and better than a poster-background.
  24. ltkettch17

    Digital Water Testers?

    Thanks for the replies, all. It's pretty much the same feeling I've been getting. I was just hoping that someone had found some miracle product that was well hidden on the web. It would really be nice just to have some kind of probe in the tank with a loose cord that you could plug into your...
  25. ltkettch17

    Digital Water Testers?

    Does anyone here know of/use a digital water tester to cover all the usual aquarium needs? (pH, ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, hardness, etc) If so, what brand/model? How do you like it? I don't know about anyone else, but I really don't like the standard 'vial and dropper' tests. I never feel...