29gal Community Tank


New Member
Oct 23, 2008
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Hey all,

I'm a relatively new member here and I got a digital camera for Christmas so I decided to share some pics of my tank.

I've had this 29gal tank for quite some time; 4+ years. But I moved it into my condo from my parents house in May 2007, and it's been running in its current state since then. I use an under-gravel filter with 2 power heads. There are no live plants, just fake plastic kinds. My next tank will have live plants, I just don't want to put in the money/effort for such a small tank - especially when I might be moving again.

Stock List

2 Gourami (Trichogaster trichopterus) 1 male, 1 female [390 days in tank]
5 Harlequin Rasbora (Rasbora heteromorpha) [327]
3 Neon Tetra [166]
1 Pineapple Swordtail (Xiphophorus helleri) male [160]
1 Common Pleco [611?]

I did have a female swordtail, but she jumped out of the smallest hole in the cover - where the heater wire goes. The male gourami is a real SOB and is definitely the jerk of the tank. It's probably too small of a tank for him so I'm afraid to add any more fish, even to replace the female sword. He's kinda calmed down a bit since I added the shelf decoration, but he still goes after the female like they were cats and dogs. Although the male gourami is not quite the king of the tank - everyone stays clear of the pleco. The pleco is the only remaining survivor of the move and the only one I do not have a good estimate of his age.

I had let the tank settle after the move for about 6 months. There were a lot of deaths after the move and I wanted to be sure that the fish that survived were plenty well adjusted before I started adding new ones. My first additions were 4 gouramis, 2 yellow, 2 blue. One of the blues never seemed very active and I was going to take him back to the LFS, but I'm pretty sure the pleco got him (he had quite a swollen blue stomach one morning). The yellow male then decided to lay down his territory and stressed out the other blue to no end. The LFS wouldn't take him back and I had no backup tanks to move him to. That's the last time I used that LFS. 2 months later I got the rasboras from another LFS, they were originally a group of 6. Then I waited a good long time before I got the neons and the swords - I wanted to make sure the rasboras from the new LFS were good. The neons again were a group of 6, and I bought a pair of swords hoping to see some babies. The swords never really got going together before the one jumped. The neons are the weirdest group of neons I've ever had. I usually go out of town every other weekend, so my fish miss their regular feeding. This has never been an issue in the past, but this group of neons will lose almost all their color - just over the weekend! 2 of them died early on, and a 3rd died about 2 months ago. It may have been neon tetra disease, they might have gotten eaten, I'm really not sure.

Any questions/comments, I'd love to hear them.

Here's the pics, enjoy!
Camera is a Canon A2000IS

Whole Tank

Male Gourami

Female Gourami





Tank Front



Tank Side

Shelf Close-up
I particularly like that centrepiece log in the first photo... is it arificial, or the real thing??
Beautiful tank! I love plecos shame my tank isn't big enough!
I particularly like that centrepiece log in the first photo... is it arificial, or the real thing??

All the decorations are fake.


I believe this is only my second pleco, although it's the first to show aggression towards other fish. My first one was about twice the size, and very friendly. I used to feed him algae flakes that were about the size of dimes. He would come up to the top of the tank, belly up, and let me put the flake right on his mouth. The current pleco is very skitish and likes to run and hide whenever I approach the tank. If the male gourami gets everyone too worked up, the pleco will take a nip at the closest fish.
U got some lovely fish in your tank. Looking gr8. I liked ur gouramis and the tetras. :D

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